538 (encircled)

After half an hour, Allan and Sauron joined Usopp, Sanjis, Nami and others, and informed them that there was a navy in Rogge.

Knowing that there was a navy, everyone was worried about Luffy.

Because Luffy was offered a reward of 30 million Baileys by the Navy not long ago, he became the number one villain in the East China Sea.

Therefore, everyone is worried that Luffy will be discovered by those navies.

However, after searching, Luffy was nowhere to be seen.

Luffy is the captain of the straw hat group and the leader of their team. As a member of this team, Allan and others are naturally impossible to leave Luffy, so everyone can only leave together to find Luffy.

At this time, Luffy was already surrounded by a group of navy in an alley.

Among them, two of them were the Navy Captain Dusky, and the Navy Captain Smogg, the man nicknamed the Smoker. 05

Luffy punched a navy and yelled, “You bastards, let me get out of the way, or I’m really going to make a real move, and my friends are still waiting for me.”

“So that’s it, you still have partners.” Smogg sneered, “Don’t worry, after arresting you, your companions will soon be wiped out.”

Lu Fei once again flew a navy soldier, refuting Smaller, saying: “You dream, my partner is very strong.

Da Siqi “You take a centaur to outflank the other members of the straw hat group, and leave it to me here. I will deal with this straw hat boy myself.”

“I know the colonel.”

Da Siqi had seen the strength of Small, so she was relieved.

Afterwards, Da Siqi left with a team of troops.

This corps is all from the navy headquarters. It can be said to be elite and effective in combat.

Therefore, Da Siqi has great confidence to complete the task and arrest all the members of the straw hat group.

After Dasqi left with his troops, Smogg launched a formal attack on Luffy.

Facing Smogg’s attack, Luffy dodges left and right, appearing very agile.

Smogg coldly snorted, “As expected, he is the number one pirate in the East China Sea with a reward of 30 million. There are indeed two offenses. However, if you think you can get rid of me this way, you are quite wrong.

Luffy waved his fist and struck Smogg, shouting: “Come on, I’m going to hit you.

Seeing that Luffy’s arm stretched out, Smogg immediately understood: “So you are also a Demon Fruit Ability person, it seems that you belong to the Superman type.”

“Yes, I am the rubber man who ate the rubber fruit.” Luffy did not deny it, but admitted it without hiding it, and also said what the power of the devil fruit he ate was.

Smogg’s straightforwardness towards Luffy only felt that this man was really a foolish fool.

However, even though the other party seemed indifferent, Smogg did not intend to let him go, because Luffy was a pirate and he was a navy.

On the other side, Da Siqi led a group of soldiers to outflank the members of the Straw Hat regiment in Rogge Town.

At the same time, Allan and the others were also looking for Captain Luffy in the streets and alleys of Rogue Town.

Then, on a street, the two parties finally met.

“Is it her?” Sauron glanced at the headed Dasqi.

And Da Siqi also recognized Allan and Sauron, and said in surprise: “It’s actually you, I never thought you were from the straw hat group.”

A subordinate told Da Siqi: “Sergeant, the two of them were previously famous bounty Hunter, Roroya Sauron and Allan in the East China Sea.”

Da Siqi nodded: “So it’s them, I understand.

Afterwards, Da Siqi decisively ordered the soldiers to surround Allan and others, blocking their way.

Seeing so many navies, Usopp, the timid, suddenly became nervous: “It’s over, now we will be swallowed up.”

Nami said, “You think about Usopp too much. Allan and Sauron are there, no problem.

Sanji Shidao: “I will protect Miss Nami.”

“Then I will trouble you Sanji.” Nami said.

Allan and Sauron looked at each other, and then the two rushed to the navies separately.

A fierce battle began.


Allan rushed into several navies, knocked them all flying with three punches and two kicks, showing amazing strength.

Sauron used three swords to chop a lot of navies, demonstrating a high level of 043 swordsmanship.

As the commander, Da Siqi saw Allan and Sauron knock down the hundreds of seamen she had brought with them, and was very surprised.

Only at this time did she realize that she had seriously underestimated the combat effectiveness of the Straw Hat regiment.

Soon, Allan and Sauron worked together to solve the troops that Dasqi had called.

Allan and Sauron did not suffer any harm except for expending some physical strength, which shows how powerful they are.

Da Siqi drew the sword from her waist, and Allan slashed towards it.

Allan easily blocked Da Siqi’s sword, took a look, and smiled: “You have a good knife. I just happen to lack one now. You can use it for me.

Before Da Siqi could react, Allan easily grabbed the knife in Da Siqi’s hand.

“Give Shigure back to me.” Da Siqi said angrily, trying to take it back.

However, with her strength, she couldn’t even touch Allan.

Allan flashed, appeared behind Da Siqi, and stunned Da Siqi with a knife. .

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