484【Beasts Strike】

After conquering the Black Cat Pirates, Allan can be regarded as officially owning his own territory in the New World.

According to the Black Cat’s report, the Black Cat Pirates originally controlled three islands, with more than 300 subordinates, and it was considered a hegemon in the nearby waters.

The main source of income of the Black Cat Pirates, in addition to the residents’ taxes on the three islands, is tolls for a channel in the surrounding waters.

All passing ships, whether it is a pirate ship or a merchant ship, need to pay a certain fee to leave. If they refuse to pay, they will be attacked by the Black Cat Pirates.

Relying on these sources of income, the Black Cat Pirates have also accumulated a lot of wealth in recent years.

Allan did not ask the Black Cat Pirates to turn in their previous income, but instead asked the Black Cat Pirates to turn in 50% of every income they received from the future.

The black cat has no opinion on this, and dare not have any questions.

He knew very well that with Allan’s intrepid strength, as long as he wanted, he could easily defeat their Black Cat Pirates and then snatch their territory.

However, Allan did not do that. Instead, he adopted a win-win cooperation between the two parties. This is also the main reason why the black cat is convinced of Allan.

Not only because Allan is strong, but also because Allan is a person of integrity.

Allan uses one of the islands as a temporary base camp in the New World. This island is also the base camp of the Black Cat Pirates.

When night came, the island rose up and waited for the fire.

Allan, Black Cat and other pirates had a banquet, eating meat and drinking, which was a great pleasure.

Hundreds of people drank until the next morning, drunk so drunk, and fell asleep on the ground.

Even Allan was a little drunk and fell asleep leaning against a tree.

At this time, seven pirate ships appeared on the sea several kilometers away from the island.

The scale of each of these seven pirate ships is not smaller than that of Asuka, which Allan used to transform the Jack Pirate Ship, especially the first one, which is even more exaggerated, comparable to a huge battleship and full of momentum.

Each of the seven pirate ships has at least hundreds of pirates.

These sea cities are surprisingly a group of beasts and pirates from the Four Emperor Kaido.

The people who led this force were the two cadres of Kaido, Chi and Quinn.

In addition, there are Peggy Wan, who was rescued by the Allan, who was sunk by the ship and fell into the sea, as well as the other two six sons Fozfu and Nimu.

Not only that, there are also numberers, real hitters, and givers, etc.

It is no exaggeration to say that the troops sent by Kaido this time are equivalent to an all-out talent.

Except that Kaido did not come, 70% of its elites have been sold out.

With such a luxurious lineup, apart from the other three powerful four emperors, almost no other pirate group can compete.

At this time, they had also found Allan’s location, and they were attacking the island where Allan was.

On the island, the members of the Black Cat Pirates were all drunk.

The seven crew members of Allan’s Asuka, except for Nicole the Sailor, were all sleeping because they were drunk.

Even Allan himself is resting.

Because of this, none of them found the appearance of the Hundred Beasts and Pirates.

Navigator Nicole had just returned to the Asuka, which was docked on the shore, and planned to get on the ship and order the sober medicine for Allan and the others.

However, at this moment, she noticed the pirate group of beasts on the sea in the distance.

Nicole didn’t know who the other party was, but seeing that the other party was coming fiercely and knowing that it would not be easy to provoke, she rushed back to the island, awakened Allan who was resting under the tree and closed her eyes, and gave him a sober medicine by the way. .

Allan didn’t feel so dizzy until he took the sober medicine.

He looked at Nicole who was worried, and asked: “What’s wrong, Nicole, panicked”. ”

Nicole said with a panic: “Captain, it’s not good, there is a pirate coming towards our island.”

Come and come, “Well, it’s just a pirate ship. What’s to panic. Don’t forget, we are also pirates.”

Seeing Allan didn’t take it seriously, Nicole became even more anxious. He quickly said, “Captain, this time is different. It’s not one ship, but seven waists.”

“Seven pirate ships?” Now, Allan is also a little weird.

In the new world, the forces that can gather seven pirate ships, apart from the Four Emperors, there are no other forces.

In other words, the seven pirate ships definitely came from one of the Four Emperor Groups.

And the most likely one is the Hundred Beasts and Pirates.

When Allan came to the shore and looked towards the sea, he got a guess for him.

“It’s a group of beasts and pirates.”

Allan’s words surprised Nicole Navigator.

The prestige of the Hundred Beasts and Pirates Group is like thunder in the new world, and everyone knows that it is the overlord.

Allan said solemnly, “They are here for me.

“Is it because you sank one of their pirate boats last time, so you came to retaliate?” Nicole is very smart, and thought of this all at once.

Allan nodded, and then explained: “In fact, before the establishment of the Asuka Pirate Group, I had already united with the Beast Pirates.

One of their cadres was killed by me, and I robbed that cadre’s pirate ship.

Now our Asuka was rebuilt with the pirate ship of that cadre.

So, they have come to me for revenge now. ”

Knowing this, Nicole was very surprised.

She didn’t expect Allan to provoke the Beast Pirates first, and also killed one of their cadres, and robbed their ship. No wonder the Beast Pirates army is now dispatched to find Allan for revenge.

“Then what should I do now? Nicole asked.

Allan smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll deal with it, so you can rest assured.

“But Captain, no matter how good you are, there is only one person. There are at least a thousand people in the other party (you can get it), and there are no shortage of amazing guys. You definitely can’t handle it alone.

Faced with Nicole’s worry, Allan replied confidently: “Anyway, you don’t have to worry about me, I’m fine.”

Nicole wanted to say something, Allan patted her on the shoulder and said, “Trust your captain.

Okay, “Captain, be careful,” Nicole said.

Allan said: “You go to wake up John and Black Cat, and then let them leave the island first.”

“Why?” Nicole asked.

Because “this island is about to become a battlefield, I will annihilate those people from the beast and pirate group on this island.”

“Okay, I see, I’m going to inform everyone.”

Then Nicole acted.

And Allan himself, standing on the shore, quietly waiting for the arrival of the Beast Pirate Group.

At this moment, his mood was surprisingly calm.

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