440(Cap and Ace)

On the high platform, the Warring States period glanced at the clock in his hand, and said to Karp on the side:

“There is only one hour left before Huoquan Ace’s execution time!”

Hearing this, Karp, who had been meditating and didn’t know what he was thinking, was shocked.

Seeing Karp raised his head expressionlessly, clenched his fists tightly, an expression as if he was about to fight, the Warring States expression changed slightly, worried that Karp would not be able to control the rescue of Ace, so he hurriedly put one hand on his. On his shoulder, he said in a warning tone:

“Kapu, don’t be impulsive, you have to remember your identity, and you must never make a transgressive behavior.”

Hearing this, Karp really calmed down, his clenched fist slowly loosened, and said: “I know, I won’t make a move, don’t worry.”

With Karp’s assurance, the Warring States period was relieved.

If Karp really disregards his navy status to rescue Ace, I am afraid that no one among the 100,000 naval soldiers present can suppress him except for the three generals.

Therefore, Karp’s naval position is very important.

And the only person who could hold Karp was the Warring States period as a marshal.

As Karp’s 980 comrades-in-arms for many years, the two have established a deep friendship.

And Karp is a hero in the navy, even the three generals have to make him three points, and Karp can listen to a few words, only the Warring States.

“Kapu, if there is anything you want to say, just go over and talk to Ace now. With only one hour left, Ace will beheaded.

“Warring States

Karp raised his head and saw bloodshot eyes in those muddy old eyes.


As Karp’s comrade-in-arms, it was the first time that the Warring States period saw him showing such bloodshot eyes, and even he felt the pain in Karp’s heart.

“I’m sorry, Karp, I am sorry that you saw your grandson being executed but you were unable to stop it.

Karp waved his hand and said: “Warring States, it’s none of your business. Ace chose to take the road of the Shanghai thief. There will be such a day. It is his own choice. He can only blame him for being caught. .”

Karp “Can you really be selfless?” Warring States asked.

Karp nodded and said, “Hey, don’t worry, I won’t mess around. Now I’m going to talk to Ace, and I’ll leave it to you here.”

“Okay, don’t worry about going there.” Warring States agreed.

Soon, Karp came to the execution stand and appeared next to Ace.


Seeing Karp appearing, Ace didn’t dare to raise his head in shame.

Because he really didn’t want to be seen by his grandfather in such a gesture.

“Ace, raise your head and let Grandpa take a good look at you.” Karp said.

After a while, Ace looked up.


When Ace saw Cap’s bloodshot eyes, he was stunned.

He didn’t expect that the legendary seaman who was regarded as a hero by the navy would show such sad and painful eyes.

Ace realized for the first time that his grandfather had such a deep love for him.

“Sorry Ace, grandpa is helpless, he can only come here to see you off.” Karp clenched his fist and said with an uncomfortable expression.

“Grandpa, you don’t have to blame yourself. You are the navy, I am a pirate, and I (affe) are a hostile relationship. When I was caught here, I knew that my life as a pirate would end here. It’s terminated. Although it’s a pity, it’s my own choice to go this way. It’s not my grandpa’s business. I’m very happy that grandpa can come to see me.”

Hearing Ace’s heartfelt words, Karp finally shed tears.

“Ace, take care, grandpa is proud of you.”

After speaking, Karp left the execution platform.

For Ace, Karp felt very guilty, so he didn’t want to stay any longer, because that would only make him more painful and uncomfortable.

“Grandpa, thank you!

Ace said in his heart, he thanked Karp from the bottom of his heart for seeing him.

“Father, will you come?

Ace raised his head and looked into the distance of the square, with a trace of expectation in his heart.

On the high platform on the other side, three admirals were sitting on their thrones.

As the navy’s highest combat power, all three of them possess overwhelming monster strength.

Sitting in the middle is the admiral Akadog, who has the natural rock berry fruit, and is a magma man.

Sitting on the left is the Admiral Yellow Ape, who has natural sparkling fruits and is a shining man.

Sitting on the right is the Admiral Green Pheasant, who owns natural frozen fruits and is a frozen man.

These three fruit abilities all possess the powerful ability to manipulate the power of nature.

“Ayeah, there are only less than forty minutes left before the execution of Huoquan Ace, the guy with the white beard should be coming soon.” The general Qing Pheasant said.

General Akainu said gloomily on his face:

“Huh, it’s best to come quickly. This time I will kill the White Beard Pirates and let them know how powerful our navy is.”

General Huang Yuan said: “White beard is a monster, I don’t want to fight him.”

Yes, the white beard is indeed a monster.

However, the three of them are also monsters.

The monsters and monsters met, and the battle that broke out was so terrifying that it was unimaginable.

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