
After returning to the uninhabited island, Allan immediately began looking for Luffy and them on the island.

Unfortunately, there is no one on the island.

After searching, except for the traces of fighting on the island, Luffy, Sauron, and Sanji were all gone.

The navy seemed to have left, and no warships were seen near the island.

No way, Allan had to temporarily return to Sanye Island to explain the situation to Nami and Usopp.

Obviously, Luffy and the others were caught by the Navy.

Regarding this situation, Allan was a little surprised, because there was no incident in the original plot that Luffy, Sauron and Sanjis were caught by the navy.

But now, this incident has happened.

This shows that from now on, the story has been separated from the original development and is developing in an unpredictable direction.

In fact, the moment Allan joined the Straw Hat group, the fate of the members of the Straw Hat group had changed.

In fact, Allan knew this too.

However, Allan still underestimated the Navy in 05.

He didn’t expect that Luffy, Sauron, and Sanjis would be caught when they acted together.

This shows that the navy has dispatched masters this time, and Luffy and the others have lost to each other.

However, the navy has also suffered losses.

Smogg’s death is undoubtedly a painful blow to the navy.

They absolutely never expected that Smogg, one of the team leaders, would be killed in this round of the Straw Hat regiment.

In general, both sides suffered losses this time.

The navy lost a colonel-level combat power, and Allan lost three main combat powers.

Especially Luffy, as the captain, was also caught.

Now only Allan straw hat pirates, Nami and Usopp three, while the real fighting Allan only one person.

And for their arrest Luffy, Nami and Usopp were worried about their safety.

Allan was not very worried, because Luffy and the others were not heinous pirates, at most they were imprisoned in jail.

Therefore, for Luffy and the others, there is no danger to their lives.

“Allan, is there any way to save Luffy and them out?” Nami asked.

Allan shook his head and replied: “The current situation is to determine where Luffy and the others were caught. If they can’t know their location, then there is no way to rescue them.”

Usopp: “If Luffy really caught up in the Navy, Do we really want to save their thing?”

“Nonsense, Luffy is our captain, if the captain is no longer the case, our team will loose. And now missing more than a way to fly, as well as fragrant custard with Sauron, if it does not get them to return, then we really want to place straw hat pirates group disbanded.

Usopp little embarrassed, said: “I also want to save the road to fly them, but we only have three people how to save?”

Nami snorted disdainfully, “Aren’t you just afraid, find any reason.”

“I’m not afraid.” Usopp retorted.

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Allan said in a timely manner: “Stop arguing, now let’s watch the changes. Wait two days to see if there is any news about Luffy and the others, if not, let’s talk about it.

Nami and Usopp both nodded and agreed to Allan’s proposal.

Now that Luffy and the others are away, Allan seems to have become the backbone of the team.

Allan didn’t plan to wait in a hurry on the island, so he decided to go around.

After telling Nami Usopp not to leave, Allan left Trefoil Island alone and headed to Rogge Town.

In Allan’s view, Luffy and the others assumed that they were really caught by the Navy, so the most likely place to be detained at the moment is the town of Rogge.

The reason is that the navies came from Rogue Town, and Smogg, who was beheaded by him, was originally stationed in Rogue Town.

At this time, in the highest-level office of the Navy Headquarters.

The Marshal Zeng Guo hung up the call just now with a sullen expression.

Karp, who was sitting next to him on the sofa eating senbei, saw that his old comrades had such an ugly expression, and couldn’t help asking with some curiosity: “What’s the matter with the Warring States Period? What happened.”

The Warring States Period said in a deep voice: “The person from the Luoge Township branch in the East China Sea called and said that Smoge had unfortunately died in the battle with the pirates.”

Hearing that, Rao Kapu couldn’t help being surprised by the news, and stood up from his chair: “In other words, that guy Smogg has died in the battle?”

Although Warring States didn’t want the news to be true, he nodded and said, “Well, it’s already confirmed that he died in battle.”

“How could this happen, can’t it be saved?” Karp asked.

Warring States shook his head and sighed: “No way, the guy Smogg was cut off at the head. There is no possibility of surviving, and there is no chance of healing. He died on the spot.”

Karp looked surprised and said, “How could this happen? You know that Smogg was from the headquarters. It can be said to be an elite of our navy. Although the strength is not first-rate, it is placed in the East China Sea. In the weakest waters of the film, it stands to reason that no pirate should be his opponent. Why would he be beheaded?”

Warring States sighed and said: “Indeed, I originally thought that Esmog was strong enough to deal with the pirates in the East China Sea, so I sent him to the post of 043. However, I didn’t expect this to happen now. .”

“Which pirate did it?” Karp asked with a frown.

Smogg was killed by a pirate, and he was also a little angry, who was also a navy.

The Warring States Period looked at Karp, his face was a bit ugly and solemnly said: “Kapu, this matter is also related to you, you can’t get rid of it.”

“It has to do with me?” Karp was taken aback and didn’t understand what was going on.

Warring States Road: “You have a grandson named Lu Fei, right?

Karp nodded, “Yes.

Warring States again said: “Then you should know that he has become a pirate?”

Karp nodded again: “I know.”

“Then you should also know that your grandson Luffy also established a pirate group called “Straw Hat”.” Warring States Road.

“The Straw Hat Pirates?” Karp reacted now, and looked at the Warring States in disbelief: “Could it be that Luffy was the one who killed Smogg?”

The Warring States Period shook his head: “According to the news I got, it was not your grandson Luffy who killed Smogg, but a member of the Straw Hat Pirates. In other words, it was killing Smogg. A good person is your grandson’s partner.”

“Unexpectedly, the guy who killed Smogg was Luffy’s companion.” Karp was surprised, very surprised.

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