In the afternoon,

Qing Shan had a meeting to attend to with international clients due to which he had to leave and Zhi Ruo happily let him do so.

It was around mid afternoon that Zhi Ruo finished the final draft of her thesis and just sent a message to the professor and her senior so that she can hand it to them for further review.

Keeping the thesis into her bag she just opened her laptop to check on some designs and trending patterns for her study room just when her cell phone rang.

"Hello.." It was a call from Qing Shan

On the other side Secretary Han was wondering about why would Qing Shan asked him to get all the papers related to his house security and also told him to compile them in the most simplest form possible and send it to him.

Since morning Secretary Han was trying to read the file of more than a 100 pages and converting it into a two page file wrote in the most simplest form.

Not that Qing Shan never checked the security arrangements, but he was capable enough to understand the technical terms and would never ask the simplified version.

Once a company while trying to get the contract for the security of Qing's group, gave an unauthorised simplified file mentioning the algorithms and ways used to track and trace the security breach and strenthen them.

*SIGH* Today that company is nowhere to be seen. Not that they were wrong, but how can they, in front of several other companies try saying that Qing Shan does not understand the official words and meanings. Huh.... they wwre also not wrong, afterall who can think a 18 yer old boy will not only be a master in management but also was knowledgeable enough to understand the in and out's of security.....

Just as secretary Han completed compiling the information and sent it to Qing Shan he called Zhi Ruo to inform her about the email.

He had to make sure that his wife knows about his seriousness for her words. Or else...just thinking about Zhi ruo acting to catch the unknown intruder made him shudder....

After listening that the email with security information was sent to her, Zhi Ruo quickly started reading them.

'Hmmmmmm, So this paper says that this is the most highly authenticated and unbreachable security. The cameras cannot be hacked, if tried the hacker can be surely traced, No mirage can be created, if tried it will be automatically dissolved. ' thought Zhi Ruo..

Tapping her chin with index finger Zhi ruo spoke

"I like challenges...

My husband is pretty Young, so he won't get a heart attack for sure...

And isn't it a duty of the wife to burn a hole in their husband's pocket. "

Speaking out this words, Zhi Ruo opened a software which made her laoptop screen to go black for a few seconds and then a beautiful scene appeared with icon's that no one might have ever seen.

Quickly running her fingers through the keyboard she accessed the Computer Qing Shan was working on and typed a message which said "Watch out for your security"

Thebn exiting the computer, she entered the system that monitored and controlled all the cameras of the Qing Mansion and their house.....

Trying to pause the recording, she kept on typing the keys with the speed of the wind...

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