429 [add white beard intention)

New World, Rock Island.

Since leaving the end of shampoo Islands, Allan will be flat and even came to this island as a temporary base gas will temporarily rest.

The island has a small town, fairly prosperous.

Tavern in the town, Allan is very flat and leisurely drink and chat.

Now, they have been married heterosexual brothers.

Dedication and have difficulty with when!

Allan flat even older than some of it is brother.

Allan younger more, compared with younger brother.

Two came to this island, there are already seventy-eight days time.

During this time, very flat injury has also been fully restored.

They originally thought there would be naval chase, but waiting a few days, it was found that the Navy has stopped the hunt for them, which makes them a bit surprised at the same time, it touches relieved.

Allan “Buddy, what are you going next?” Asked very flat.

Allan shook his head and said: “I thought about being good to go, I do not know my brother very flat there any plans?”

“Well, I intend to seek refuge with the white beard.” After thinking for a few seconds after the very flat says.

Allan said the slightly different moment: “Could it be that white beard legendary 980 four imperial white beard Newgate??”

Very flat nodded: “ah, it was him!”

Allan some doubts as to the strength of very flat, in fact, simply do not need to add other pirates.

Although the four imperial white beard, but also very flat once a 7 fierce sea, that is how Weiminghehe figure.

Once the addition of white Huzi Hai Pirates, it means that he came off second best man.

Think of this, Allan could not help but wonder asked: “?? Jinbei brother, why do you want to seek refuge with a white beard to your identity and strength, they can set up their own a team now.”

Very flat wry smile and said: “Naturally, I am old, do not want to go bother laborious set up their own pirates, so only this decision.

Added white beard group, it can be subjected to his shelter.

Even the Navy, will be given one-third of face.

Furthermore, white beard is the greatest hero of indomitable spirit, I have great admiration for him. ”

“So!” Allan flat even understand the idea, also expressed understanding.

Allan “Buddy, why do not you go join with me it’s white beard.”

Heard, Allan is hesitated.

In fact, compared to adding white Huzi Hai Pirates, he did aspire to be like Hawkeye, do a maverick, not to join any forces or organization.

To one man, to be somebody in this world.

However, it intends to refuse the invitation very flat, even returning to the selection system on the line in Allan.

“Ding! Please choose.”

[1, to accept the invitation very flat, and he joined with its white beard. Bonus: Uchi Houbara template. ”

[2. She declined the invitation of Zhiping and refused to join the banner of Baibeard. Reward: One Superman fruit.

[3. Be a lone ranger and don’t join any forces. Reward: a famous knife. )

Faced with the options listed in the system, Allan was moved.

After thinking for a few seconds, he decisively chose the first option.

After all, the reward of Uchiha Madara’s template is still very attractive to him.

Thinking of this, Allan said immediately: “Brother Jinping, I will join the White Beard Pirates with you.”

He was overjoyed, and said excitedly: “It’s great. If the Whitebeard Pirates group has brother Allan join, it will definitely be even more powerful and become the strongest force in the four imperial groups.”

“Brother Jinping, I heard that White Beard seems to be the strongest in the world, right? Isn’t his pirate group the strongest?”

Facing Allan’s doubts, Jinping sighed and said:

“Whitebeard does have the title of “the world’s strongest man”. In this sea, he is the most affeeful person besides Roger, the Pirate King.

However, White Beard is now old, and the injuries he left after fighting with others when he was young make him now need to rely on drugs to survive, and his body is no longer at its peak state back then.

Although his pirate group is strong, it is at a disadvantage compared to the Pigumum pirate group and Kaido pirate group, which are also one of the four emperors.

In the final analysis, this is all because the white beard is now old and suffering from a medical condition, which has led to a decline in strength and influence.

The young generation of pirates, after knowing this, most of them chose to join the other three Four Emperor Groups, and few strong ones would choose to join the Whitebeard Pirates again.

Because they all know that the White Beard Pirate Group is not as strong as the other Four Emperor Groups.

Hearing Jinping’s explanation, Allan understood the reason, and he couldn’t help but sigh with emotion:

“It seems that even the strongest human beings cannot withstand the erosion of the years, and will eventually fall to the throne one day.

After all, White Beard is just the overlord of the old era. In this new era, I am afraid that he has no place for him anymore.

Brother Jinping, we chose to join the White Beard Pirates. Could it be a wrong choice?

“Brother Allan, although the white beard is no longer the prestige of the year, but its strength is still not to be trivialized.

As long as he is there, the White Beard Pirates Group is still one of the strongest Pirate Groups in this sea.

Furthermore, after Baibeard abdicates, with the strength of Old Brother Allan, he may be able to take over his position. ”

Hearing this, Allan said in a different way: “What? Take over the position of White Beard?”

Quite flatly nodded and said: “Yes, brother Allan, I invite you to join the White Beard Pirates. The purpose is to let you lead the White Beard Pirates and return the White Beard Pirates to their former peak throne. I believe. , If Baibeard sees your strength, he will definitely entrust you with this important task.”

“Brother Jinping, you value me too much.” Allan couldn’t help but smile. Although he knew he was strong, he would be a bit high on him if he wanted him to lead a group of four emperors.

After all, Allan himself never thought he had that kind of leadership.

Although he doesn’t know the size of the White Beard Pirates, there are still thousands of people.

If he leads such a large team, he is definitely worthy of him.

Jinping smiled and said, “Brother Allan, you are too humble. You are still young and have great potential in the future. In time, you will definitely be able to surpass Baibeard.

Allan shrugged. He didn’t deny Transcending White Beard.

With his current strength, he can already compete with the generals. It is really not difficult to surpass the old white beard.

However, Allan’s goal is not here, he has never bothered to surpass anyone.

He wants to transcend, but also to transcend himself as his goal.

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