
The battle between the green pheasant and the red dog surprised everyone present.

Even Baibeard, who was in a hostile relationship, was surprised that the green pheasant would actually stop the red dog, but this just allowed him to get out of the battlefield.

Thinking of this, Baibeard waved a big hand and shouted to the surrounding men who were still fighting the navy: “Ace has managed to rescue successfully. Everyone will evacuate Malin Vandor with me, and the captains will lead the team.”

Under Baibeard’s command and order, each captain led their subordinates to evacuate Malin Vando in an orderly manner.

On the navy side, although they tried to stop it, the infighting between the two generals, Ao and Aka, made the situation unfavorable for them, and they were unable to stop the White Beard Pirates.

As the marshal of the Warring States, he was even more anxious at this time, because he did not expect that the two generals on his side would actually fight in Neijiang. In this way, there would be no strong combat power to stop the white beard and the others from leaving.

Seeing the two fighting dimly, Zeng Guo couldn’t persuade them to stop at all.

On the other side, Baibeard has led his subordinates to evacuate the Marin Vatican Square one after another.

Seeing this scene, the Warring States had no choice but to find Karp and let Karp take action to prevent the White Beard Pirates from leaving.

At the same time, the Warring States also found Doflamingo and Moonlight Moria and other Qiwuhai, and shot together.

Warring States is worthy of being a marshal of the navy. His commanding ability is very good. In less than a minute, he integrated the scattered groups of soldiers and gave them orders for action.

Soon, a large number of soldiers divided into groups and surrounded the white beard pirates who were about to evacuate, cutting off their way back.

If Baibeard and others want to leave Malin Vatican, then there is only one option, and that is to concentrate on breaking out, otherwise they will be wiped out by the navy in this huge encirclement.

At this time, the battle between the green pheasant and the red dog was also over, and the two came to the Warring States side.

The Warring States Period asked: “Have you two finished the fight? Help me when the fight is over~”

The red dog and the blue pheasant still had a gloomy expression, but they also obeyed the Warring States’ orders and began to take action.

The two of them seemed to have a tacit understanding, and they joined hands to attack the white beard.

White Beard was fighting Karp, and seeing the red dog and the green pheasant appear, his heart suddenly sank.

Just one Karp was enough to make White Beard fall into a hard fight. At this moment, two more generals made him feel a sense of powerlessness.

Yes, no matter how strong he is, it is impossible to deal with the attacks of the three top powerhouses: Karp, Red Dog and Green Pheasant at the same time.

At this moment, he had only one thought, and that was to try his best to block them, so that his subordinates could break through, even if they sacrificed their lives.

At this moment, Baibeard used the shaking fruit to explode with powerful energy.

Suddenly, both the red dog and the blue pheasant received a powerful impact.

Even Karp had to cover his whole body with armed colors for defense, resisting the shock.

This move that Baibeard broke out, although it bought a little time for his subordinates to retreat, it also made his body worse.

Hearing a sound of “wow”, the white beard spit out a mouthful of blood.

When Marco and Vista and other captains saw this scene, they all yelled, and quickly came to Baibeard’s side.

Baibeard waved his hand to allow Marco and others to lead his men to evacuate Malin Vando as soon as possible, and stop entangled with the navy.

“White Beard, do you want to sacrifice you alone and let your subordinates escape? It’s impossible, I won’t let any of you go.”

Red Dog rushed over from a distance, his arm turned into hot lava.

“Heaven Dog!”

Seeing the scarlet magma fist, he was about to hit the white beard. In a critical moment, a knife blocked the attack of the red dog.

“It’s you?”

When Chihu saw this person, his face suddenly became extremely ugly and very ugly.

The person blocking the red dog was allan.

When White Beard saw Allan appear, he was relieved and said with gratitude: “You saved my life, Allan.”

“I’m also a member of the White Regiment anyhow, and it’s necessary to protect you as a general.”

Hearing Allan’s words, Baibeard was thankful that his pirate group had Allan joined.

Red Dog interrupted the conversation between the two and said coldly: “Asshole, it’s you again.

Allan looked at the red dog, sneered, and said, “We haven’t finished the fight yet, let’s continue.”

Hearing this, the red dog was furious.


The magma on the red dog erupted and rushed towards Allan.

Allan’s face was not afraid, and with a split with the demon sword in his hand, a wave of blood (Nuo Nuo Zhao) swept out of the red sword, actually splitting the magma straight.

Just as Allan was fighting with the red dog, another general, the green pheasant, had already arrived behind Baibeard.

Although Baibeard’s physical condition was not as good as before, he was also one of the four emperors, and he immediately noticed the green pheasant.

His right fist hit the air directly, and the energy that took time to shake the fruit exploded. Qingxiong was shaken back by a shock wave before he hit the white beard.

“Huh, kid, it’s not that easy to get the first level of my white beard.

Baibeard laughed loudly, then grabbed his big male sword and slashed at the green pheasant.

“ice skates!”

The green pheasant didn’t dare to hold it big, so he quickly used ice to make an ice skate against the big male sword of the white beard.

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