
“That guy actually has a sword skill that doesn’t lose to Hawkeye?”

After hearing Huang Yuan’s narration, the Warring States Period looked surprised.

This means that Allan’s swordsmanship can be comparable to Hawkeye Mihawk, the world’s largest swordsman.

Such a powerful person, it is no wonder that the yellow ape would be injured.

“Yellow Ape, what are you going to do now?” Kapu, who was eating senbei, asked aside.

Huang Yuan said solemnly: “When my injury is cured, I will go to him again. I underestimated him before, so I was chopped by him. Next time, I won’t make the same mistake again. ”

Warring States and Karp glanced at each other, and they realized that Huang Yuan was serious this time. He showed that “Nine-Eighty Zero” was so worried about the defeat and even felt ashamed, so he had to fight Allan again. , A shame before snowfall.

However, as a navy, especially as a general, it is absolutely undesirable to act in a spirited manner.

The Warring States Period said in a deep voice: “Allan is already our wanted object. I will ask others to deal with the arrest of him. You can stay here and heal your wounds. You must remember your identity. You are an admiral of the admiral. , Don’t be arrogant.”

Huang Yuan nodded, expressing his understanding, and then asked:

“Then, who is the marshal going to send? Sakaski? Or the green pheasant?”

Warring States replied: “We have to discuss this with them before making a decision.”

Karp also said: “Huang Yuan, don’t worry about that much, wait until you get better.”

Subsequently, the Warring States and Karp left the infirmary.

Soon after, they held a high-level meeting, and the content of the discussion was naturally how to deal with Allan and others.

This time, there were six targets they wanted to capture.

They are Allan, Krokdal, Sea Xia Jinping, as well as Dazbonis, von Clay and Galdino.

Among them, Allan’s bounty was raised from 300 million jinni for the first time to 500 million jinni.

Klockdal and Haixia Jinping, the two Qiwuhai who have been removed from their names, have bounties raised to 320 million and 350 million respectively.

Chambord Islands, area 72, tourist street, inside a pub.

Krokodall sat at the bar, looking at the latest reward announcement issued by the Navy, with an unhappy expression on his face.

“Why is Jinping’s bounty higher than mine?”

I saw on the reward announcement that Jinping’s reward was 350 million jinni, while his offer was slightly lower, which was 320 million jinni.

In addition, the bounty of Mr1. ​​Dazbonis is 240 million, the bounty of Mr2. von Klei is 200 million, and the bounty of Mr. Galdino is 150 million jin.

However, the most eye-catching thing is Allan’s bounty, which is a full 500 million ringgits.

Mr2. von Krei frowned and said: “Has the navy discovered that we are on this island?”

Klockdal said solemnly: “That’s right, I’m suffocating fire, if they dare to come, I will kill them.”

Everyone knows that Krokodall has always dismissed the Navy, and the bounty offering angered him even more.

If the navy really came to arrest him, he would definitely kill him mercilessly.

On the other side, after a fight with Huang Yuan, Allan also returned to Xia Qi’s tavern smoothly.

“Are you okay?” Xia Qi asked with concern when Allan came back.

Allan smiled and said, “I’m not alive and kicking.”

Xia breathed a sigh of relief: “It’s fine if you are fine.”

“Brother Allan, what happened? You were discovered by the navy?” Jinping, who was sitting on the side, asked 0…

Allan nodded, “Well, not only was I found out, but I also had a fight with them.

Afterwards, Allan briefly talked to Jinping about the fight with Huang Yuan.

After Jinping finished listening, he looked surprised, and it took a long time before he said:

“You actually fought Huang Yuan, and you managed to beat him away? Are you sure you are joking? That is the highest combat power of the Navy.”

Seeing Jinping’s unbelievable expression, Allan shrugged and said, “Why did I lie to you? Huang Yuan was really injured and ran away. It is estimated that he is currently in the Navy Headquarters for treatment. Will he not come to trouble me again for a while. .However, I’m not sure if other navies will come.

“No wonder your bounty has risen again.” Jinping said.

“Oh really?”

“Look at it.

With that said, Jinpei sent a reward notice to Allan.

After taking a look, Allan immediately said with joy: “Hey, I didn’t expect me to be offered a reward of 500 million jimmies. The Navy Headquarters really can count on me.”

Jinping asked solemnly 5.4. Allan”, what are you going to do now? They will definitely not stop there.

Allan stared coldly and said, “What else? Of course the soldiers came to cover the water and soil. If the navy dared to provoke me, I would not be polite to them.”

Jinping worried: “The Navy has a large number of people, and there are countless masters, and our side can be regarded as a combat power is only a few people. If we confront them head-on, we may not be able to get any benefits.”

“So what do you suggest?” Allan asked.

“In my opinion, first go to rendezvous with Krokdal, and then make plans.” Jin Ping said.

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