Feng ChuChu seldom talks to ya'er again. Feng ChuChu doesn't even know the significance of staying in the manor, but she always has a glimmer of expectation for ya'er. What if things aren't what she thinks?

It was a week later that Si Yeqing knew that Feng ChuChu was fired again. The night engine on the phone asks about the clear situation of the wind.

Feng ChuChu smiled and said he was fine. Si Yeqing was not at ease, but she couldn't get her to London immediately.

But soon, Si Yeqing and Feng found out that it had something to do with Aibu. Daisy was used by Alan and sol to assassinate Yar.

But Abby guessed that Daisy would not succeed so easily, so he told Daisy that YAL and Feng clearly killed her Jason's father.

Daisy needs to take her revenge slowly. Daisy, who was in a state of rage at that time, didn't doubt the truth of Abby's words.

When everything came out, Feng ChuChu called Yar home directly and had a showdown with Yar in Yar's study.

"Cora, Daisy is still young," said Yar

"What's uncle YAL going to do?" Feng asked clearly. Daisy framed her again and again. In fact, Daisy also wrote when Andy was kidnapped, because Daisy called and asked Andy to go out.

"Clear, you go back to China," Yar said, looking at Feng's clear eyes.

Feng ChuChu smiled pale. "Uncle Yar, in fact, you already know, right? You already know Andy is going to be kidnapped. You already know that there is a chronic poison in Andy's food and I. you already know that Daisy and Locke want to kill me. The reason why you suddenly call me back to the company is just to cooperate with Daisy's plan."

YAL nodded silently. He knew it for a long time, but he never stopped Daisy's behavior except when Daisy asked Locke to kill the wind.

Feng ChuChu took a deep breath. "Why, the owner's position was mine. I gave up. I did what you asked me to do. I've never choked with daisy. Why should I do this? Why should I kill everything? Andy is still so young. How can she bear to do it?"

"Don't blame her. I didn't educate her well." at this time, Yar was like an old father who broke his heart for his daughter, but he was particularly dramatic in Feng ChuChu's eyes.

"Uncle Yar, no matter how much evidence I have in my hand to prove that you did those things, I don't want to believe that you saved me from suffering and gave me a second life, but the truth is even crueler than I thought," Feng ChuChu choked.

YAL sighed. "Daisy always reminds me of Anne. I have lost Anne because of my negligence. I can't lose Daisy anymore."

The wind nodded numbly, "so you chose to sacrifice me, then why did you save me at last?"

YAL opened his mouth and didn't say anything at last.

"Uncle YAL, what are you going to do with Daisy next?"

"I believe that as long as I treat her sincerely, she will always realize my good and reform. After all, I am her father," Yar said.

"Uncle Nayar, thank you for your care during this period of time. Please take good care in the future." when Feng ChuChu turned around, Feng ChuChu's tears suddenly flowed down. Suddenly she stopped. "There is a small box of sugar man in the refrigerator. Andy blew it to Daisy as a birthday present."

With that, Feng ChuChu left. She went back to her room and took away her and Andy's certificates. Maybe the family didn't belong to her and Andy at the moment Daisy came in, or maybe it never belonged to her.

The wind ChuChu walked out of the manor. The manor was on a half mountain. The wind ChuChu walked down the mountain. Fortunately, the wind ChuChu wore flat shoes, otherwise the wind ChuChu's feet would be blistered.

After going down the mountain, Feng ChuChu looked back and looked at the manor on the mountain, where she had lived for nearly seven years. From then on, it had nothing to do with her.

Thinking that Feng ChuChu turned around, he found that he was not far away. He didn't know when to stop a black phantom. When the window rolled down, a middle-aged man in a suit with a national face was exposed.

Feng knows this man clearly. He is a confidant of Fei bu.

The middle-aged man with a national face got out of the car, respectfully saluted Feng ChuChu, and then politely asked Feng ChuChu to get on the car.

"Master feibu, please come over," said Guozi face.

Although the wind was confused, he got on the car and drove to an open space in the suburbs, where there was a helicopter.

The national character face made an invitation gesture to Feng ChuChu again. At this time, Feng ChuChu sat on the co pilot. At this time, she took a helicopter for the first time.

With the huge roar, the clear view of the wind changed, the plane lifted up, and everything on the ground became small, like dust.

Feng ChuChu looks at everything around him curiously. There are countless buttons in front of him. Feng ChuChu is a person who dare not touch. The driver should be about the same age as Feng ChuChu. Although he is not very handsome, he likes to keep a straight face as Si Yeqing.

Before getting on the plane, Feng ChuChu sent a text message to Si Yeqing, so that Si Yeqing didn't have to worry about her.

I don't know how long the plane has been driving. It's getting dark. Looking down from the helicopter, it's like looking up from the land at ordinary times.

The street lamps on the road constitute the stars in the night, a beauty created by human beings. The wind is clear, and the sadness in my heart is diluted.

I don't know how long later, the plane flew over an ocean and landed on an island. There was a small villa on the island, which should be a non cloth place to live.

After getting off the plane, someone pulled the wind into the villa. The decoration of the villa was very European, but there was peace everywhere.

Fei Bu, sitting in a wheelchair, is on the balcony on the second floor, looking at the scenery outside the window. At night, the sea is playing only its music.

Feng ChuChu slowly walked to Fei Bu's side, but Fei Bu lowered his head as if he were asleep. After seeing Feng ChuChu, he opened his muddy eyes.

"Ivy, you're here," Fei Bu whispered.

"Grandpa, I'm Cora," Feng said softly, as if afraid of disturbing.

Fei Bu looked at the wind carefully, sighed and said, "Cora, you're here."

Feng ChuChu nodded, held Fei Bu's old hand like bark, and said softly, "Grandpa, how are you recently?"

Feibu smiled weakly. "Very good, Cora. How about you?"

Feng ChuChu also smiled, "I'm fine, too."

Feibu painfully touched fengchui's head. "In fact, I know it's the contract you signed with the Watson family. I also know that it's your company that operates best, but you gave up."

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