432【Obtain Uchiha spot template)

On the boat, Allan competed with Joz for strength, and it continued.

The subordinates of the white beard all had expressions of disbelief.

They never imagined that Allan could easily block Joz with a knife in his hand, and he was as powerful as Joz.

Even those captain-level figures, such as the first team Marco, the fifth team foil Bista, and the 16th team Yizang, can hardly conceal the look of surprise.

Even the white beard had a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Allan’s power really surprised them.

At the scene, the only person with a calm expression was Shi Ping.

Because Jinping had seen Allan’s power, he knew his strength.

“Although Diamond Joz is strong, Brother Allan will never lose to him.”

Hearing Jinping’s affirmative tone, Izang on the side couldn’t help asking, “Could it be that you think Allan is better than Joz?”

“Yes.” Zhiping nodded.

He has always been a person who likes to speak the truth, in his opinion, Allan is indeed better than Joz.

Izang murmured and couldn’t believe it: “Joz is the most powerful person in our Whitebeard Pirates except Dad. I can hardly imagine anyone who can compete with Joz in strength, or even surpass him.”

No wonder “Dare to say that arrogant thing in front of the old man, it seems that guy is a bit capable in 05.” Team Captain Marco commented.

“The sword in his hand is a famous sword at first glance. It can block Joz’s diamond collision without being armed and domineering. His power is really strong, and I am afraid he is also a first-class swordsman.

Foil Bista, the captain of the fifth division, analyzed.

At this moment, the competition between Allan and Joz came to fruition.

Allan used the golden wolf with the famous knife in his hand to slash out with a sharp knife, pushing Joz back half a step.

Although it was only half a step, everyone on the scene knew that this meant that Joz not only failed to suppress Allan in strength, but lost to the opponent.

“I lost.” Joz said frustratedly, and he was a little hit.

When competing with Allan for strength, as a person, he clearly felt the power of Allan.

“It seems that you do have arrogant capital.” Joz said, he was convinced by Allan’s strength.

Allan smiled. In fact, Joz’s strength is also very strong, and he deserves to be the captain of Whitebeard’s third division.

At this time, the white beard uttered a voice, and he only heard him laugh: “Hey, hey, it looks like you have brought an incredible guy. At a young age, he already has more power than Joz. It’s an eye-opener.”

Jinping said: “This time, I brought my brother Allan here because I wanted to join your pirate group.

“Goo la la la, if this is the case, there is no problem, you can join.

With Baibeard’s approval, both Jinping and Allan showed delighted expressions.

“Then, after drinking this bowl of wine, you are my companions with the white beard.”

I saw Bai Xiu personally poured two bowls of wine, one to Jinping and the other to Allan.

Jinping and Allan looked at each other, and the two lifted up a bowl that was big enough for a washbasin and drank directly.

“Gul la la la, good drink!” Baibeard smiled.

So far, Allan and Jinping have successfully joined the White Beard Pirates.

At the same time, Allan also heard the system’s reward prompt:

“Ding! You have successfully joined the White Beard Pirates and obtained the Uchiha spot template. The reward has been distributed to the warehouse. Please collect it yourself.”

Allan clicked on the system warehouse and saw Uchiha Madara’s template as expected.

As long as the template of Uchiha Madara is unlocked, Allan can have all his powers.

However, Allan didn’t rush to use it. With so many people here, he didn’t want to attract too much attention.

At this time, a man with pineapple hair stood up.

Needless to say, Allan recognized that the pineapple-headed man was Marko from the first team.

Marco said, “Jinpei, Allan, since you have joined us, we will be companions from now on. Also, you have to honor Captain Whitebeard as daddy in the future. This is my habit. If you don’t accept it, That means you don’t really want to join us.”

Jinping said, “It’s okay.

Allan shrugged and said, “I’m fine. I think it’s an old man.”

White Beard said: “Anyone who joins my group, I will regard him as my son, and I will try my best to protect them.”

Jinhei and Allan nodded. They are just white beards who are indomitable and affectionate.

It is also an honor to be able to join his pirate group.

White Beard smiled and said, “Hey, let’s let Marco introduce you the situation of our White Beard Pirates and the captains of the 16th Division.”

Jinping and Allan are naturally listening, in fact, they have known about the White Beard Pirates for a long time.

After Marco’s introduction, they had a clearer understanding of the White Beard Pirates.

However, in Marco’s introduction, the position of captain of the fourth division is currently vacant.

“It is said that Saatchi, the captain of the fourth division, was killed by Blackbeard Titch. Is this true?”

In the face of the doubts raised by Jinping, Marco did not hide:

That’s right. “This is indeed true, and it happened not long ago. Blackbeard attacked Saatchi in order to secretly fruit, and committed the only taboo on this ship, the crime of killing his companions.

“Presumably, Blackbeard has defected now, right?” Allan said.

Having committed such a serious crime, it is impossible for Blackbeard to still be on board.

“Yeah, that guy has already escaped every day. However, even though he escaped, we will definitely catch him and make him pay the price.” Marco said with a gloomy face and coldly.

He has a good relationship with Saatchi, the captain of the fourth division, so he hates Blackbeard, the man who killed his companions.

Allan said, “So, the man who is now in charge of hunting down Blackbeard, is it the captain of the second division Huoquan Ace?”

Marco nodded: “Yes. Because Blackbeard Titch was originally from the second division, and Ace, as the captain, took up this responsibility and went to hunt Titch on his own.

Hearing this, Allan said solemnly: “Since Blackbeard Titch can kill the fourth division captain Saatchi, he is a powerful and ruthless character. Only let Ace go alone. Don’t you worry?”

Marco said: “Of course we are worried, but Ace insists on bringing Tic back to 980 alone, and we can’t intervene.”

Allan said: “Although Fire Fist Ace is powerful, Blackbeard Titch is obviously a sinister and ruthless character. You really lack consideration for letting him chase him alone.

Marco said: “What you said makes sense, we are also planning to send people to support Ace.”

At this time, Jinping said:

“I’m very worried about Brother Ace, why not do this, let me support Brother Ace, what do you think?”

“Jinping, are you very familiar with Ace?” Marco asked puzzledly.

Shen Ping nodded: “Well, I had a fight with Ace before. He is a very good and potential genius. I admire him very much. If he loses to Blackbeard, it will be dangerous, so I will help. he.”

“Well, I’ll trouble you.” Marco believed in Jinping’s strength and trusted his character, so he readily agreed.

“So, I went with very flat Exelon support it.” Allan thought for a moment, out of channels.

He just joined the White Huzi Hai Pirates, in fact, want to show it.

Marco look to the white beard, white beard, nodded and said: “No problem, you just go together very flat, Exelon can get help if the two of you, I believe you can grab Krstic guy.

Immediately prior to departure, Marco come up with a phone worm:

“This worm can be contacted by telephone to Aspen, you can call him that time, but he would not be willing to tell you the location, it is not good to say.

Subsequently, Marco also provides a boat for two.

So far, Allan, and even level will be set out.

Their task is to support fire fist Ice, arresting black beard Krstic.

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