444[The war is before]

When all the pirates entered the square, the white beard sitting behind shouted loudly: “Ace, our white beard pirates are here to rescue you.

Almost everyone in the group also shouted: “Ace, here we are.”

This united voice resounded through Malin Vandor, and suppressed all the 100,000 naval soldiers who were present.

They never thought that these ferocious pirates were so united.

The so-called number of people is great. When these pirates gather together, the power they show is enough to shock the world.

Those navy soldiers who were originally full of confidence, saw such a united pirates at this moment, their confidence began to shake, and their fighting spirit began to fall apart.

“Father, and everyone…

Ace on the execution stage, tears burst into her eyes, with excitement and touch.

Excitedly, White Beard really came.

What’s touched is that besides White Beard, there are so many people who are willing to save him at the risk of a war with the navy headquarters.

This kindness is too heavy, and Ace can’t repay it at all.

His body was trembling because of excitement. Had it not been for the handcuffs of Hailou stone to restrain his hands and feet, he would have been making a big fuss.

But now, Ace can only restrain this impulse and wait patiently for Baibeard’s rescue.

The more at this critical juncture, the more he must maintain a calm mind.

If any unnecessary actions are made, it will probably lead to the navy’s execution immediately.

But now, there is still some time before the execution.

Therefore, even if the Navy wants to rush Ace to sentence, it must wait until the time comes.

And during this time, they will fight with the White Beard Pirates who came to rescue Firefist Ace.

Whether the Navy can withstand the impact of the White Beard Pirates, the result is currently unknown.

“It’s finally here, White Beard”~. “Under the execution platform, the general Akainu sitting in the middle of the throne made a gloomy voice.

“It’s really scary. The white beard hasn’t taken any action yet, but just standing there makes people feel like a monster.” The general Huang Yuan sitting on the throne on the left expressed his own opinion.

“It’s not just White Beard, but there are many powerful people gathered around him, they are all tricky guys.” The general Qing pheasant sitting on the throne on the right said in a deep voice.

After seeing the white beard heading the army to the square, even the three generals of the navy could not guarantee that they could completely defeat the white beard pirate group, because the white beard is the strongest man in the world, with destructive power.

Moreover, there are many strong men around him.

However, this also gave the three generals even more thoughts of destroying the White Beard Pirates.

If you don’t defeat the Whitebeard Pirates here, it will be even harder to destroy them next time.

Because once you get to the sea, it is the home ground of the Pirates.

And now, this is the home ground of their navy, and there is a chance to disintegrate the Whitebeard Pirates.

On the high platform on the other side, Zeng Guo and Karp saw that White Beard had led the army into the square, and their expressions looked a little solemn.

As strong men in the same era as Baibeard, both of them fought with Baibeard when they were young, and both sides were very clear about their respective strengths.

At this moment, the white beard came in person, indicating that a big battle will start at Marin Vandor.

Although the navy has gathered one hundred thousand soldiers and has three generals as the main force. But Baibeard and his influence still cannot be underestimated.

It’s hard to say which result the war on the top triggered by the Fire Fist Ace will go in the end.

And the appearance of the white beard also attracted the attention of all the navy, including the Qiwuhai who came to support off the court.

The Qiwuhai people have more or less respect for this white beard, who is known as the strongest man in the world, and they want to fight with him personally.

Even Hawkeye Mihawk, known as the world’s largest swordsman, had the urge to draw his sword after seeing White Beard.

They really wanted to see if White Beard was as powerful as the rumors said.

At this moment, the atmosphere on the scene can be said to have a feeling of before the storm.

Allan, who was standing next to the white beard, was also very excited at the moment, after all, this kind of scene was rare.

Looking around, the number of people in the navy is several times that of their side.

Although Allan didn’t know how many people there were on the Navy side, they were at least three times as many as Whitebeard.

What attracted Allan’s attention the most was naturally the three generals of the Navy.

Yellow ape, red dog and green pheasant.

In addition, the Marshal Sengoku and the hero Karp are also eye-catching.

Compared to Allan, who couldn’t wait to take a shot, Jinping on the side had a sullen face.

His gaze fell on the powers of Qiwuhai at this moment.

Originally, he was also a member of Qiwuhai.

If he had not been expelled, he should be on the side of the navy now.

But now, he was on the opposite side of those Qi Wuhai and became an enemy.

This made him feel a little pity.

The navy side naturally noticed Allan and Jinping standing next to the white beard.

Surprised expressions appeared on their faces, obviously they did not expect that these two would join the White Beard Pirates.

On the high platform, the Warring States Period said with a stinky face: “It’s fine for V Jinping. I didn’t expect that Allan would also join the White Beard Pirates.”

Karp on the side also noticed, and said solemnly: “Indeed, that Allan injured a lot of us in the Chambord Islands. Nuo Zhao’s son is really unexpected.”

The joining of Jinping and Allan can be said to greatly increase the combat effectiveness of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Needless to say, the strength of Jinping, the veteran Qiwuhai, known as the seaman, has outstanding strength.

Even if he was expelled, no one dared to look down upon him.

Even the white beard pirates group that is placed in the strong like a cloud, with the reputation of the sea knight, it also has a place.

Although Allan is a rookie, he has an amazing record.

Even the Marshal Sengoku and the hero Kapu called terrifying the record of the battle against Yellow Ape and the many elite lieutenants in the Chambord Islands.

However, apart from a few high-level executives, not many people know the fledgling Allan.

Even the people in the White Beard group are not familiar with the new Allan.

However, after this battle, I believe Allan will become famous.

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