
Not long after, the support sent by the Heroes’ Association rushed to the scene where the weird people were infested.

However, the weirdo had already been dealt with by Allan, and Allan had already left the scene of the incident in a low-key manner without leaving his name.

It can be said that everything went away, hiding himself and his name deeply. ?

When the staff of the Heroes Association brought the injured and unconscious Lightning Max and Li Spearman to the hospital for treatment, they learned from the mouths of the two that it was an unidentified young man who had killed the weirdo this time.

As for the identity of the other party, further investigation is needed to know.

In response to this weird incident, the association’s senior officials also held a special meeting.

“Judging from the traces of destruction at the scene, the weird people in the attacked city presumed that the disaster level has reached the ghost level.

The two heroes, Lightning Max and Lee Gunman, arrived on the scene at the first time. After fighting each other, they were defeated by the weirdo.

In terms of losses, two streets in the center of the city were damaged by more than 70%. It is estimated that it will take at least one month to completely repair them. About 25,000 households need to be temporarily relocated. ”

After listening to the staff report, the senior officials were relieved.

Ghost-level monsters have the power to destroy the city. This time they only destroyed two streets, and the loss can be said to be very small.

Moreover, there were almost no casualties this time. This is all thanks to the heroes who eliminated weird people.

“So, who on earth killed that ghost-level weirdo?” A cadre asked.

The staff in charge of the report replied: “We have sent a manpower to investigate, and I believe there will be results soon.”

Another cadre said solemnly: “This person is not a hero of our association, but he can kill ghost-level weirdos with his own power. It is enough to show that his strength is quite strong. This kind of talent must not be buried. Invite him to join our association so that we can strengthen the strength of our association and have more heroes who can protect our city and residents.”

On the same day, a short video suddenly exploded on the Internet.

In the video, it is the scene of Allan using the thunder and lightning power of the thunder fruit to kill the weird person.

Although it was only thirty seconds, the lens recorded this wonderful process.

It turned out that when Allan was fighting with the weirdo that day, a resident hid in the distance and secretly recorded the wonderful battle with his mobile phone.

Subsequently, the resident uploaded the video to the video website.

In just one night, this short video broke through one million hits.

In other words, one million spectators watched the battle.

Because of the outbreak of this short video, Allan was even named “Thunder God” by netizens.

The Heroes Association also quickly noticed this short video and quickly launched an investigation.

On the other side, Allan has returned to no man’s land.

However, because there is no internet in no man’s land, and Allan does not have a cell phone or computer, he does not know that he has become popular online.

That morning, when Allan went out and passed a corner, he ran into a bald man head-on.

The bald man wore shorts and a T-shirt with a bag of food in his hand. He seemed to have just returned from shopping.

Allan stared at the bald man with a surprised expression, because this bald head was the protagonist Saitama.

Seeing Allan appearing in this no man’s land, Saitama was also a little curious: “Who are you?”

“My name is Allan, and I moved here last week.” Allan said truthfully.

Saitama bit surprised and said:. “I thought apart from me, no one admitted to it here, after all, everyone here is rumored ghost town”

“Because people here are gone, I chose to live here, because it can have a free place to live, and water and electricity do not have to spend money.”

After listening to Allan lives in the cause here, feeling suddenly encountered a friend Saitama general, said: “It seems you’re like me, are a poor ah.

“Yes ah, I just arrived here, did not even work, now is a vagrant, really poor.”

Allan seen so pitiful, Saitama can not help but have some sympathy, said:? “Today I went to the supermarket to buy meat, ready to go back to eat barbecue, you do not want to come to my house I could invite you to eat barbecue meal, other I was much help. ”

Heard, Allan suddenly was very pleasantly surprised, he did not think would take the initiative to invite their Saitama, immediately agreed and said:. “Thank you so much Saitama king, then I polite.”

“Never mind, we are poor, should help each other.

Subsequently, Allan will be followed by Saitama went to his residence.

Saitama to the residence after, Allan Saitama first looked at the room, then said: “? The house is really good, Saitama king is a person living it.”

“There is one person I.” Saitama truthfully replied.

That afternoon, Allan will be in residence Saitama eating a meal barbecue.

Satiate, Saitama has come up with Allan drink beverages please.

Subsequently, the two sat on the sofa chatted about the day.

“Saitama Jun, what do you do for work?” Allan asked first.

“I’m just like you vagrant, but I have a deputy job, and occasionally you can earn a living by doing the task.” Saitama replied.

“What career?” Allan rhetorical, he now knows the identity of Saitama is a hero.

Sure enough, Saitama replied:

“My career is a hero.

Heard, Allan smiled, deliberately put on a surprised expression: “So Saitama Jun is a hero ah, this is 027 too great.

Saitama, embarrassed scratched his head: “Actually, I’m just interested dictates hero only, not the kind of salvation for the people of indomitable spirit.

“That eliminated a lot of Saitama Jun Frankenstein thing?” Allan asked.

“Of course, there have been countless number of.” Saitama Road.

“It really is too bad, Saitama monarch must be very strong bar. Allan” Road.

Saitama nodded: “ah, I feel like I really quite strong, Daguai every human being has a punch solved.

“Well punch? It really is a strong ah, is simply invincible can already use to describe it.” Allan Road.

“Haha, not so exaggerated it.” Saitama laughed, but the heart is happy.

“Yes Saitama Jun, I wanted to be a hero.” Allan Road.

Saitama Yie, wondering: “? Why do you want to be a hero, is it because I’m envious.”

Allan nodded: “Yes ah, in fact, I always wanted to be a hero like Saitama Jun And now, I have no work, if a hero, it should have a wage subsidy or the like can receive a bonus of it.?

Heard, Saitama scratched his head and said:. “It seems to be a very high-level heroes have money to take”

“That is what is now Saitama Jun grade hero?” Allan curious said.

“I’m just a C grade it.” Saitama truthfully replied.

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