
With the Thunder Fruit, Allan’s strength can be said to be even better.

Coupled with the immortality, Allan can almost walk sideways in the world of One Punch Superman.

Of course, Allan would not be so arrogant that he really thought he was invincible and despised.


Suddenly, Allan’s stomach let out a cry of disappointment.

“I’m a little hungry, so let’s find something to eat.

This no-man’s land is like a ghost town. The shops and stores around it are closed, and no one can be seen on the street. It is unpopular.

It is almost impossible to find food in such a place.

No way, Allan can only leave the no man’s land temporarily and head to the center of the city.

Almost all people in City Z now live in the center of the city, where there is the protection of the Heroes Association, so there is no need to worry about being attacked by strangers.

And Allan went to the center of the city this time, not just to solve the stomach problem, he also plans to go to the Heroes Association to register as a hero.

Only through the approval of the Heroes Association can he officially become a hero.

If he does not register for the 027 line of identity, then even if he kills many weird people personally, he will not be recognized by the Heroes Association and the public.

Only after passing the certification of the organization, can he be regarded as a real hero and be recognized by people.

After arriving in the center of the city, Allan found a restaurant and went in to eat.

Halfway through the meal, Allan suddenly remembered that he had no money with him.

This is very embarrassing.

Allan didn’t want to be misunderstood that he didn’t pay for the Bawang meal, but he really didn’t have a dime on him now.

Faced with this predicament, Allan was a little entangled whether to run the order.

With his strength, no one could stop him to leave forcibly.

No, Allan’s pride doesn’t allow him to do this.

At this moment, many people suddenly ran in from outside. These people squeezed into the restaurant as if they had encountered something terrible.

Soon, the Nuo Grand Hotel was full of people.

Allan knew this was the best time to leave. He stood up and squeezed through the crowd and walked out the door.

“Don’t go out, there are weird people outside.”

A kind woman noticed that Allan was about to leave the restaurant and reminded her aloud.

Hearing this, Allan understood why these people swarmed into the hotel just now. It turned out that strange people appeared outside.

Thinking about it carefully, this situation is normal. After all, there are still quite a lot of weird people in this world, and weird people may appear anytime and anywhere.

Just like now, it is possible to meet weird people after a meal.

Once a weird person appears, people will naturally find a place to hide.

This restaurant has now become a hiding place for these people to prevent strangers from attacking.

Only the heroes of the Heroes Association can solve the weird people.

This is an opportunity for Allan.

As long as he solves the weird person outside, then he can get the approval of these people.

With the popularity, even if he does not register, some people will come to the door and invite him to the association to become an official hero.

Thinking of this, Allan said to everyone in the hotel: “Don’t worry, I will tackle the weird people outside now, and stay here with peace of mind and wait for my good news.”

“Are you a hero?” a child asked.

Allan smiled faintly: “Not yet, but it will be soon.”

Afterwards, Allan walked out of the hotel.

At this time, it was on the pedestrian street one kilometer away from the hotel.


An emergency broadcast sounded in the city: “Weird people of unknown level appeared in the Binhai Pedestrian Street of Z City. Please patrol nearby heroes as soon as possible to protect the people and eliminate the weird people.”

At this time, surrounding shops, apartments and other buildings were destroyed, and many people were affected and fled for their lives.

Judging from the damage caused by this strange man and its attack power, it is obvious that its disaster level has reached the level of “ghost”.

According to the definition of weird by the Heroes’ Association, a ghost-level weird is enough to destroy a city.

If it is allowed to continue to be destroyed, this street and even the entire urban area will probably be destroyed.

The situation can be said to be quite severe, and there is no room for delay. This blame must be resolved immediately.

Just when Allan was about to take a shot, two heroes appeared in front of him.

The two heroes happened to be patrolling nearby and rushed over as soon as they heard the broadcast.

“It’s here, it’s the A-level hero Extreme Lightning and Spearman. We are saved.

Other passers-by who were running for their lives watched the two men appear, as if they had seen a savior.

Obviously, these people know these two heroes and trust their strength very much.

“Everyone quickly find a place to hide, this weird person will be solved by us.” The stabbing gunner said with an awe-inspiring look of justice.

Another hero, Extreme Lightning, put on a posture that he thought was very handsome, and said: “Stingman, you are here to protect the people, and I will solve the weird man.”

“Are you okay by yourself? That weird man has reached the ghost level.” The Spearman worried.

Judging from his experience, the strength of that weird man is extraordinary, even he is not sure.

Extreme Lightning smiled confidently: “Sting Gunman, don’t underestimate me, no matter what, I am also ranked 20th professional hero of A-level. At my lightning speed, even a ghost-level weirdo, It’s only for being beaten, it’s impossible to touch me.”

The lancet sighed, “Well, then, that weird person will be handed over to you.”

“Look at me, I can solve the battle in five minutes.

After all, the limit lightning rushed to the weird man.

At this time, Allan, who had originally planned to take action, saw that there was already a hero who had taken action first, so he planned to watch the changes first.

He wanted to see the strength of the A-level hero and whether he could eliminate the hero whose disaster level reached the “ghost”. .

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