Mrs. Li smiled and nodded. "Yes, miss, the room originally prepared for you by the old woman leaked just now. There is no way to live. You can only be wronged to share a room with the young master."

"Is there any other room? I won't choose" Feng asked clearly.

"I'm sorry, miss, it's gone," said sister-in-law Li, pretending to be sorry.

"Let me sleep with Andy." as soon as the clear voice of the wind fell, he was beaten and picked up by Si Yeqing.

"Hey, what are you doing? Put me down!" the wind shouted.

Si Yeqing took Feng ChuChu into the house, then turned his foot on the door and put Feng ChuChu on the bed.

"You... What are you doing?" Feng asked nervously.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you. You sleep here and I sleep here," Si Yeqing said.

Grandma Si prepared a quilt for Feng ChuChu, so they don't have to cover one quilt.

The wind was clear and his ears were red. "What, I'll go to bed first."

Said that Feng ChuChu got into the quilt like an ostrich. Si Yeqing helplessly looked at Feng ChuChu. Was he so scary? He spent some effort to pull Feng ChuChu out of the quilt.

"Do you want to suffocate yourself inside?" Si Yeqing said.

The wind blushed and said, "don't worry."

"Do you sleep like this without washing or bathing?"

"Make do with the night today," Feng ChuChu said as if he had made a major decision. Si Yeqing's face turned black again. He pulled Feng ChuChu up. "Go wash quickly. Andy is more obedient than you."

The wind clearly sticks his neck and says, "the one who washes is in the suitcase. Let's talk about it tomorrow."

Si Yeqing smiled angrily at the rascal's appearance. "There's something grandma prepared for you in the bathroom. Go quickly!"

After hearing this, Feng ChuChu pouted like Andy and walked to the bathroom reluctantly. Sure enough, the things prepared in the bathroom were very complete, basically everything, and they were brand-new. The bathtub was also filled with bath water and sprinkled with petals.

After making the plane for so long, the wind was clear. In fact, she had long wanted to take a good bath. She tried the water temperature. Just right, she looked at the Si Yeqing outside her eyes and said loudly, "don't come in and peek."

Lying in bed, Si Yeqing lowered his head and continued to look at the information in his hand. Feng ChuChu shouted again. Si Yeqing reluctantly replied that he knew.

Feng ChuChu washed at ease, then took off his clothes and went into the bathtub. The mild hot water in the bathtub made Feng ChuChu relax.

Unconsciously, the wind fell asleep in the bathtub.

Si Yeqing, who hadn't heard the sound of the wind for a long time, called twice. The wind was clear, but he didn't respond. He clattered in his heart. Did the wind faint in the bathroom.

Si Yeqing quickly put down his mobile phone and strode to the bathroom. Then he saw the wind sleeping in the bathroom, and there was a suspicious transparent trace on the corner of his mouth.

Si Yeqing reluctantly stepped forward and wiped the water. It's already cold. If you soak like this again, you will catch a cold.

The wind kept beating like the water on Si Yeqing's face. Si Yeqing couldn't help blocking his face.

"ChuChu, listen to me..."

"I won't listen, I won't listen, you stinky hooligan, get out of here!"


"I don't listen, I don't listen..."

Si Yeqing

Feng ChuChu didn't realize what he was doing. He just wanted Si Yeqing to leave here. Suddenly, the back of Feng ChuChu's head was pressed and a wet soft object slipped in his mouth.

Feng ChuChu's body softened and her range of action was much smaller. She stared at the enlarged face in front of her eyes.

After a long time, Si Yeqing released the wind. He looked at the wind and said with a smile, "can you listen to me now?"

The wind nodded dully.

Si Yeqing touched his windy little head and said, "good, now put on your pajamas and come out. By the way, your pajamas are put on the shelf next to the washstand, you know?"

Feng ChuChu nodded dully, and Si Yeqing walked out with satisfaction. Feng ChuChu realized what she had done. She patted the water in the bathtub angrily. Finally, she came out helpless, wiped the water droplets on her body and put on the pajamas that Si Yeqing said.

The pajamas are pink. After the wind came out, I found that they are the same as siyeqing. However, it's too late to go in and change clothes.

The wind came to Si Yeqing angrily, looked down at Si Yeqing and said, "didn't you promise me not to go in and peek?"

Si Yeqing said innocently, "I called you. You fell asleep and didn't hear it. I thought something had happened to you."

"You broke your word"

"Well, I didn't believe what I said, but now you're finished washing. It's my turn," said Si Yeqing. He got up and went to the bathroom. The wind felt that his fist was like hitting cotton.

She lay in bed discouraged, and then curled herself up into a pupa with a quilt. Listening to the bath sound from the bathroom, the wind was clear, but she was a little nervous, and her ears slowly turned red.

I don't know how long it took, Si Yeqing finally came out of the bathroom. The sound of slippers rubbing against the store fell on the windy heart bit by bit.

With his back to his body, Feng ChuChu lifted his quilt up, and then closed his eyes. It looked like I was asleep. Unexpectedly, her red ears had betrayed her.

Then Feng ChuChu felt that the bed on his side was sunken. Feng ChuChu was more nervous. She knew she would be tougher and would not stay here.

The smell of Si Yeqing's unique bath milk came from the tip of his nose. It was faint and very good.

"Did you sleep?" Si Yeqing suddenly leaned over in Feng ChuChu's ear and said. Feng ChuChu closed his eyes and pretended to know nothing.

Si Yeqing's breath was evenly sprayed on Feng ChuChu's ears. It was itchy. Feng ChuChu wanted to scratch it, but he didn't dare.

Then the fourth master got closer and closer. Feng ChuChu felt a pressure, and the smell of Si Yeqing sprayed on Feng ChuChu's nose.

Feng ChuChu became more and more nervous. Just when she felt that Feng ChuChu was going to kiss her, Feng ChuChu pushed away the night engine, then quickly sat up and gasped, "what are you doing?"

Si Yeqing's mouth was filled with a successful smile, "toothpaste marks on your mouth, I want to help you wipe them off."

Feng ChuChu hurriedly touched the corner of his mouth, and there was really toothpaste print "that... You don't have to be so close?"

"Didn't you sleep? Why did you suddenly wake up?"

"I... I..."

Suddenly, Si Yeqing sat beside Feng ChuChu, looked at Feng ChuChu's eyes and asked, "don't you sleep at all?"

The wind leaned over his head "just... No, I'm asleep"

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