496[The Fight Between Monsters]

Over the small island, black clouds rolled, lightning and thunder.

Two giant dragons, one black and one green, appear from time to time in the clouds, with the sound of roaring, spreading teeth and dancing claws, fighting each other.

Allan, who transformed into the black dragon form, and Kaido, who transformed into the blue dragon form, were fighting fiercely among the dark clouds above the island.

This is a fight between monsters, and only one side can survive.

“Dragon’s Breath!

Above the sky, among the clouds.

The dragon-shaped Kaido, who was tens of feet in length, opened his mouth and exhaled a terrible energy.

This energy is like magma, with extremely high temperature, extremely hot, and can instantly evaporate a mountain.

“Dragon Roar!”

Accompanied by the sound of the dragon’s roar that broke the sky, Allan spit out a lightning beam that was not inferior to the breath of the Kaido dragon.

When the two energies collided, an extremely shocking shock wave erupted, breaking up the entire cloud, revealing the extremely long dragons of the two.

On the sea in the distance, Kaido’s beast army and Allan’s pirate group were shocked by this scene.

“So strong, that Allan can actually match the invincible Master Kaido.”

“No wonder he was not his opponent even three times. His strength is on the same level as Master Kaido.”

Everyone in the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group felt a pressure at this time, and they began to worry about whether Kaido could be as invincible and defeat the opponent as before.

Over the island, after a round of fighting, Allan and Kaido were exhausted and injured each other.

However, for the two in the dragon form, this injury is nothing at all, and it can be recovered in a few seconds.

“Allan, you are really strong, you can fight with the invincible me to this level.”

Above the sky, Kaido finally spoke.

His figure is very vigorous, with a domineering look, and he deserves to be the king of beasts who is known as the strongest creature.

I saw that several wounds on his body had all recovered under the powerful self-healing ability.

Facing the extremely domineering Kaido, Allan was not afraid at all.

He was suspended opposite Kaido, facing Kaido, less than one kilometer away.

Although it seems to be far away, in terms of the strength of the two, this distance is completely within their attack range.

“Kaido, I heard that you claim to be invincible by sea, land, and air, and are the strongest creature. Today, I am going to break the myth of your strongest creature.”

Hearing Allan’s words, Kaido’s pupils shrank and said coldly, “Do you think you have the power to kill me?”

“That’s right.” Allan’s face was serious, his eyes revealed the killing intent and he didn’t hide it.

After feeling the astonishing murderous aura directed at him from Allan, Kaido raised his hair and laughed:

“Haha, this is great. Since the battle with Mida in Wano country twenty years ago, I have been waiting for someone who can completely kill me to appear. I don’t know if you really have the ability to kill me. die.”

“Don’t worry, I will do what you want.” Allan said solemnly, this time he won’t have any more reservations.

The goal is very clear, and that is to kill Kaido no matter what means.

Kaido laughed wildly: “Then come and fight, and see who is the best!”

The words fell, and the two started the third round of fierce battle.

Both of them ate the fruits of Eudemons, and they belonged to the form of Dulong.

In the form of the black dragon, Allan can control wind, thunder, and heavy rain.

And Kaido’s Azure Dragon form can also do this.

0……Look for flowers,

Breath, tornado, including lightning.

After a great battle, the island has been ruined in a disastrous manner, and there are deep pits everywhere.

At this moment, after a fierce battle, Allan and Kaido both changed into the form of dragons one after another.

In this form, their speed, strength, and recovery ability have been greatly improved, but they cannot fly, and they are completely competing with pure physical power.

Kaido slammed towards Allan with his weapon mace. Allan did not evade, holding the demon knife with the red change, and hardly accepted Kaido’s fierce attack.


“Thunder and gossip!”

I saw a lot of lightning entangled on Kaido’s mace, and Kaido hit Allan at a very fast speed.

Allan looked solemn and didn’t dare to underestimate it, and slashed out with all his strength.

I saw on the demon knife, a red demon gas almost turned into substance, covering the body of the knife, very demon.


When the two of them collided with their swords and sticks, black lightning and red light erupted. The surrounding ground could not withstand the impact of the two of them, and a large pit that was tens of meters deep was punched out.

However, this is only the beginning of this battle.

The real fight is only about to start now.

The process of the battle can no longer be described in words. The strength of the two is at the level of monsters, and the energy that bursts out is enough to destroy an island.

The fight between them also alarmed all the pirates in the new world, including the navy.

Among them, they include the Bigumam Pirates, the Redhead Pirates, and the Whitebeard Pirates.

These three imperial regiments were all attracted by the battle between Allan and Kaido, and they did not hesitate to leave to watch.

In addition, the generals from the naval headquarters were also present. Death,

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