410 Go to Chambord Islands]

On the island, the fighting is still going on.

In this duel, Allan’s main combat forces were Mr.1 Dazbonis and Mr.2 von Krei and Mr.3 Galdino.

In addition, it was the two hundred men led by Bucky who fought against the navy.

Allan, Haixia Jinping and Krokdal are all standing on the high ground, watching the development of the situation, and have not taken any action yet.

On the one hand, because the scale of the current battle has not expanded, Bucky and Dazbonis have enough to deal with it.

Another point is that they have to save their energy to deal with the four headquarters-lieutenants who have not yet shot.

At this moment, the four lieutenants of the headquarters who had not taken a shot finally joined the battlefield.

As soon as they shot, they suppressed Bucky and the others, defeating Bucky’s little brothers.

Bucky was naturally very angry watching his little brother being knocked down.

“Ghost cut!

The Lieutenant General of the Navy Headquarters Ghost Spider slashed at Bucky, splitting Bucky in half.

However, what shocked the ghost spider was that Bucky’s split body quickly closed back.

“This guy…” The ghost spider frowned.

With his insight, it was natural to see Bucky as a demon fruit capable person at a glance, otherwise he would have died with the cut just now.

“Yes, this uncle is a person with the ability to eat the fruit torn apart.” Bucky laughed. He has the ability to split his body, so he is not afraid even if he is cut.

In other words, Bucky is not afraid of attacks like slashing.

However, although he is not afraid of slashing, Bucky will feel pain.

Therefore, it is best to be able to avoid nature, and Bucky can only endure it if he can’t.

Bucky has a variety of attack methods, mainly manipulating separated arms, and then launching a surprise attack on the target.

However, with Bakki’s strength, it is already very difficult to deal with a head lieutenant general.

Not far away, Allan, who was in the audience, saw that Dubucky was in a hard fight.

Klockdal sneered: “That guy is quite fierce, and he actually deals with four lieutenants alone.”

Jinping looked at Allan and said, “Let’s take a shot, and if you call Bucky again, I may not be able to hold on.”

“Yeah.” Allan nodded.

Klockdal said: “You go, I’ll save my energy first, you are enough to cope with it.

Soon, Allan followed Jinping to Bucky’s side.

“Wow, you finally came.” Bucky was overjoyed.


Allan slashed directly, and the golden sword aura suddenly blasted towards the Vice Admiral Ghost Spider.

The ghost spider is not an ordinary human being. He has eight arms. He is also a swordsman practicing swordsmanship, so he holds eight swords in his hand.

Seeing that Allan’s sword aura was so powerful, the ghost spider did not dare to underestimate it. He swung eight swords and chopped out, only to be able to block Allan’s sword aura.

“So strong!

The ghost spider stared at Allan solemnly. As a swordsman, he was shocked by Allan’s sword spirit.

“Jiaowa Zhengquan!”

On the other side, Jinping also made a decisive move.

I saw him blast out with a palm, and the powerful shock wave directly shook off Vice Admiral Streiles.

In fact, these lieutenants of the navy headquarters are not weak. In addition to being good at swordsmanship, they are also good at domineering and physical skills, and their overall strength is already quite strong.

It’s a pity that they are facing top players like Allan and Haixia Jinping.

Two or three minutes later, Allan defeated Ghost Spider and Maynard respectively.

0…seeking flowers…

Sea Xia Jinping and Bucky also teamed up to defeat two lieutenants, Rakoval and Streiles.

So far, the four lieutenants of the navy headquarters have been defeated.

And the navy soldiers they brought were basically taken away by Dazbonis, von Krei and Galdino.

Therefore, in this battle, Allan and the others won an overwhelming victory.

Afterwards, Allan and the others left the island without staying too much.

This time, instead of aboard a warship, they boarded Bucky’s Pirate Ship.

As a result, it will not be so easy for the Navy to find them.

On the deck, Allan, Krokdal, Haixia Jinping and Bucky were sitting together, discussing the next action plan while eating.

After some discussion, they decided to go to the Chambord Islands.

The Chambordian Islands are located on the great sea route, which is the only way to the new world.

There gathered many pirates, illegal merchants and bounty Hunters.

After half a day of sailing, they finally arrived at the destination Chambord Islands.

Because this place is close to the navy headquarters, there is also a naval station on the island.

However, under normal circumstances, those navies will not arrest the pirates who come to this island, because there are many interests involved here, and there are noble shelters, and it is also the place where the Tianlong people like to visit.

In a sense, this island is rotten.

Allan and the others chose to come here, because the Navy would not easily take action here.

Bucky’s pirate boat docked at one of the piers, and then they divided into three groups of men and horses.

Allan and Shinpei were in a group, Krokdahl and von Klei were in a group, and Bucky was in a group with his little brothers. wide,

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