Husband's lovely wife

125 Special place

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"We noticed this place is special." said Sugar while looking around it.

As a doctor and a researcher Sugar was very sensitive to peculiar smells. He was able to make out the smell of blood or human body or even the smell of disinfecting agents very well even from far away. Since the time he had landed on this island or mountainous area, his nose had been continuously bombarded with such smells which are basically found in research laboratory or at a hospital. But as far as he would be able to see he was not sure where it would be. Most important was the reason for such a thing to be in a far away place, where there no people or nothing special.

"Tell us more about it" demanded Smoke while looking at the cloth.

"Let us go to a safe place and speak" suggested Fire thinking that someone would pop up again and they would be caught.

"Not needed, they will only come on this place once every three days, they have already left, now they will come three days later" said Zhi Xin with dejected voice.

After hearing from Zhi Xin that now no one would pop up everyone instantly relaxed and even Red came towards them and chile got some time to observe the place while he was able to hear the conversation through his ear device.

"Many a times soldiers go on missions, sometimes the missions are dangerous while sometimes they are easy. In some missions many of them have to sacrifice themselves while sometimes they all are purposefully sacrificed." added Zhi Xin

"Purposefully Sacrificed???" repeated Fire and Smoke unable to understand the reason behind using the word purposefully. Though Sugar and Red were equally shocked and curious for the explanation of the words used they were far more calm than other two. Probably their heightened reaction was because of their roots belonging to the military.

Zhi Xin nodded while looking at the bloodied piece of cloth and continued "After some time we noticed that even when our missions were successful, we had to lose some soldiers.

At first everyone thought it was a normal occurrence, but when it started to happen every-time many authorities were concerned. It became a sensation specially because we had lost our elite soldiers as well which was impossible as they were the one who were able to carry out a mission single handedly. More concerning than the fact about soldiers missing was the fact that the whole team would not be able to point out the exact time or position where they were lost."


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