466【Title of Sword Demon】

New world, a small island.

A group of white group pirates who evacuated from Malin Vando gathered on this island at this moment. This is also one of the many sites of White Beard in the New World waters, and the navy generally will not approach it easily.

On the island, the white group pirates who had just gone through a big battle were exhausted, and now they are resting on the spot and regaining their strength.

As for the injured, there is a special ship doctor to help treat them.

In the first battle with the navy, Hundred Regiments suffered heavy losses.

After counting, nearly 3,000 people were lost, more than 2,000 were arrested by the navy, and tens of thousands were injured.

As for the captains of the White Regiment, these main combat forces are there.

At this moment, the captains are responsible for the security work around the island and prevent the navy from coming forward.

In the middle of the island, White Beard was lying on a hospital bed in a house.

He was seriously injured, and his body was already injured. Now his physical condition is extremely poor and he needs treatment urgently.

Several marine doctors are working on Baibeard’s treatment.

Baibeard also knew that his body could not tolerate his willfulness, so he also received treatment.

In addition to the white beard, the rescued Huoquan Ace is also receiving treatment.

Fortunately, his injury was not serious, but he was severely tortured by the navy, and there was nothing serious about it.

On the other side of the island, two figures were talking.

One of them is Haixia Jinping, and the owner of the other figure is Allan.

“Jinpei, are you okay?” Allan asked concerned.

I saw that his head and hands were covered with cloth, and it looked like he was injured.

Jinping replied: “Our murlocs have a strong physique, so this injury is nothing.

This is true, Allan also knows that the murlocs are very capable of restoring, so he is relieved.

Jinping saw that Allan seemed to have something to say, so he immediately asked, “Brother Allan, what’s the matter with you? Just say something.”

Allan thought for a while and smiled: “I do have one thing that I can’t talk about. I hope Brother Jinping can help.”

“Oh? I don’t know what’s the matter, Brother Allan, don’t hesitate to say, as long as I can help, he will go through fire and water.

Seeing that Jinping was so refreshing, Allan immediately said, “Brother Jinping, I want to quit the White Beard Pirates.”

Hearing this, Jinping was stunned at first, and then asked in a puzzled way: “Why is Brother Allan so good to leave the group?”

Allan smiled and said, “In fact, it’s nothing, I just want to go to other places to hang out. If you stay in Bai Tuan, you won’t be so free.”

Hearing Allan said this, Jinping also understood Allan, and said, “Okay, I see, then would you like to talk to Dad?”

Allan shook his head and said, “No, you should go and help me.

Jinping nodded, and then asked: “Then when are you going to leave?”

“You help me prepare a boat, I will leave early tomorrow morning.”

“Well, I will prepare.” Jinping agreed to Allan.

In the evening, a banquet was held on the island.

At the invitation of Jinping, Allan came with the team captains and stayed drunk.

In the early morning of the next day, under the watchful eyes of Marko and Jinping, Allan left the island in a small boat.

As for where he will go next, the people of Jinping don’t know, but they will always remember Allan.

Allan drove a small boat, sailing aimlessly in the waters of the New World alone.

0……Look for flowers

Whenever he arrives on a small island, he will stay for a period of time to supply supplies.

Because there is no destination, there is no problem of getting lost.

Unknowingly, Allan has traveled in the New World waters for half a year, gaining a lot of knowledge and making a lot of big people along the way.

And his name actually started as early as half a year ago after the battle between Marin Vando and the navy.

Although he is now separated from the White Beard Pirates, his reputation is very loud in the new world.

Almost all pirates who are in the waters of the New World know that Allan has the terrifying power to contend with the admiral of the navy and the powerful swordsmanship that is not lost to the world’s largest swordsman, Eagle Eye.

Therefore, he was called the sword demon Allan by a group of pirates in the new world.

The so-called sword demon means that his swordsmanship is as terrifying as a demon.

Because Allan is not as low-key as Hawkeye, once he takes a shot, he will definitely see blood, and will never show mercy.

Therefore, although Allan is alone in the waters of the New World, not many people dare to provoke him, including the navy.

In fact, in the past six months, the Navy has also sent warships to encircle Allan in an attempt to capture him.

However, with Allan’s terrifying power, how could the Navy be able to catch him.

Every time the navy encircled him, the end of the regiment was annihilation.

Several times down, the Navy also suspended the round up of Allan, turning one eye and closing one eye.

As for the admiral Aka Inu and others, they also knew that Allan was powerful. Even if they went out, they wouldn’t take much advantage, so they didn’t make a move.

Two months later, Allan ended his voyage in the waters of the New World. wide,

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