544【Monster Power)

Seeing Smogg and others waiting in front of him, Allan didn’t panic at all, but showed a faint smile.

Seeing Allan’s confident and indifferent expression, Small couldn’t help clenching his fists.

Obviously, he was very upset with Allan’s contemptuous attitude.

“Smogg, have you forgotten what happened in Rogue Town so quickly? Are you in such a hurry to avenge you? Want a shame?”

Facing Allan’s sarcasm, Smogg said with a gloomy expression: “I must beat you this time. Last time I was careless to lose to you.”

“main idea?”

Allan smiled.

He didn’t expect that Smaller would naively think that he lost to himself last time, just because he was too careless.

“You didn’t recognize the strength gap between us. You are a stupid guy.” Allan shook his head disappointedly at Small.

Smogg stared at Allan steadily. Although he wanted to do it immediately, he didn’t do that. Instead, he chose to continue to confront Allan.

The reason he didn’t do it right away was because Smogg himself knew very well that he couldn’t deal with Allan alone.

Therefore, he needs to wait for reinforcements to come, and then attack Allan.

And what a smart Allan was, he could see through Smaller’s strategy at once.

Although knowing that Smogg was waiting for reinforcements, Allan was not at all anxious, and responded indifferently.

At this moment, Da Siqi, who was standing next to Smogg, couldn’t help but say:

“Asshole, give me back my Shigure-“. ”

Seeing Dasqi’s angrily, Allan smiled and said, “If you want to go back to Shiyu, come and get it if you have the ability.”

“Take it, you can wait for me.”

After that, Da Siqi rushed towards Allan.

Because Shigure was taken away by Allan, the weapon used by Dasqi is just an ordinary knife.

Nevertheless, Da Siqi, as a swordsman, has a lot of momentum.

Smogg wanted to stop Da Siqi, but Da Siqi was eager to get Shigure back, so he didn’t listen to Smogg’s words.

Allan had a few tricks with Da Siqi in a playful way.

After a few moves, Allan easily knocked down Da Siqi.

“Your strength is still too weak. With your current ability, you don’t deserve Shi Yuyu at all.”


Allan’s words deeply shocked Da Siqi, and at the same time made Da Siqi once again aware of his lack of strength.

In order to prevent Da Siqi from making trouble again, Allan stunned her with a hand knife.

Da Siqi instantly rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

“Okay, now it’s time to start business.” Allan looked at Smogg ahead, hooked his finger, and made a provocative move.

Smogg was relieved to see that Allan didn’t kill Da Siqi but only starred her.

Faced with Allan’s provocative behavior, Smaller naturally couldn’t tolerate it.

Especially Allan still provokes him in front of so many subordinates, which makes Smogg very upset with Allan.

Immediately, Smogg waved his hand, and a large number of men behind him pulled the trigger.

For a time, countless bullets attacked Allan, and the scene suddenly rained with bullets.

Allan directly turned on the domineering sense of seeing and hearing, and under the perception of seeing and hearing domineering, – dodge the bullets.

Seeing this scene, Smogg and all the navy soldiers’ eyes widened.

A soldier couldn’t help but said, “What kind of monster is this guy, he avoided all the bullets.”

Smogg again gave the order to shoot, so the soldiers started a new round of attack after refilling the ammunition.

A large number of bullets continued to attack Allan. This time Allan used one of the Navy’s six “paper painting” capabilities to perfectly avoid the rain of bullets.

Smogg frowned, because he had discovered through observation that Allan was using a Navy VI.

This surprised Small, because the Navy’s Sixth Form is a maneuver that only the Navy has the opportunity to come into contact with.

As a pirate, Allan was able to use naval moves, which surprised Small.

Just when Smog was stunned, Allan had already rushed to the navy soldiers, and then turned on the “Wu Shuang mode” in the crowd. No one can withstand Allan’s fist.

A powerful fist with unmatched strength blasted the soldiers out one by one.

“”monster. ”

At this time, in the eyes of the soldiers, Allan brought them tremendous pressure like a mountain, and its strength was comparable to a monster.

Among these soldiers, there are some physique masters, but they can’t bear even Allan’s punch.

One can imagine how strong Allan’s power is.

The reason why Allan doesn’t use Shigure to fight is because once Shigure is used, these soldiers will suffer heavy casualties, and Allan’s purpose is to knock them down and incapacitate them, not to kill them.

In less than two minutes, hundreds of soldiers were all bombed out and lost their fighting ability.

Smogg, who witnessed this scene, could no longer bear Allan’s arrogant behavior.

Smogg’s whole body turned into smoke, and he rushed towards Allan with an astonishing aura.

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