530【Fish Pirate】

After separating from Lu Fei and the others, Allan and Sauron soon met a group of strange-looking people on the island of Kokoyashi Village.

“What are these guys? Why do they look so weird?” Sauron frowned. It was the first time he saw a human that looked like a human.

That’s right, this is Sauron’s first impression at this time.

Although these people look a lot like humans, they are somewhat different from humans. They have some characteristics that humans don’t have, including skin color.

“They are murlocs.” Allan recognized these people at a glance.

“Murloc? What is that?” Sauron was obviously the first time he heard of this novel species, and his expression was a little curious.

“Murlocs are new species born after the combination of fish and humans. They have both the characteristics of fish and the characteristics of humans.

Murloc’s physical fitness is stronger than that of human beings, especially in water.

However, I heard that murlocs hate humans and often attack humans.

After listening to Allan’s explanation, Sauron nodded, as he has a basic understanding of the new species of ‘murloc.

“So, these murlocs are pirates, right?” Sauron asked, looking up at the murlocs in the distance.

“These murlocs should be in the same group as the pirates we met at the dock. However, these murlocs and pirates look obviously stronger 043, and the bounty should be higher.” Allan said.

“Since they are pirates, it will be easier.” Sauron drew his knife and prepared to do it.

At this time, one of the murloc pirates opposite said: “Who are you? How dare to break into the territory of our Dragon Pirates group.”

“Dragon Pirates? Allan, have you heard of it?” Sauron asked, turning his head.

Allan nodded and said in a deep voice, “Well, I heard about this pirate group when I was a bounty Hunter. Their leader is Aaron, a murloc, and the bounty is as high as 20 million Baileys. A famous big pirate in the East China Sea.”

“A big pirate of 20 million? This is indeed a big fish. I really want to chop him off soon.” Not only did Sauron not be held, but he was full of fighting spirit.

For Sauron, the stronger the enemy, the higher his will to fight.

At this time, the murlocs on the opposite side also discovered that Allan had been unkind with Sauron.

“Go on, kill these two guys.” A murloc said.

Afterwards, several murlocs surrounded Allan and Sauron.

Allan and Sauron glanced at each other, both of them seemed to understand each other. They didn’t say much, and started directly.

Sauron is different from the average swordsman. The average swordsman usually only uses one saber. However, Sauron is very different. The kendo he practiced is three swordsmanship, that is, he uses three swords to fight at the same time.

However, Sauron now only has a saber on him.

The other two were chopped off by Hawkeye when they confronted the world’s number one swordsman Hawkeye in the restaurant on the sea.

Now, Sauron had only one saber in his hand, and this sword had a very special meaning for Sauron.

This sword named “Hedoichi” is the sword used by Sauron’s childhood sweetheart.

Now, Sauron has pulled out this Hedaoyi character and started a battle with the murlocs and pirates.

“One sword flow, ghost cut!” Sauron slashed a murloc.

However, what surprised Sauron was that the knife did not end the murloc.

Demon Slash is Sauron’s skillful move, under normal circumstances, it is enough to make the opponent lose the ability to fight with a single blow.

However, the murloc pirate who was cut by the demon was only cut out of a wound, and still had the ability to fight, which made Sauron not marvel at the opponent’s powerful body that was different from ordinary people. Quality.

“Damn human beings, actually let the blood bleed.” The murloc pirate who was slashed by Sauron was very angry at this time. As a murloc, because of its powerful physical fitness, ordinary humans can’t hurt it at all.

But now, it was slashed by Sauron, which made it very angry, and his eyes were full of anger, wishing to smash Sauron’s body into pieces.

Facing the angry murloc pirate, Sauron waved and issued another powerful move of his.

“One sword, Ashura!”

Sauron’s body seemed to have an Asura’s need. The murloc pirate was immediately deterred by this aura (aff). Before he could react, his body was suddenly hit by Sauron with a knife and was directly killed in seconds.

“Huh.” After solving the opponent, Sauron let out a long sigh of relief.

This murloc is indeed stronger than the average pirate, and it took him two sword skills to be killed.

Sauron turned his head to look in Allan’s direction, and saw Allan deal with three murloc pirates alone.

The strength of these three murloc pirates is not weak, Sauron sees this, and immediately prepares to drew his sword to help.

However, Allan said: “Sauron, you are injured, just leave these guys to me to deal with them.”

Hearing Allan’s words, Sauron could only take the drawn Hedao text back into the scabbard.

In the previous battle with Hawkeye, Sauron was severely injured by Hawkeye. Although he has recovered a lot after rest, his body’s sword injury has not been fully healed, and his strength can only be less than half.

If you insist on fighting, it is indeed a bit reluctant.

Allan “Use my knife.” Sauron said, preparing to lend Hedao a text to Allan.

Because Allan had sold his Sabre Greedy Wolf before, seeing Allan fighting with three murloc and pirates with bare hands at the moment, Sauron had the idea to lend him a sword.

However, Allan said: “No, I can solve these three things with my bare hands.

The three murloc pirates heard that Allan’s tone was so loud, they were immediately angered.

However, in the next second, Allan hit and flew one of the murlocs directly.

“A strong punch. Seeing” this scene, Sauron was secretly surprised.

At this time, he noticed that Allan’s fists had been covered with a layer of black material at some point.

“What’s that? Allan’s fist turned black, like a black iron fist.” Sauron looked surprised.

At this time, Allan punched one and knocked out the remaining two murlocs.

Allan, “What kind of power did you use to hit those murlocs flying with one punch.” Sauron walked over, looking curious.

“I used armed look domineering.” Allan explained.

“Armed and domineering? What is that?” Sauron asked in a puzzled way.

“Simply put, it is a kind of power that can increase physical attack and defense. After using the armed color domineering, the attack power of the fist will be greatly improved, and it is not a problem to fly a murloc with a punch.”

Hearing Allan’s explanation, Sauron opened his eyes and said, “I don’t think there is such a powerful ability in this world. If you can, can you teach me?”

“We are partners, of course.” Allan agreed readily.

Hearing this, Sauron was taken aback, obviously he didn’t expect Allan to agree so quickly, and then thanked you in gratitude: “Then I will thank you first.”

“You’re welcome, but for now, let’s solve the evil dragon pirate group and get Nami back.” Allan said.

“Well, let’s go and destroy the Dragon Pirate Group now.” Sauron said. .

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