386【Have a big fight】

With one enemy and two, Allan brazenly confronted the Golden Wolf with the famous sword, and actually blocked the combined blow of Mino Rhino and Mino Zebra.

“Go away!”

Allan’s arm muscles bulged in an instant and shook them out with a sudden force.

Immediately afterwards, Allan held the handle of the knife with both hands and slashed it out suddenly.

In an instant, the dazzling golden light burst out from the blade, extremely dazzling.


With an unparalleled aura, the golden blade light instantly knocked the two major jailer beasts, Mino rhinoceros and Mino zebra, out of tens of meters away, and left visible wounds on their bodies.

On the other side, Feng Kelei and Mr.3 had already taken the opportunity to release the pirates of the fourth layer one after another.

Those soldiers couldn’t stop the two at all, because most of the main jailers were deployed to deal with Allan, and almost all of them were defeated by Allan, so Feng Kelei and Mr.3 were able to smooth the fourth floor of the sea. The thief was rescued, and it was all the credit of Allan.

There are not many pirates on the fourth floor, less than a hundred people, but each of them was once a well-known big pirate in the sea. The bounty is basically around 50 million, and there are many people with devil fruit ability.

After they were released from the cell by von Kelei and Mr.3, they suddenly returned to the forest like tigers trapped in a cage, revealing their original ferocious features.

“Haha, I finally came out. I’m going to beat those navies so badly, otherwise it’s hard to get rid of my bad breath.

“Yes, I’m going to kill Magellan.”

“There are also little Satie, Midorno, Jailer Beast, those bastard cadres all have to teach them a lesson.”

The released fourth-tier pirates all clamored for revenge for the high-level cadres who pushed the city.

They were detained on this fourth floor. Some have been held for ten years and some have been short for several months. It can be said that they have endured great torture, so they hate the navy advancing the city very much.

Therefore, the first time I escaped, it was natural to find them to settle the accounts.

In a corridor on the fourth floor, a tall man wearing an Egyptian pharaoh-style headdress shouted angrily to his men: “Damn it, who released the pirates on the fourth floor?”

This tall man is Hannibal, the deputy warden of Advance City.

Hannibal’s appearance is like his name, with a face like a Prajna, wearing a headdress of the Egyptian Pharaoh’s style, and his belly puffing up like an evil spirit.


After learning that the pirates on the fourth floor had escaped, Hannibal was immediately anxious, because the prisoners on the fourth floor were all murderous criminals with a bounty of tens of millions, and they were not comparable to ordinary pirates. .


Therefore, facing these pirates who escaped, Hannibal was angrily and anxious, wishing to give birth to a pair of wings on his back to catch all the pirates back and lock them up again.

However, it is not a simple matter to catch these ferocious pirates. It is not only risky, but also very laborious.

Therefore, Hannibal had to come to Magellan’s office.

In Magellan’s office, only the chief guard Domino was present, but Magellan was not seen.

“Master Hannibal? Why are you here?” Domino was a little surprised when he saw Hannibal angrily.

Hannibal said angrily: “Where is the director? I have something to report.

“Uh, the director is inconvenient now. He is having diarrhea.” Domino replied with some helplessness.

Hearing that, Hannibal was also speechless for a while: “Did that guy eat his stomach again? It’s really unbearable.

“That, Lord Hannibal, what is going on?” Domino asked 0…

Hannibal said: “The pirates detained on the fourth floor have all escaped, and they are making a big fuss now.

“Ah, even the pirates on the fourth floor escaped. What’s wrong?” Domino looked worried, because the pirates on the fourth floor were all very dangerous criminals.

“By the way, where did Little Satie go?” Hannibal asked.

“Little Satie took the jailer beasts to find the mysterious man.” Domino replied.

“Mystery man?”

“Well, it’s the guy who appeared from the second floor of the beast hell and the pirate Mr3. The reason for the riots on the second and third floors seems to be related to that person. According to the footage recorded by the surveillance video, he seems to be already Come to the fourth floor.

Hearing this, Hannibal frowned and said, “So, the reason why the pirates on the fourth floor escaped was because that guy was making ghosts.

Domino nodded: “Well, it must be related to that mysterious person.

“Know who he muttered?” Hannibal asked.

Domino shook his head: “I don’t know for the time being, because he is not a prisoner here, and even how he got in is not known. 5.4

Hannibal was surprised: “So mysterious? Could that guy show up in Advance City out of thin air?”

Domino said: “The only thing that is certain is that the mysterious man is very strong. Many jailers and cadres have been knocked down. You must catch him quickly.

Hannibal thought for a while and said, “Since Little Satie has led the jailer beast to find the man, then I will take people to suppress the rioting pirates. If Magellan comes out after having a diarrhea, tell him to hurry up. Come and help.”

“I see, you go first.” Domino replied.

Ever since, Hannibal brought a large group of naval soldiers to suppress the pirates in the fourth riot.

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