461 (Phoenix Marco)

The green pheasant’s body was suddenly pierced by a hole in the white beard’s right punch, and the scene was shocked.

However, without waiting for the white beard to pull his hand out of the green pheasant’s body.

In the next second, the green pheasant, which had been penetrated, suddenly stretched out his hands and grabbed the white beard’s arm that penetrated his body.

Whitebeard’s complexion changed slightly, and when he hit the green pheasant’s body with his fist, he instantly realized that the green pheasant had used the natural elemental ability in advance and escaped his attack.

The green pheasant’s body seemed to have been pierced through by his fist, but in fact it was not a major problem at all.

But now, it is not the green pheasant that is dangerous, but the white beard himself.

The green pheasant, who is capable of freezing the devil fruit, can create air-conditioning and ice cubes to freeze and freeze all things and targets it touches.

It is no exaggeration to say that the abilities of the green pheasant are not weaker than the red dog’s rock berry fruit and the yellow ape’s shiny fruit, and they are also very powerful.

At this moment, the white beard with the arm of the green pheasant was in a crisis of being frozen.

Frozen “Moment!”

Without waiting for the white beard to react, under the control of the green pheasant, a group of extremely cold air swept out, directly following the white beard’s arm, and in the blink of an eye, the white beard was frozen and completely frozen. .


At the scene, a group of people from the White Beard Pirates Group saw that White Beard was frozen in the ice block, and they were anxious and tried to rush for the rescue.

The captain of the first team, Marco, flew over in the form of a phoenix and kicked the green pheasant.

The green pheasant reacted quickly and instantly created an ice wall to block Marco’s flying kick.

The purpose of Marco’s move was not to attack the green pheasant, but to contain him so that he could not continue to attack Whitebeard.

Because he believes that Baibeard himself has the ability to break the ice from the frozen state.

And this will take a while.

Qingxiong naturally understood that Marco was buying time for Whitebeard, so he decisively released a cone of ice, and defeated him together with the ice block when Whitebeard hadn’t broken the ice.

“It won’t let you hurt Dad.

A blue flame appeared on Marco’s whole body, blocking the ice cone of the green pheasant against the white beard and shattering it.

At the same time, the white beard who was inhabited by ice powder finally broke out of the ice.

Marco”, get out of the way and look at me.

I saw White Beard grabbing forward with both hands, as if grabbing the air, and then violently tugging with him.

In that room, the space in front and the ground were all cracked, as if it had been hit by an earthquake.

And this shock went straight to the execution platform.

In the next second, the execution platform, as high as a dozen meters, cracked directly.

The Fire Fist Ace and the two executioners also fell from the execution platform.

White Beard shouted: “Marko, go to Ace and save it.”

“Got it, daddy.

Marco responded and spread out his brilliant blue flame wings and flew towards the execution platform.

As Ace had sea-loud stone handcuffs on his hand, he was temporarily unable to use the ability to burn fruits.

Therefore, he can only wait for others to save him. There is no way to save himself on his own.

“Ace, here I am.

Ace, who fell from the execution platform, was about to fall to the ground.

At this moment, he saw a person with a blue flame flying over and holding him.

This person is impressively Marko, the captain of the White Beard Pirate Regiment.

“Horse,” Ace exclaimed excitedly.

Ace”, I will take you back to Daddy.

0…seeking flowers…

“Okay, trouble you.

Just when Marco was about to fly back to Whitebeard with Ace, a huge figure stood in front of him.

The figure is huge, and the whole body exudes golden light, like a big Buddha.

Both Ace and Marko changed their faces suddenly, and the person who came was the Warring States of the Naval Marshal Buddha.

The Warring States Period is a person who can eat the fruits of Buddha and can transform into a huge Buddha.

“Firefist Ace, don’t want to run away.”

Without saying anything, the Warring States directly lifted the huge Buddhist hall and blasted towards Aisi and Marco.

The huge impact brought by the Buddhist temple directly knocked the two of them out.

Ace, who fell on the ground, spat out a mouthful of blood, apparently suffering a lot of internal injuries.

It was Marco, although he was injured, but as a fruit-powered phoenix, his greatest strength is his strong recovery ability.

Therefore, even though he received a palm from the Warring States front, he quickly recovered from his injuries.

“Ace, can you act?”

Marco asked.

Ace nodded painfully, “Well, it’s okay, I can’t die.”

During the conversation between the two, the Warring States had launched another attack.

“The Buddha Sea is boundless!”

With the palm of the Warring States, the powerful golden energy shock wave blasted out suddenly.

Marco shouted, “Ace, hide behind me.”

Ace rolled over and came behind Marco.

Marco looked at the golden energy wave coming straight out, gritted his teeth, and the blue flame on his body rose up, transforming into an undead shape and rushed up.

In the next second, a powerful golden energy shock wave blasted on Marco, bursting out brilliant golden light and blue flames. wide,

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