
After defeating Peggy Wan who came to hunt down, Allan and the others came to an island after sailing for two days.

The small island is called Bula Island, and there is a small town called “Prague” on the island.

As the captain, Allan decided to stay on this island for a few days, because he planned to transform their pirate ship here, so it took time.

Allan entrusted the remodeling of the ship to the boat craftsman. After all, this kind of technical work still needs to be done by professionals.

After a week, Allan’s three seamen have refurbished their Pirate Ship from the inside to the outside, and turned it into the style of their Asuka Pirate Group. It is no longer a drought. Jack’s Pirate Ship.

Allan is very satisfied with the transformation style of this ship, with three-point romance and three-point wildness, and there is no lack of a spirit of yearning for freedom and adventure.

Later, Allan named the transformed pirate ship “Asuka”, representing his Asuka pirate group.

The Asuka was completed, but Allan did not leave the island immediately.

He asked John to wait for the crew to prepare for the battle, because Kaido’s pirate group of beasts is likely to attack again.

At that time, a fierce battle will be inevitable.

Although they can now drive the Asuka to leave this place to avoid this possible crisis.

But Allan didn’t intend to escape. His pride and his status as the captain of the Asuka Pirates didn’t allow him to do that.

The Beast Pirate Group is one of the four emperors in the New World. They control a quarter of the sea in the New World and have many territories.

If Allan’s Asuka Pirates wants to survive in the new world, they must seize territory and resources from other pirates.

The Hundred Beasts and Pirates were the target Allan wanted to snatch.

The reason is simple.

Because Allan had killed the drought Jack before, it was tantamount to uniting with the beasts and pirates.

Therefore, if you want to mix in the new world, the beasts and pirate group must be eliminated.

Chef John, Sailing Sini, and several other crew members couldn’t help worrying when they learned that Allan was preparing to face the beasts and pirates on this island.

It is true that they believe in Allan’s strength.

But at the same time, they are also afraid of the pirate group of beasts, especially the monster Kaido of beasts.

The group of beasts and pirates is Kaido’s force, and the strong under them are like clouds.

Only relying on a few members of their Asuka Pirate Group, to fight against the forces of the Four Emperor Kaido, there are undoubtedly some manipulative arms blocking the car, and they can’t help it.

Furthermore, the strength of these crew members is not very strong. They are only an entry level in the new world, and they are not even proficient in domineering.

The only one who can truly be regarded as the strong is Allan, who is the captain.

In other words, the Asuka Pirates group can get the combat power, and only Allan is alone.

The combat power of the other crew members can basically be ignored.

Allan saw that they were scared, but didn’t blame the crew.

After all, the Hundred Beasts and Pirates Group can be said to be a fierce reputation in the new world, and exist like an overlord.

Except for a few pirate groups in the New World, almost no one dared to provoke them.

Therefore, after rethinking, Allan decided not to let them participate in this conflict.

He asked the crew to temporarily leave Asuka and hide in a small town on the island to avoid being found out by the Beast Pirate Group that they were in the same group.

Allan did this, which meant that he would fight Kaido’s Pirates of beasts alone.

Such a crazy approach moved his crew, but they were also very worried.

But after Allan assured them that they were able to cope, the crew could only obey Allan’s orders, temporarily left the Asuka and hid in a small town on the island, disguising as residents of the island to avoid being caught by the beasts and pirates. It was discovered that they were with Allan.

0……Look for flowers…………

As for Allan, he has decided to fight the pirate group of beasts alone.

Before the beasts and pirate group attacked, Allan decided to strengthen himself.

Early the next morning, he came to one of the highest peaks on the island of Bula.

Looking down from this mountain, you can have a panoramic view of the entire island.

Allan sat cross-legged on the rock, then opened the wooden box.

I saw a black pineapple-like fruit inside the wooden box. This was the reward Allan had previously obtained from the system, a devil fruit.


Kaido’s pirate group of beasts, there are many animal type fruit abilities under its banner, even Kaido himself is also animal type.

Therefore, the best way to deal with the devil fruit ability of the animal system is to also fight with the ability of the animal system.

And now, the devil fruit in Allan’s hand belongs to the animal family.

Moreover, this is not a normal animal fruit, but a devil fruit in the form of an animal monster, a black dragon.

The rarity of this fruit is definitely no less than that of Marco’s Phoenix fruit, the Great Buddha fruit of the Warring States period, and Kaido’s fish fruit.

In other words, the lowest limit of this fruit has the same power as them.

And how powerful it is, you can only know if you eat it.

Thinking of this, Allan took a bite decisively.

The devil fruit only needs one bite to become a capable person, so Allan doesn’t need to eat all the rest.

I have to say that the smell of the devil fruit is really bad, and Allan frowned before swallowing it.

Soon, Allan felt a special force flowing in his body.

He knew that this was definitely the power of the Black Dragon Fruit.

This power is fusing with his body. Death,

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