515 (Battle with Mask)

Tornado lives in a five-thousand-square-foot villa in the center of A. Compared with the no-man’s land apartment that Allan lived in before, it is not known how much higher it is. It is impossible to compare.

This Allan had to sigh that Tornado was really married, and at the same time made Allan realize that the gap between the two sides is not at the same level.

However, Tornado didn’t mind this. She fell in love with Allan at first sight, so even if Allan was only a B-rank hero, she didn’t look down on him, but admired Allan very much.

Because Tornado is very clear, Allan’s strength is enough to become an S-rank hero, and it’s just a matter of time.

With the support of Tornado, Allan put his heart down and officially settled down in City A.

During the period, under the introduction of Tornado, Allan also met a lot of S-rank heroes.

For example, there are many top heroes such as Atomic Samurai, Banggu, Tong Di, Flash, and Black Light.

Although these S-rank heroes got acquainted with Allan because of Tornado’s face, but it also shows that Tornado’s status in the Heroes Association is superior, and no one dares to offend them.

Covered by a tornado, Allan can be said to be mixed.

After a while, Allan’s residence on the side of Tornado stabilized, and his work location was changed to City A, and his daily life of fighting monsters in City A began.

One month later, Allan successfully rose from the tenth place of the B-level hero to the tenth place of the A-level hero. Both the salary and the income have been greatly improved, and the quality of life has been greatly improved.

However, 027 Allan is not satisfied with this, because his goal is to become an S-rank hero.

With Allan’s strength and contributions, he can actually become an S-rank hero.

However, it is not that simple to become an S-rank hero.

To become an S-rank hero, you must not only have enough contributions, but also need to be recognized by the first hero of the A-rank, Sweetheart Mask, before you can enter the ranks of the S-rank.

Among the A-level heroes, many people tried to attack the status of the S-level hero, but they were all brushed down by the sweetheart mask.

The reason is simple, the strength of Sweetheart Mask is very strong, and the other A-level heroes are not his opponents at all.

Therefore, if you want to become an S-rank hero, you must first get the approval of Sweetheart Mask.

Now that the time has come, Allan decides to meet Sweetheart Masquerade.

Sweetie Mask is not only the first hero of the A-level, but also has another identity, that is, an idol.

Therefore, it is not a simple matter to see the sweetheart mask.

No way, Allan had to find Tornado to help.

With the introduction of Tornado, Allan successfully met Sweetheart Mask.

The two met in a coffee shop, and Allan arrived at the scene half an hour earlier.

Soon after, the sweetheart mask arrived.

(afff) As soon as I sat down, Sweetheart Masquer was the first to speak:

“Allan, I didn’t expect you to be more handsome than I thought. With your qualifications, you can already make your debut as an idol. How about, do you want to become an idol? I can recommend you to go in.”

Allan shook his head and said, “I don’t have to be an idol. My goal is to become an S-rank hero.

It turned out that “so, you came to me today for the sake of S-class.” Sweetheart Masquerade said.

Allan nodded, staring at Sweetheart Mask with scorching eyes: “I heard that to become an S-rank, you need your approval.”

Sweetheart masked: “Then you must also know that if the strength is not strong enough, it is impossible to get my approval.”

“Of course I know this, so I am very confident in my own strength. I believe you will recognize me.” Allan said with firm eyes.

Sweetie Mask smiled and said: “I have seen many confident people like you, but those confident guys, without exception, have been defeated by me, and you will be no exception.

Allan was not upset, and smiled: “So, do you want to try it?”

“You mean, let’s fight now?” asked Sweetheart Masquerade.

“Well, I have already selected the location. The nearby stadium is very suitable for us to fight.”

Hearing that Allan had chosen the location of the battle, Sweetheart Mask stood up and said, “It seems that the fight is impossible today, so let’s go. Let me see if you are qualified to become an S-rank hero.

Afterwards, Allan took the sweetheart mask to the nearby gymnasium.

In the empty gymnasium, besides Allan and Sweetheart Mask, there are three other people.

After seeing the three of them, Sweetheart Masquerade was a little surprised and said: “Why are you here?”

The three are tornadoes, stick bones, and atomic warriors.

“I asked them to come over, as a referee, to witness our battle.” Allan explained.

“So that’s it.” Sweetheart Masquerade suddenly smiled: “It’s funny. It seems that you are really confident in your own strength. I suddenly look forward to it. I hope you don’t let me down.”

“Of course, I will show my real skills.” Allan smiled.

At this moment, Tornado said: “If it’s okay, let’s start now.”

In the next second, the battle started.

I saw Allan’s figure flashed and attacked first.

“So fast!

Sweetheart Mask was taken aback and didn’t react for a while. Allan punched him in the right cheek and flew out several meters on the spot.

Outside the field, Banggu and Atomic Samurai were shocked to see this scene.

“What a fast speed.” Banggu said.

Atomic Warrior said: “The speed at which Allan hit the sweetheart mask just now has reached the flashing level, this guy is really amazing.”

The tornado on the side smiled and said: “I told you earlier, Allan is very strong, he is fully qualified to be an S-rank hero.”

In the center of the field, the sweetheart mask who was hit and flew out got up from the ground.

He looked at Allan with a gloomy expression, and said in a deep voice, “I was careless just now. I won’t be hit by you again this time.”

“Really? That’s not necessarily.

The figure flashed, and Allan came to the back of Sweetheart Mask at a very fast speed.

The reaction speed of Sweetheart Mask is also extremely fast, quickly turning back to counterattack.

However, Allan’s move was a vain shot.

I saw his figure flashed again and appeared to the side.

Without waiting for Sweetie Mask to react, Allan knocked it out with a punch.

Sweetie Mask was blasted away, and it took a few seconds before she came back to her senses.

At this moment, he was already a little embarrassed, and his hairstyle was messed up.

He said with a gloomy voice: “It seems that I really underestimated you. I can actually knock me into the air with two consecutive blows. The strength is indeed very strong.”

“You’re not bad, you can stand up even after hitting my two punches.” Allan said.

Sweetheart Masquerade said coldly: “I will never be beaten by you again for the third time. Next, I will use my true strength, so be prepared.”

Come on, “I will do my best.” Allan said.

The battle started again.

On the field, the two figures are like afterimages, so fast that they can’t be captured at all.

The stick bones and the atomic warrior who were watching the battle repeatedly exclaimed and were shocked by the power the two showed in the battle.

Especially Allan, his strength has exceeded their expectations.

In the beginning, they thought that even if Allan was so good, he couldn’t be the opponent of Sweetheart Mask.

But now, they discovered that they had seriously underestimated Allan’s strength.

On the field, Allan punched the sweetheart mask again.

This is already the fifth time that Sweetheart Maske has been beaten up. Every time, Sweetheart Maske said that she would not be beaten up again, but every time she was beaten in the face, it can be said that Allan’s strength has surpassed Sweetheart Mask. To fly him several times. ”

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