
Soon after, Allan successfully reunited with Feng Kelei and Mr3.

In addition, there is one more person.

This man is tall, with light hair, and a strong muscle under his dark complexion. There is a big “sound” pierced in front of him, showing a full sense of strength.

Allan’s eyes lit up, and at a glance he recognized that this bald man was the strongest cadre under Klockdal, Mr.1 Daz Bowness.

Although he was wearing a prison uniform, he still couldn’t hide his cold killer temperament.

Mr.1 has also eaten Devil Fruit, and is a superhuman person with the ability to cut fruits.

Its fruit ability is very lethal. He can freely turn any part of his body into a blade, such as hands or feet, which can be turned into sharp blades.

At the same time, he can also make his skin as hard as steel, which is comparable to the domineering armed color.

Mr.1 was born in Xihai, originally a small well-known bounty Hunter, nicknamed the killer.

After that, he went to assassinate Klockdal, but unfortunately was defeated by 963 opponents.

Krokdal took a fancy to Mr.1’s strength and his ruthless killer temperament, so he didn’t kill him, but made Mr.1 his subordinate.

The defeated Mr.1 was subdued by Krokdal’s powerful strength, so he joined the Baroque work agency, and Mr.1 was his title.

A few months ago, after he and Krokdal were defeated by the Straw Hats in Alabastan, they were imprisoned together in the Great Undersea Prison, and held in the fourth floor of the city’s scorching hell.

Now, with the help of Mr.2 von Kelei and Mr.3, Mr.1 was successfully rescued.

Although he looked a little weak because he was tortured in the fourth floor for a long time, he was still murderous and deserved to be the number one killer of the Baroque Job Club.

After a brief conversation, Allan can be regarded as getting acquainted with Mr.1 Daz Bonis.

Mr.1 Daz Bowness said in a deep voice: “President Krokdal is imprisoned in the sixth infinite hell, I am going to save him.”

Allan said, “Well, I have this intention. Let’s go to the sixth floor together.”

Mr.1 Daze Bowness said: “Although I don’t know why you want to save us, but I thank you on behalf of President Krokdal.”

Allan said, “I just think it’s a pity for people like you to be imprisoned here, so I will help me by the way. Moreover, it is not easy to escape from Pushing City, so the more manpower it has. The better. As Qiwuhai, Klockdal has the better chance of escape if he helps.”

Mr.1 Daze Bowness said: “Then it should not be too late, let’s go down. To go to the sixth floor, you must first enter the fifth floor. I know where the stairs leading to the fifth floor are. Come with me. Bar.


Allan nodded, and went to the fifth floor with Mr.1, Mr.2 Feng Kelei and Mr.3.

On the other side, advance to the medical room on the fourth floor of the city.

Hannibal, whose arm was cut off by Allan, is being treated urgently.

“Damn it, that bastard Allan, I won’t let him go, actually holding his hand…Wow, it hurts, Doctor Linuo, did you have an anesthesia injection?”

Hannibal, lying on the hospital bed, was receiving (affe) the doctor’s surgical treatment, while gritting his teeth and cursing, obviously he was very unwilling to accomplish this miserable situation.

Oops, “Master Hannibal, you should just relax a little bit. If you move around, you won’t be able to pick up your broken hand.” The doctor vomited.

Hearing this, Hannibal closed his mouth immediately, after all, it was the treatment that was important now.

At the same time, he was also fortunate. Fortunately, after his hand was cut off, he was immediately brought to the medical room by his subordinates for rescue, otherwise he would not want to take it back.

A few minutes later, Director Magellan, who had had a diarrhea, led his subordinate Domino upon hearing the news and came to see Hannibal who was undergoing surgery.

“Hey, what’s going on, Hannibal, it’s really bad.” Magellan said sympathetically in the medical room.

Hannibal said uncomfortably, “Magellan, in fact, your heart’s joy has blossomed.”

Magellan shook his head and said, “No, I’m not the kind of gloating person.”

Hannibal said, “It’s all to blame for your guy’s constant diarrhea. He is obviously the first person in charge of advancing the city. He doesn’t suppress the pirates, but stays lazy and eats in the office every day.”

Facing Hannibal’s accusation, Magellan said, “Well, didn’t I come here? Then, who hurt you like this? Your strength is not weak, which guy did it? Tell me, I will avenge you.”

Hannibal said, “That’s the mysterious man, he is called Allan.

Magellan thought for a while and said, “I have never heard this person’s name, so it just came out recently.”

Hannibal said: “He should be on the fourth floor now, Magellan, please go get him up quickly, he is an absolutely dangerous guy, you’d better not underestimate him.”

“Well, I know, I’ll go find that guy now.”

After that, Magellan left the medical room.

“Domino, is there any news about Sati?” Magellan asked his subordinates after walking out of the medical room.

Domino shook his head and said, “Sati’s jailer beast has been defeated, but Sati doesn’t know where he went.”

“Well, forget it, now the most important thing is to catch the guy named Allan.” Magellan said with a serious face.

“Director, you are finally going to make a move.” Domino expected.

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