438(Marin Vandor)

Malin Vandor is located in the New World, where the navy headquarters are located.

In addition to the large number of naval stations on the island, there are also prosperous towns.

Most of the people living in the town are the navy’s family members, as well as some distinguished nobles and merchants.

At this moment, people living in this town are being arranged by the navy to leave the island.

They were arranged on a huge warship and then temporarily transferred to the nearby Chambord Islands.

One day later, in addition to the navy, the entire Malin Vatican, the remaining family members and nobles, as well as the merchants, were moved away.

The whole town was empty, as silent as a dead city.

The navy were all summoned to Marin Vandor Square, where the firefist Ace was executed.

This time the Navy announced the public execution of Huoquan Ace, so more than 05 surveillance phone bugs were set up in the square to broadcast the execution screen of the Marin Vatican Square.

At the same time, the navy has set up a huge screen on the Chambord Islands, through which people outside can see the situation of Marin Vandor Square. .

With only one day left before the execution of Firefist Ace, the Chambord Islands has gathered news media and reporters from all over the world, as well as some pirates and bounty Hunters who came to see the excitement. The screen is watching the situation in Marin Vatican Square in real time.

In addition to them, there are many people who have not been able to come to Chambord Islands are also paying attention to this execution.

Those in the media and reporters will broadcast what they see to all parts of the world in real time through newspapers and telephone bugs, so that people all over the world can know the situation in Marin Vatican Square for the first time.

After the naval headquarters announced through a newspaper that they would execute the Firefist Ace publicly in Marin Vandor Square, the whole world was shocked.

Fire Fist Ace, named Portcas D. Ace, became famous when he was young.

Because of the ability to burn fruits, the whole body can be turned into flames. Known as the Fire Fist Ace, the famous skill is to turn the fist into a flame-like fist to destroy the target with one blow. It has strong strength.

The navy once invited Ace to serve as Qiwuhai, but Ace refused.

Fire Fist Ace not only later joined the White Beard Pirates, and became the captain of the second team.

Its bounty has reached the level of 500 million.

There is no doubt that the news that Firefist Ace was arrested and will be executed is absolutely shocking.

But this time the reason for the attention of the whole world is not only because of the high bounty of Huoquan Ace, but also because of the White Beard Pirates behind him.

As long as it is mixed on the sea, no one does not know the White Beard Pirates.

As one of the four emperors team, the White Beard Pirates Group is known as the strongest Pirate Group because of its legendary characters like White Beard. There is almost no objection to this point.

Whitebeard is the pirate closest to One Piece after Roger’s death, and is known as the strongest man in the world.

With the ability to shake fruits of the Superman system, he was evaluated by the Warring States Marshal of the Navy Headquarters as “a terrible monster with the ability to destroy the world!”

As the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Huoquan Ace is deeply trusted and valued by Whitebeard.

Right now, Ace was arrested and was about to be executed.

How could White Beard sit on the sidelines?

At this moment, the whole world is discussing whether White Beard will actually lead his naval regiment to the navy headquarters to rescue the firefist Ace.

People in the East China Sea, the North Sea, the South China Sea, the West China Sea, and various sea areas are all talking about it.

Some people firmly believe that Baibeard will go, because Baibeard is a man of love and righteousness, he can never sit back and ignore the Huoquan Ace, who he regards as his son.

But there are also some people who think that White Beard will not bring all of his forces in order to rescue Huoquan Ace, because it will pay a high price and it is not worth it.

Some people are discussing that if the White Beard really leads the Pirates to the Navy Headquarters, then will this battle be a naval victory, or whether the White Beard Pirates can successfully rescue the Huoquan Ace and then Shun 980. Lee retreats.

All this, before the start of the fight, is unknown.

But in any case, if the Navy and the White Beard Pirates really fight in Malin Fanduo, many people will definitely be killed and injured. This is an undoubted result.

As for the navy, they have already received reliable information that White Beard is leading a large fleet to Malin Vando.

In order to meet the arrival of the white beard and to ensure that Firefist Ace would not be rescued, the navy headquarters drew elites from various branches to support.

In the end, the Navy Headquarters summoned a total of about 100,000 soldiers to prepare to meet the White Beard Pirate Fleet.

At this time, there were only less than four hours left before Ace’s execution.

After four hours, Huoquan Ace will be beheaded.

If the White Beard Pirates did not arrive in time, then the consequences can be imagined.

Whether Ace was executed or not, this battle is inevitable.

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