435[Love at First Sight]

Dense black spots appeared in the air. Upon closer inspection, those black spots were the shells fired from the gun barrel of the battleship.

On the deck of the boat, Allan gave a cold snort, jumped up, his body surged, and he strode forward with his knife.

“One sword flow, black rope tornado!”

In time, the tornado storm formed by the black sword aura engulfed all the shells that came over.


The sound of bursts came from the storm of the tornado.

After solving the shells, Allan cast his eyes on the huge battleship a hundred meters away, and said coldly:

“You did it first, so I’m not welcome.

Upon seeing this, Jinping asked, “Allan, what are you going to do?”

Allan said in a deep voice: “And the way is still in the body, since they bombed our ship with artillery shells, then I will split their warship apart!”

Nodded very flatly: “It’s good, otherwise our boat will continue to be shelled by them.

On the battleship, Tina frowned slightly.

The soldier reported:

“Colonel, our shells can’t hit that ship at all!”

“In that case, 980 asked me to sink the ship personally and move the ship over.

Under Tina’s order, the battleship began to approach Allan and their boat.

On the boat, Jinping said, “That warship is coming towards us.”

Allan sneered, this was just right, because he had planned to split the warship apart, and since the other party took the initiative to send it to the door, it was just catering to his wishes.

Because, the closer the distance, the stronger the power of the slash.

As long as the opponent is close, Allan is confident that he will slash the huge battleship apart.

“One sword flow, red meteor!

When the huge battleship was only 30 meters away from the boat, Allan was seen pulling out the demon sword red change, and then stepped forward with a sword in the posture of drawing a sword.

Suddenly, a red slash burst out of the air.

This slash, like a red meteor, swept across the air at an extremely fast speed, towards the huge battleship.

On the battleship, Tina’s face suddenly changed: “No, everyone, run away!

(affe) As soon as her voice fell, the red slash had hit the huge battleship and split it apart.

The huge battleship that was split in half suddenly sank half of it into the sea.

Some of the soldiers fell into the sea, and some clung to the ship’s hull fiercely, looking frightened.

“Jinpei, move the boat over!” Allan said in the boat.

Zhiping nodded, and drove the boat towards the huge warship that had been smashed.

Seeing the struggling navy soldiers falling into the sea, Allan said with an indifferent expression: “This is all on your own account. If you don’t attack me, then your ship won’t be sunk by me.”

At this moment, only a red-haired woman came to Allan’s boat, and it was Tina.

“Are you?” Allan’s eyes lit up.

Wearing a navy justice shawl, this woman has long rose red hair and a heroic face.

Allan was immediately attracted by his heroism.

“I’m Colonel Tina. Tina said coldly.

“You look pretty, do you have a boyfriend?” Allan asked straightforwardly.

“What did you say?”

Tina didn’t expect Allan to ask such a question, and thought she had heard it wrong.

“I ask if you are single?”

“So what?” Tina frowned slightly.

Allan smiled and said, “It’s just fine, because I like you.”

“Fancy Tinana me?” Tina was taken aback, then gritted her teeth and said angrily: “What a joke, I am the navy, you are a pirate, how could Tina be with someone like you.”

“That’s not the case for you, the person I’m fond of is mine.” Allan said very aggressively.

“Damn it, looking for death!”

Tina was irritated by Allan’s words, her right arm turned into a sharp spear, and Allan stabbed towards it.

She is a superhuman character with the ability of the threshold fruit, and her body can freely transform the target of steel attack.

When Allan saw this, his figure dodged, avoiding the attack.

Tina chased her and attacked Allan again and again.

Allan didn’t fight back, because he was already interested in Yunna, so he didn’t want to hurt this woman who made his heart beat.

Tina saw Allan dodge all her attacks, turning her hands into iron railings, and attacked Allan.

This move can trap the enemy in the iron fence.

Allan was careless, caught by the iron railing, trapped in it.

“Huh, now, you can’t escape, right.” Yunna said happily, because she finally caught Allan. Now, she has done a great job.

“A mere iron fence can’t hold me down.”

The next second, Allan split her iron railing with the knife in his hand.

“What?” Tina’s complexion changed suddenly, and he didn’t expect Allan’s swordsmanship to be so strong.

The figure flashed, and Allan appeared in front of Nina.

Before Tina could react, she was hit in the back of the neck. She instantly lost consciousness and fainted.

Jinping came over and asked, “Allan, what are you going to do?”

“I like her, so I want to keep her by my side.” Allan said his thoughts.

Jinping said in a different way: “I really didn’t expect a person like you to fall in love with a girl so quickly, and this girl is also a colonel in the Navy Headquarters.”

Allan smiled and said, “The feelings are coming, and I can’t stop them. I just fell in love with her at first sight. I think this is love at first sight.”

“But, have you ever thought that this girl won’t like you?” Jinping raised his doubts.

“It’s okay, as long as you stay with her and get along slowly, I think she will change her optimistic view of me.”

Seeing Allan insisted on keeping Tina by his side, Jinping couldn’t say much, so he could only agree.

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