423【Cass Lineup】

Yanshu, Huoshaoshan, and Bastiaou three lieutenants of the navy headquarters, each led a team at this moment, and surrounded Allan and Jinping.

In fact, in addition to these three lieutenants, there were also five masters at the colonel level.

Plus five hundred grassroots soldiers.

This lineup can be regarded as a very luxurious cast lineup.

From this point, it is enough to see how much the Navy Headquarters attaches great importance to Allan and Jinping.

They seemed to be determined to arrest Allan and the others, so they sent troops of this size to deal with them.

“This is really worthy of us.” Allan said.

“Zhenping, I didn’t expect you to fall into such a position. It really disappoints us.” Lieutenant General Huo Shaoshan said.

When Jinping or Qiwuhai was not removed from his name, he had the name of a seaman and was very loyal, so he was deeply respected.

Only now that Jinping has been delisted and is already on the opposite side of the navy, then they have to become a written enemy.

Lieutenant General Yanshu swept his gaze across Jinpinghe Allan’s body, and said, “I’ll be ordered to arrest you all. You have no way to escape. Let’s catch it with your hands!”

Hearing that, Allan smiled coldly, pulled out the Golden Wolf Sabre on his waist, and said: “Don’t move, you are already surrounded by the two of us.

Everyone was stunned, what are they joking?

Bastiyou snorted coldly: “What a arrogant guy, two people, who dare to say that they have surrounded hundreds of us, there must be a limit to joking!”

Even Jinping himself looked at Allan differently, and said with a wry smile: “Brother Allan, you dare to say that~.

Allan smiled and said, “Hey, this is not a joke. Although they have a lot more numbers than us, they only have the combat power that they can really get, right?”

“That’s true.”

Jinping also agreed with Allan’s words. In his opinion, apart from letting Rat, Huoshaoshan, and Bastiyou three lieutenant generals at the scene, the others really shouldn’t be afraid.

But after all, they win because of the large number of people. It is also a trouble for Allan and Jinping. If they fight, they will definitely consume their strength.

Allan didn’t care about this, because this little force was not enough to make him feel tricky.

But Shiping, he was injured in the battle with the gunners before. Although it was not very serious, it also affected him and caused his combat effectiveness to drop a lot.

At this moment, facing the siege of three lieutenant generals, several naval colonels and hundreds of naval soldiers, it is definitely a huge trouble for him.

Fortunately, he has the powerful fighting power of Allan.

In this case, you can be sure of breaking out.

In the next second, the battle is about to start!


Allan slashed out, and in an instant a golden sword wave swept out, like a wave of waves, knocking away dozens of naval soldiers who had rushed up first.

On the other side, Jinping also used his special skill “Jiaowa fisted and fisted a group of navy soldiers.

In this first wave, the two can be said to have won a big victory.

However, the navy soon launched a second wave of attacks.

This time, two masters at the colonel level and an assault team composed of fifty navy soldiers are responsible for leading the team.

Bang bang bang!

The assault squad composed of fifty soldiers possessed fierce firepower, and it was very peaceful to use firepower to suppress Allan.

The surrounding ground was bombarded with pits one after another, and thick smoke billowed.

Allan and Jinping faced the guns and shells, while evading, they also fired back.

“One sword flow, Crescent Moon Slash!”

I saw Allan rushed out of the thick fog, and the golden wolf in his hand slammed forward, instantly forming a crescent-shaped chopping wave, which was extremely powerful.


This sword immediately knocked out a lot of soldiers.

“Jinpei, are you okay?”

Allan didn’t take advantage of the situation to attack, but came to Jinping’s side.

Because he was injured before, his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

Jinping waved his hand and said, “I’m fine, brother Allan, don’t worry about me, just break out.”

Jinping didn’t want to drag Allan down, so he said this.

Allan smiled and said, “Hey, I will take you out together, I won’t leave you behind.”

“Brother Allan, if we can escape, let’s worship the handle.” Jinping said, he was very grateful for Allan’s loyalty, so he wanted to be a brother with him.

“Okay!” Allan agreed readily.

Being able to become brothers with Haixia Jinping is not a treatment that everyone can get.

At this time, a voice came: “Zhenping, dare you to fight me one-on-one?”

I saw ahead, a navy colonel wearing a navy justice coat approached him.

The navy colonel was called Goode, he was a militant, and he wanted to fight Jinping a long time ago.

Although Jinping was injured, he was not afraid of the challenge (of Nuoqian). He immediately raised his palm and said, “Okay, come on, Colonel Goode.”

Colonel Goode turned his head and said to his opponents: “You are not allowed to shoot.”

Lieutenant General Feeding Mouse said: “Goode, this is not for you to duel. Our task now is to capture Jinhei and Allan. If you want to duel, wait until later.”

“Warm Rat, let Goode fight with Jinping,” said Jiang Huoshaoshan on the side.

“Well, I agree too.” Lieutenant General Bastille said.

“That’s okay.” Sao Mouse didn’t have much to say, so he could only agree to faint.

As a result, these three lieutenants all retreated to the side with a group of subordinates, leaving a venue for Jinping and Goode to duel.

And Allan, who was standing next to Jinping, stepped aside when he saw this, without interfering.

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