551 [Overwhelming Strength)

After bringing down the guards outside the door, Allan came to the gate of the naval base.

Taking a deep breath, Allan grasped the famous sword Shi Yuyu on his waist, and followed the charge of “drawing the sword and cutting”, and instantly cut open the huge iron fence in front of him.

After putting Shigure into the scabbard, Allan walked into the base alone.

When he stepped into the base, a sharp alarm sounded inside the base at the same time.

“Attention, everyone, there is an intruder at the base, go to the main entrance quickly to meet-the crime.”

The broadcast sounded throughout the base, and all the soldiers who were patrolling and standing guard quickly moved out and came to the main entrance of the base to intercept the intruder.

Soon, Allan encountered obstacles.

Looking at at least a hundred heavily armed navy ahead, Allan just showed a smile.

Yes, in this case, he can actually laugh.

When the soldiers saw this scene, they couldn’t help wondering if Allan had a brain problem.

Allan put away his smile, his face suddenly becoming serious.

In the next instant, Allan rushed up with a quick walk.

Allan rushed into the crowd, like a tiger leaping into the flock of sheep, with an extremely ferocious aura, and scared the soldiers’ complexions.

Suddenly, screams kept ringing in the base.

I saw Allan covered his arms with his arms and his domineering moves, like a humanoid machine, flying the soldiers.

Time is running out, and he must rescue Luffy and them before the navy’s reinforcements arrive.

To rescue Luffy and the others, the soldiers in this base must first be eliminated.

Regardless of whether it was ten or a hundred, in front of Allan, who had super domineering, these soldiers were like ants, vulnerable to a blow.

In less than five minutes, all the hundreds of soldiers in the base were brought down by Allan.

“It’s surprisingly easy.

It was easier to knock down these soldiers than Allan expected, which made him more confident that he could rescue Luffy them.

However, just when Allan thought it was over, suddenly a figure appeared in front of him and blasted him with a punch.

Allan reacted extremely quickly, and his right fist blasted out at the same time.

The two fists collided, and a shocking wave of energy burst out.

Then, the man was repelled by Allan.

Seeing that the other party could actually take his own punch, Allan admired the man’s strength a little bit: “Yes, after you sign up, I won’t kill the unknown.”

“My name is Jack, the captain of this base, and the rank of colonel.

It turned out that “it’s the colonel of the branch, which is kind of interesting.”

Allan looked up and down at Colonel Jack, who was wearing a coat of justice in front of him. He could feel that the opponent’s aura was very strong, and his strength was not weaker than that of Smog.

Along the way, Allan was almost always abusing food, and had no chance to fight the master.

Therefore, seeing Colonel Jack appearing in front of him, Allan was also provoked to fight, and wanted to fight the opponent.

Of course, Allan has absolute confidence that he can beat the opponent.

Colonel Jack stared at Allan with a gloomy expression, and said solemnly: “You are Allan of the Straw Hat Pirates, are you here to rescue Straw Hat Luffy?

Allan snapped his fingers: “Bingo, it’s correct, but there is no reward.”

Colonel Jack snorted coldly: “You dare to break into the naval base alone. You are really the most daring sea area ever.

“Of course, because I am very strong. Although this place is heavily guarded, it is nothing more than that for me. Your soldiers are too weak to stop me. Of course, you are included.”

Seeing that Allan was so confident, Colonel Jack was irritated and gritted his teeth and said: “Don’t be too proud, this is not a place where you can come and leave. Today, even if you lose this life, I will take it. You stay.

Allan sneered, “Huh, the consciousness is good, even if you don’t know how strong it is.”

0…seeking flowers…

With a roar, Colonel Jack charged towards Allan with a fierce aura like a tiger.

Colonel Jack is a master of physique, in terms of speed and strength, he has the first-class level.

Even Colonel Jack has mastered the elementary armed color, which can improve the offensive and defensive power of his fists.

However, after colliding with Allan’s punches, Colonel Jack soon fell into a disadvantage.

Colonel Jack was beaten back and forth, his bones were broken in many places, and his vigor was greatly reduced.

For this result, Colonel Jack, who has always been arrogant, could not accept it.

He exploded with all his strength and punched Allan out.


With this punch, he used 120% of his ultimate strength.

Allan snorted coldly, covering his arm with armed color, and then struck out a hard punch.

A jet black energy burst out from his fist. Colonel Jack’s right fist could not withstand Allan’s armed forces. He only heard a click, and his right arm was directly interrupted and completely abolished.

In the end, Allan hit Colonel Jack’s forehead with a punch, and flew him out.

Colonel Jack, who was hit hard by this, rolled his eyes on the spot and lost consciousness.

However, he did not die, and he still had a weak breath.

Allan didn’t kill him either, and spared his life.

The reason, of course, is that this guy is also a branch colonel anyway, so he wants to show some face.

Afterwards, Allan was ready to go to Propulsion City behind the base.

To enter the prison inside the city, you need to pass through three steel gates.

This is not difficult for Allan, who possesses superb swordsmanship.

Holding Shigure in his hand, Allan once again used “Drawing a Knife and Cutting” to slash the steel gate open.

Allan’s current realm of kendo has reached the level of “slashing steel.”

To cut steel is to cut off the realm of steel.

Therefore, even the gate made of steel can’t stop Allan’s charge. Death,

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