524[Famous Knife Greedy Wolf]

“What, you are the Bounty Hunter?” Major Darrow was stunned after hearing Allan’s identity.

“Why, surprised?” Allan shrugged, a little speechless.

Major Darrow asked in a deep voice, “Are you not a pirate of the Black Tiger Pirates?”

Allan shook his head: “Of course not.”

“Then how did you jump from the boat of the Black Tiger Pirates?” Darrow asked in confusion.

“That’s because the Black Tiger Pirate Group was annihilated by me long ago, and I drove off their ship. Who knew that when I came to the sea area of ​​Gangluo Town, you would be killed by you before it got close to Luoge Town. The navy opened fire and attacked. There was no way, I had to jump off the boat and swim to Rogge Town.-Go ashore, you will attack me without listening to my explanation. Nothing.

The solution, I can only be forced to fight back. ”

After listening to Allan’s explanation, Darrow realized that he had misunderstood Allan, and said with embarrassment: “It turned out to be so, I’m really sorry. I thought you were a pirate, but I didn’t expect it to be a bounty Hunter, and It also wiped out the evil Black Tiger Pirate Group, which is really good.”

“It’s nothing, catching pirates is also my job. After all, our bounty Hunter depends on this to eat.” Allan said.

“So, have you wiped out all the members of the Black Tiger Pirate Group? They are quite a powerful force in the East China Sea.” Darrow asked.

Allan nodded: “Well, that’s true. I killed them on an uninhabited island, and their leader, Heihu, was also killed by me. I also brought his head level over and prepared to bring it. The town of Rogge exchanged a bounty with your navy. Who knew that the ship was sunk by you, and the first stage of the black tiger is estimated to have sunk into the sea.”

“Black Tiger has a bounty of 20 million. Since you have indeed helped our navy eliminate this cancer, even without his first level, our navy will also release his bounty to you.”

Hearing what Daro said, Allan was happy: “You mean, I can receive a reward of 20 million from your navy?”

“Yes, leave the bounty to me. You first find a place to live in the town, and then I will personally deliver the bounty to your residence.”

“Thank you first, and goodbye.

After that, Allan said goodbye to Darrow temporarily.

When he came to the town of Rogge, Allan randomly found a hotel to live in.

Two days later, Darrow came to the door personally, and as promised, he brought a bounty of 20 million nuns.

Seeing this huge sum of money, Allan couldn’t hide his joy.

For him who had just arrived in this world, this money was enough to live him for a while.

Allan, “You are very strong, are you interested in joining our navy?” After handing the bounty to Allan, he asked.

Allan smiled and declined: “Sorry, I don’t think the navy suits me, because there are too many noodles in there, and I am a person who likes to be alone, so forget it.”

Darrow didn’t force Allan, and said, “Okay, but if you change your mind anytime, you can come to me at any time.”

Allan nodded and said, “Well, I will.”

Of course, although he said he would consider it, Allan didn’t plan to join the navy at all. Being a bounty Hunter is definitely more comfortable and more suitable for him than being a navy.

After sending Darrow away, Allan immediately opened the task panel of the system.

[Current task: Solve a pirate with a bounty of more than 10 million, and successfully exchange it for the bounty.

[Task progress: completed)

[Task Reward: Famous Knife Greedy Wolf]

Afterwards, Allan opened the system warehouse and received the reward.

In the next second, a long knife appeared in Allan’s hand, it was Greedy Wolf.

With Greedy Wolf Knife in hand, Allan’s overall momentum is completely different.

If the previous Allan was low-key and restrained, but now Allan, who is holding the wolf-seeking knife, exudes the cold and arrogant temperament of a lonely wolf.

Afterwards, Allan took the wolf knife and came to town.

He is now a bounty Hunter, and his job is to catch criminals who are offered a reward.

The town of Rogge is where the Pirate King was born and died, so many pirates are active here.

Of course, because there is a navy guard here, the pirates don’t dare to mess around.

If you want to catch some pirates with high bounty, you must first gather intelligence.

The best place to gather information is naturally the underground exchange.

Allan hired a local named “Xiaoling”, and under the leadership of this person, he quickly found an underground exchange.

After entering the underground exchange, a middle-aged man received Allan: “Guest, what do you need?”

“I’m looking for someone.” Allan replied.

“Find someone?”

“Yes, I want to know which pirates are more active in the East China Sea. It is best to offer a bounty of more than 10 million.”

(Of Zhao) Hearing Allan’s words, the middle-aged man immediately realized Allan’s identity and smiled and said, “So that’s it, you are a bounty Hunter, right?”

Allan nodded, without denying it.

In this kind of place, there is no need to worry about the issue of identity, because the exchange is completely neutral.

The middle-aged man said solemnly, “I do have some information about the pirates in the East China Sea, but I can’t give it to you in vain.”

“You make a price, I’ll buy your information.” Allan said lightly.

Seeing that Allan was so refreshing, the middle-aged man didn’t talk nonsense, and immediately offered a price to the Taoist priest:

“For a price of 20 million, I can give you information on ten pirates who have a bounty of more than 10 million.”

“Okay, deal.” Allan agreed without hesitation or consideration.

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