Fengchuchu still can't believe that YAL will do this to her and Andy. Fengchuchu still has a glimmer of expectation in his heart, that is, Abby sat in it. Maybe Jack and YAL don't know.

But that's Yar's territory. Any wind and grass can't fill Yar.

"ChuChu, you should calm down first. Now you should also make a check to determine whether you have been poisoned. During this period, you and Andy live with me first. As long as you don't contact the chronic poison for the time being, you will be fine," Si Yeqing said.

"Andy can live here. I have to go back. If Uncle Yar does it, uncle Yar will be suspicious," Feng said clearly.


"No, but how to do the inspection? Do you need to do an inspection all over the body." Feng ChuChu asked. At this time, Feng ChuChu returned to her usual calm, but Si Yeqing knew that this was the appearance of Feng ChuChu's impatience.

Si Yeqing shook his head. "Just draw a tube of blood."

With that, Si Yeqing got up, went to the bedroom, took out a medical box and drew a tube of blood for Feng ChuChu.

Feng ChuChu exhaled deeply, "please do this first."

Si Yeqing kissed the downwind's head and said, "don't be so polite between us. Don't you really consider moving out to live with me?"

Feng ChuChu shook his head. "I won't leave uncle Yar if I don't find conclusive evidence to prove that uncle Yar poisoned me."

Si Yeqing sighed helplessly. He knew the wind's stubborn temper best.

After Feng ChuChu left, Si Yeqing personally drove the car and took Feng ChuChu's blood to a trusted hospital for testing.

Andy is sent to Si Yeqing's house by the wind. The reason is that grandma Si misses her grandson. Ya'er also knows about grandma Si's physical condition, so he doesn't ask much.

In the airport, Andy, with a small schoolbag on his back, tightly held Si Yeqing's hand and whispered, "is grandma sick?"

Si Yeqing touched Andy's small head and said, "no, it's your grandmother who misses you. Why don't you want to see her?"

Andy shook his head. "I miss grandma too, but I miss my mother more."

Since the kidnapping, Andy has rarely been with Feng ChuChu. After hearing this, Si Yeqing bent down and picked Andy up. "Dad promised that mom and dad would accompany Andy more in the future."

Andy nodded sadly.

Fengchuchu's legs had almost recovered. At night, she knocked on the door of Yar's study.

"Uncle Yar, my legs are almost ready. When can I go back to the company?" Feng asked clearly.

Yar's face was a flash of impatience, and his clear face sank.

"Since you want to go back so much, you can go back tomorrow. The position remains the same, or the original position," Yar said.

"Okay, uncle Yar"

YAL waved to Feng ChuChu, and Feng ChuChu went out. At this time, Daisy came in and took a cold look at Feng ChuChu.

The wind clearly ignored Daisy's eyes.

When she went to work the next day, Feng ChuChu sensitively felt that the company atmosphere was no longer painful. Everyone's face was very serious, as if there was something big. Even Kelly didn't have too many surprise expressions when she saw the wind ChuChu she hadn't seen for many days.

After fengchuchu returned to her office, Kelly sent fengchuchu a stack of materials, and then followed the trend to report the current operation of the company.

The more the wind heard, the deeper the frown. After Yar became the owner, he implemented a reform plan for the enterprise. Anyone who opposed his plan would be fired.

And all the middle and senior managers who used to go with Alan and Abby were fired.

The company's performance is in a straight decline, so the company's talents will be so serious.

When Kelly was about to leave, Feng ChuChu suddenly stopped Kelly and looked at whether there was anyone standing at the door. Then he whispered to Kelly, "how's the company now?"

Kelly looked at the door behind her, sighed and whispered, "it's very bad. After the chairman really leaves all the employees who go in with Alan and Abby, the company will basically fall down."

Kelly had a good relationship with other colleagues. During the lunch break, they were discussing the company's reform and layoffs. They said that if the chairman continued, they would resign first without waiting for the chairman to open.

Of course, most of them just say so. After all, not everyone in the Phoenix family can enter, but Yar's practice has aroused the dissatisfaction of the vast majority of employees.

Somehow, there is a feeling that YAL is paving the way for daisy. Allen and Abby have been transferred from the company by YAL for various reasons.

Now the only thing that can speak in the company is the wind.

After Kelly went out, Feng looked at the information in front of her and fell into confusion. What should she do if everything was like what Abby said?

After a period of time, Feng ChuChu found that her rights were overhead. All the documents she signed must be approved by Yar's secretary and Tom. If Feng ChuChu wants to transfer people, she must obtain the permission of relevant departments and submit a lot of materials.

This makes it difficult for fengchuchu's work. That day, he knocked on the door of Yar's office with the information.

At this time, ya'er was reading Daisy's revised documents. After hearing the clear voice, he just said a word coldly.

"Chairman, if this project is not approved, it will be robbed by the company next door," Feng said bluntly.

Ya'er frowned, looked at the wind and said, "aren't these all handed over to other executives?"

"But those people simply don't care about the project and the materials needed for the project. They are not prepared at all."

YAL frowned deeper. "Cora, this is not your business!"

"Uncle Yar can be used. This project is supervised and planned by me. I am confident that once this project is implemented, it will bring very considerable benefits to the company," Feng ChuChu said.

"The company is a collective, not your children. Although this project is good, have you thought about the risks? Well, go out."

In front of Feng ChuChu's eyes, this extremely cold Yar took a deep breath, "sorry, chairman, it's me. It's getting worse."

Fengchuchu dropped her hand on the ground, but fengchuchu didn't pick it up. She turned and left Yar's office.

After Feng ChuChu left, Daisy came forward, picked up the project plan Feng ChuChu had just taken, looked at it roughly and said, "it's a good project."

"So you have to speed up," Yar said coldly.

Daisy sneered and threw the project proposal into the dustbin.

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