472 (beasts Kaido]

As the waters of the New World Pirates of the base camp, we can say that the perpetrators of paradise.

Even the Navy, in the waters of the New World also cautious.

Allan took a public girl was rescued him out, driving Jack’s pirate ship, went away from his most recent one waters.

I have to say, Jack’s pirate ship quite domineering, and facilities configuration is also very luxurious boat, not only devoted to the rest room, a kitchen and warehouse storage of food.

In this way, Allan do not have to worry about supply problems, something completely enough for him to use on board a year or so.

And, with Jack ship, Allan do not have to spend “zero a zero” heavily Also asked people to build a boat.

However, the ship and it is still too impressive, Allan decided to have the opportunity to be specifically requested or boat Carpenter transform it into your favorite style.

In addition, also designed a pirate flag.

Of course, the crew has to find.

As a cook, Air ama and so on.

On the other side, the New World and of the country.

This is a special country, known as the “warrior of the country.”

In this country, with a group of powerful warriors, they are good at fencing, even the pirates and the Navy would not easily provoke.

And by the light of the country’s January ruling family, after the family’s black carbon black carbon serpent with some strategy to win.

Now, the supreme ruler of the country is black carbon serpent, he was known as “The General.”

However, although the black carbon serpent and the country’s rulers, but just the next plane only.

BC serpent in the back, behind the scenes there is a real ruler.

This person, is more than four Huang Kai.

BC serpent and Kaido because certain interests, playing into partnership.

Kay and more with the help of black carbon serpent, and also successfully entered the country, and this place as a stronghold of pirates beasts.

Therefore, the country is not only a warrior and a gathering place, is Kaido territory.

By this time, in a cave and the country’s nine regions, as are more than four Wong Kay cave big mouth to drink.

Kay more like two things, one suicide, and second drink.

“Kaido announce his boss, there are events under phase reported.”

A subordinate came down to one knee to report Kay and more.

Kaido Chen Sheng said: “What is it, go ahead.

That subordinates immediately report said: “Kaido announce his boss, Jack drought adults lost contact.”

Heard, Kaido put down the Punch Bowl, look unto them under the name, asked: “Why can not contact Jack, where is that guy when he went missing??”

Kay face more questioning, that subordinates truthfully replied: “Jack adults under specific out what is not clear, the last time under the contact Jack adults is three days ago, when Jack adults in Island Creek, I heard that he kidnapped a group of girls from a kingdom, he intends to sell the nobility. ”

Kaido nodded dissatisfaction: “Jack telling me that guy dared to go out and do that kind of thing, the Navy must have been eyeing.

That subordinates asked: “how do you want now, Kaido boss?”

Kaido replied: “Crick immediately sent to the island, I had a sense of foreboding, Jack is likely to hurt.

“Yes, the next ranking immediately view the situation with people in the past. I have it, I will immediately report by telephone worm Kaido boss.

Subsequently, that subordinates will follow Kaido command, hastily convened a one hundred men, and from the country and went to look for drought Jack Creek Island.

On the other side, Jack pirate ship, Allan took a public rescued the girl, after a two-day voyage, and finally came to an island 0 ….

The island is named glasses Island, the island is shaped like a glasses.

In this island, stationed a naval force, G12 branch base.

When Allan drove Jack’s pirate ship near the islands, responsible for the alert Navy also found abnormal sea.

“I spotted a pirate ship, go and report bases long.

Soon, G12 branch base of long Shi Deke came to the harbor, through binoculars, he saw a pirate ship that ship.

I saw his face slightly changed, Chen Sheng said: “wrong, it is one of the three beasts Kaido’s disaster drought Jack’s pirate ship.

Heard, Shi Deke around the soldiers were surprised.

As a naval presence in the New World, they can be said to be very clear for the new world of pirates.

Jack Kay drought as one of more than three cadres, strength can be said to be extremely powerful.

Such a terrible guy, but it has now come toward their base, which makes them how not to be shocked.

“Base 5.5 long, and now how to do?” Asked a major executive level.

Shi Deke somber, immediately make the command said: “ordered to go on, a collection of troops, ready for battle, Jack’s pirate ship sunk by drought, do not let them ashore, or else trouble.

“To inform headquarters Well?” Answered the Major asked.

“No, look at the situation. Although drought is that guy Jack, but we branch G12 is not a vegetarian, if he really dare to insist forcing up, then we let him steal sheep.”

Shi Deke With these words, the morale of the soldiers of all branches rose G12, have ready for battle.

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