Although Ruan Yufeng is almost 70 years old, the style of the room is not old at all. It is mainly pink and full of a strong Princess wind.

If Ruan Yufeng hadn't been lying here, Feng ChuChu would have thought it was a girl's bedroom.

Ruan Yufeng took Feng ChuChu's hand and said weakly, "ChuChu, I know all those things."

Feng looked at Ruan Yufeng with a clear and expressionless face. She really couldn't say anything to forgive.

Ruan Yufeng's eyes turned red. "It's all my fault. I'm too confused to find out these things earlier."

After a long time, Feng ChuChu choked and said, "it's none of your business."

Ruan Yufeng shook her head and smiled bitterly. "It's none of my business. If I found out earlier, Ziyu and Xiaoshu wouldn't live so hard, and ivy wouldn't die."

"Grandma Ruan, you'd better have a good rest. After a good rest, you can do other things," Feng said clearly.

Cheng Ziyu, on the other side, quickly echoed, "yes, grandma, you must take good care of your body."

"Clearly, can you promise grandma one thing," Ruan Yufeng said.

Feng looked at Ruan Yufeng in a clear and silent way. He intuitively felt that what Ruan Yufeng asked her to promise at this moment must not be a good thing.

Then Ruan Yufeng held Feng ChuChu's hand tightly and prayed, "clearly, grandma doesn't ask you to forgive Cheng Xie. When you want you to spare his life, he did all this for me. Grandma is willing to repay everything he committed with her own life."

Feng ChuChu's eyes turned red. She slowly took out her hand and said "sorry" indifferently

Ruan Yufeng's tears suddenly fell down. "Clearly, I know Cheng Xie can't be forgiven, but he did all this for me. If you really want revenge, you can take revenge from me. Please, spare him one life."

"Grandma Ruan, you know, my grandmother was killed by the explosion. She was so broken that she couldn't spell a intact body in the capital," Feng choked.

Ruan Yufeng gasped and looked at the wind clearly.

"How can I forgive you? How can I forgive you?" Feng asked plainly.


Cheng Ziyu couldn't say anything to forgive Cheng Xie, but he couldn't bear to look at Ruan Yufeng sad, so he said, "that's Locke..."

"Don't forget who pressed the bomb." Feng looked at Cheng Ziyu coldly. "Yes, you're trying to save me, but I don't need you to save me with my grandmother's life!"

Ruan Yufeng covered her chest and took a deep breath. "Clearly, it's our Cheng family who's sorry for you."

"It's not me you're sorry for, it's grandma." Feng ChuChu turned and walked out. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Cheng Xie standing at the door.

Feng ChuChu gave Cheng Xie a cold look and spared him.

Ruan Yufeng looked at the figure of the wind and couldn't speak for a long time. She waved to Cheng Ziyu and motioned him to close the door of the room.

After a long time, Cheng Ziyu took Marita's hand and went out. He just learned that he wanted to punch Cheng Xie about his mother, but he couldn't.

He hurriedly took Marita's hand and rushed to the hospital. Yan Jingya, who was in the hospital, lay in the hospital bed and sat in Cheng Tiancheng outside the ward.

Cheng Tiancheng has grown up very elegant. He is already in his fifties, but he looks like a man in his thirties. Because he lived under the doting of Ruan Yufeng and the control of Cheng Xie since childhood, Cheng Tiancheng is very cowardly and submissive.

Sometimes Cheng Ziyu thinks, why is this man his father.

"Ziyu, Marita, you're here." Cheng Tiancheng asked Cheng Ziyu tired.

Cheng Ziyu said coldly, and Cheng Tiancheng didn't care. He was used to his son's indifference to him when there was no one.

Cheng Ziyu looked at Yan Jingya lying inside with red eyes. His voice choked and said, "Cheng Tiancheng, have you ever regretted?"

Cheng Tiancheng asked suspiciously, "what have you regretted?"

Cheng Ziyu took a deep breath and tried to suppress his anger. Marita carefully hugged Cheng Ziyu. Marita outside has always been very quiet.

"Mom is lying here now. I don't know when she will wake up. You don't have any regrets. Cheng Tiancheng, don't you feel what mom has done to you these years?"

Cheng Tiancheng lowers his head silently. Cheng Ziyu hates Cheng Tiancheng at this time. No matter what happens, Cheng Tiancheng will only lower his head, as if everything didn't happen as long as he lowered his head.

"How could my mother fall in love with someone like you?" Cheng Ziyu said disgustingly.

Cheng Tiancheng didn't speak. Because he lowered his head, no one could see his expression. Cheng Ziyu compensated Yan Jingya in the hospital for a long time. Looking at Yan Jingya full of pipes, Cheng Ziyu felt very uncomfortable.

Yan Jingya broke the false world built by Cheng Xie for Ruan Yufeng in recent decades in a very extreme way. Of course, the price is also heavy.

When Cheng Ziyu returned, there was only Cheng Tiancheng outside the ward. He stood up, his eyes numbly across the glass, stroked Yan Jingya inside, and then kissed him gently on the glass, as if he were kissing Yan Jingya.

On the other side, the wind back to the company was clear, and Yar called him to the office.

"Why didn't you attend today's financial review? Do you know how important it is?" Yar asked expressionless.

"I have more important things to do," Feng ChuChu said.

Yar smiled angrily at Feng's clear answer. "What's more important, what can be more important than finance, and whether the position of general manager doesn't want to be done. Do you know that there are a lot of people behind you who want to be your position?"

The wind looked at ya'er in a clear silence. Daisy, who was sitting on the side, looked at them like a good play.

"You're not in good shape recently, and I must explain today's affairs to everyone. The position of general manager is temporarily given to others. You go home and have a rest first," Yar said with some fatigue.

"When can I come back?"

"When you have a good rest and when you really put the company and family first"

After hearing this, Feng ChuChu nodded, said a good word indifferently, and went out. YAL looked at Feng ChuChu's back in surprise. She didn't seem to expect that she should agree so easily.

"Even if you cut the cat's claws, it will grow back and scratch you. The only way to completely stop it from scratching you is to pull out its claws." Daisy said coldly, a mature word that did not accord with her age.

YAL looked at Daisy indifferently. "She's not a cat, she's your sister."

Daisy shrugged and continued to look at the document in her hand.

When she returned to the office, Feng ChuChu began to pack her things. Kelly quickly asked, "manager, what happened?"

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