394 (Krokdal Shots)

Advancing to the sixth floor of the city, at this time Allan, Krokdal, Sea Xia Jinping, Mrl, Mr2, Mr3 and a group of six people are looking for an exit from the infinite hell on this floor.

However, all normal passages that can leave the sixth floor are blocked.

“What to do, we are completely trapped here now.” Mr3 became a little anxious and worried. They are now in a dangerous situation.

Klockdal said: “We can only take the opportunity to escape when the soldiers come in and arrest us.

“Indeed, that is the only way to leave at the moment.” Haixia Jinping also agreed with Klockdal’s statement.

However, at this moment Allan said:

“No, this is always the place of the navy. We can’t just sit here and wait for them to come in and get out. No one knows if there will be other tricky guys besides Magellan, just in case. If even the admiral comes over, the possibility of us wanting to escape from this advance city is even lower.”

Hearing that, Klockdal and Haixia Jinping both frowned, which is indeed a problem.

Magellan alone is no less powerful than an admiral.

If there is another 963 general from the navy headquarters, it will be even more difficult for them.

“Then what should I do now?” Mr3 asked.

“In this case, we can only find another way.”

Hearing this, everyone turned their eyes to Allan.

“How can you take a different path? The two passages leaving the sixth floor are blocked by iron fences made of Hailoushi, which can’t be opened by normal methods. And there is bound to be a large number of navies gathered outside. It is also risky to rush out.”

Allan pointed to the ceiling, and said, “The sixth floor is the lowest level of Push City. The first floor above is the fifth floor. Let’s go to the fifth floor through the ceiling.”

“You mean, break the ceiling?” Haixia said very flatly in surprise.

Allan nodded: “This is the best way.”

Mr1 said: “The thickness of this ceiling must be very thick, and the degree of hardness should not be less than that of steel. It is not a simple matter to open it. Unless you have the ability to cut steel, it is impossible to do it.”

“Let me try first, anyway,” Allan said.

Everyone had no opinion, and they all looked at Allan, wanting to see if he could break the ceiling of the sixth floor.

Allan squeezed the famous sword Golden Wolf with both hands, took a deep breath, and slashed upward with a full blow.

Suddenly, the bright golden light turned into a flying chopper and slammed to the ceiling above.

With a “boom”, a big hole suddenly appeared in the ceiling.

“It’s amazing, it really broke.” Mrl and others were a little surprised.

Rao Krokdal and Sea Xia Jinping both had an admiration for Allan. Before Allan took the shot, they did underestimate his strength.

At this moment, Allan broke the ceiling with a full blow, opening up another way for them, and they had to re-examine Allan’s strength.

Let’s “go up.” Allan said.

The ground is too high from the ceiling, at least thirty meters, it’s not easy to get up. “Mr2 frowned.

Mr3 said: “I have a way, I will make a ladder.”

In the next second, Mr3 activated his devil fruit ability to create a candle ladder leading to the ceiling.

Everyone’s eyes brightened, and they didn’t expect Mr3’s fruit ability to be quite practical at this time.

Afterwards, Allan and a group of six people used the candle ladder to pass through the hole in the ceiling and reached the fifth floor of extremely cold hell.

On the other side, the navy advancing the city quickly discovered that Allan and others, trapped in the sixth infinite hell, had passed through the holes in the ceiling and entered the fifth cold hell.

And, from the mouths of other pirates on the sixth floor, they also learned that Krokodall and Haixia Jinping had been rescued.

Magellan immediately mobilized all his troops to the fifth floor, vowing to catch Allan and them.

And Allan and others who came to the fifth floor have already begun to prepare for the fourth floor.

Their idea is very simple, that is to go up layer by layer, as long as they get to the first floor of Push City, they will have a way to leave this big prison.

On the way, they met some jailers and navy soldiers who came to suppress them, but they were all easily resolved, and they couldn’t stop them from leaving.

As for the other pirates on the fifth floor, they are nowhere to be seen.

Allan and others did not try to enter the fourth floor by breaking the ceiling this time, but went straight up the stairs.

When they came to the top of the stairs through the stairs, they were blocked by a door.

Allan was about to take a shot, but Krokdal said, “Leave it to me.”

I saw Krokdal put his right hand against the door. Then the door turned into dead wood at a speed visible to the naked eye, and all the moisture inside was absorbed, and then the decayed door was broken with a sound.

Everyone was bright, and Allan said, “This is Krokdal’s fruiting ability, it’s really amazing.

As far as Allan knows, Krokdal is a natural sand fruit capable person who can turn his body into sand, and he can also manipulate sand.

At the same time, he can also absorb the moisture of all objects through sand, whether it is people or vegetation, and all things with moisture, he can absorb it.

If it is in the desert, then Krokdal is invincible.

And even if it is not in the desert, with the ability of natural elementalization and the ability to manipulate sand, he is also a very tricky existence.

When they broke the door of the stairway to enter the fourth floor, they saw hundreds of naval soldiers in the corridor holding guns aimed at the transparency.

Obviously, these soldiers had received notices and orders in advance, and knew that Allan would come to the fourth floor, so they waited for them in this corridor in advance.

Therefore, when Allan and others showed up, they immediately opened fire without hesitation.

Bang bang bang!!

For a time, a large number of bullets attacked Allan and the others. The scene was a rain of bullets and it was very thrilling.

Standing at the forefront was Krokdal. His body was hit at once, and dozens of holes appeared.

However, no blood came out.

As a person with natural fruit ability, he is directly immune to these physical attacks.

Therefore, even if it was hit by a bullet, it was unscathed.

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