542 (Cyan Slash)

Seeing the three naval warships approaching in the distance, Allan pulled out Shigure from his waist.

After pulling out the knife, Allan’s momentum suddenly became fierce.

Luffy, Sanji and Sauron looked at Allan in amazement, especially Sauron. He who is also a swordsman, can feel the sharp sword power of Allan more than anyone.”, then It is the aura that only a first-class swordsman has.

“You stand back a bit, I’m going to shoot.”

Hearing that, both Lu Fei and Sanji Shi took a few steps back.

And Sauron couldn’t help asking: “Allan, do you want to shoot now? Those warships are at least one kilometer away from us.

“Sauron, look at it, a true swordsman, in addition to close combat, must also master long-range attack capabilities.”

When Allan said this, Sauron was startled and faintly guessed what Allan was going to do next.

Without asking any more, Sauron took a few steps back.

Allan took a step forward and raised the knife above his head.

Afterwards, he slashed towards the front.

Suddenly, a cyan chopping wave blasted directly towards one of the warships.

Seeing this scene, Sauron’s eyes widened: “It used Shigure to make a cyan slash.”

And this scene reminded Sauron of the scene when Hawkeye shot at the sea restaurant.

At that time, Hawkeye used his black knife to chop out a black slash, and easily destroyed the boat of the Crick Pirate Group.

And now, in the face of the menacing naval warships, Allan also uses this long-range strike wave.

And Sauron knew very well that the swordsman who could send out such a chopping wave had undoubtedly reached the level of a swordsman.

This means that Allan is now a swordsman-level kendo master.

This made Sauron deeply aware of the gap between him and Allan.

But right now, it’s not the time to entangle this.

Sauron raised his head and saw that Allan’s cyan slash had hit one of the warships.

The huge battleship was suddenly ablaze and damaged severely.

“It’s so strong, it destroyed a battleship in one blow.” Sanjishi exclaimed.

Allan put away Shigure, and said, “Okay, one problem has been solved, and there are two more ships that will lead them to the forest on the island to solve it.”

Afterwards, Allan and Lu Fei entered the forest on the island.

On the sea surface, the warship destroyed by Allan’s chopping wave sank into the sea shortly afterwards.

In this blow, hundreds of soldiers were killed and injured, and the remaining soldiers were rescued on two other warships.

Afterwards, the two warships approached both islands and stopped on the shore.

Afterwards, a large number of soldiers came down from the two warships and assembled on the shore.

The person in charge of leading these soldiers was the Colonel Smogg of the Navy Headquarters. In addition, there were two colonels in total.

In addition, there are two major figures.

This time he came to fight against the Straw Hat Pirates. In order to ensure that he could succeed, Smogg was well prepared.

Although a warship was sunk just now, there was not much loss in terms of combat power.

Subsequently, under the leadership of Smogg, the navy began to enter the forest on the island, and soon began to encircle.

At this time, in the forest on the island.

Allan was discussing strategies with Luffy and the others. After a short discussion, they were divided into two groups of actions.

One group consisted of Allan acting alone, and the other group consisted of Luffy, Sauron and Sanjis acting together…

“Allan, are you sure it’s okay alone?” Luffy asked.

Sauron said, “Luffy, Allan is much stronger than the three of us, so don’t worry.

Allan smiled, “Yeah, so don’t worry about me.”

Luffy nodded, and then said, “Then it’s decided like this, let’s act.”

Allan said: “The navy should have already opened the encirclement now. Luffy, the three of you, will break out from the left, and I will break out from the right. Remember, if you can break out of the encirclement, you should leave this island first and join Nami and the others. ,do not wait for me.”

Lu Fei said seriously, “I understand.”

Subsequently, several people started the action.

Seeing Luffy and them disappear into the woods, Allan walked towards the woods on the right.

Although single-handedly, but Allan fearless.

This confidence stems from his own that powerful force.

Soon, Allan met a group of sailors.

No nonsense with them, Allan directly on the hands.

I saw his shadow flash, with lightning speed, knock a sea Colonel in charge of the military leader of the 5.5.

Allan was full of power fist bombers that were in the Navy Colonel who suddenly allowed to force without any defense, inverted out, severing a tree stopped down.

Upon seeing those soldiers, they have revealed the Aura Nodes expression.

They range shot counterattack, Allan made use of one of Six Navy high-speed mobile in front of them, these three boxing feet who hit fly out.

Allan of each punch has the force of several tons of weight, just blow fly can play a soldier.

In the face of this overwhelming force, these soldiers is not a rival, Yichujikui.

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