556 “Defeat Zefa”

Pirate: God-level choice

In the deep pit, Allan’s figure stood tall, not being knocked down by Zefa’s domineering, he successfully resisted Zefa’s attack.

Zefa was very surprised at this time. He has been riding the sea for many years. Because of his powerful armed look and domineering, he has the prestige of “Black Fist”.

However, in the current battle with Allan, his domineering did not have much upper hand.

Allan’s armed domineering displayed in the battle did not lose him, and was not weaker than him.

This surprised Zefa, and at the same time admired Allan’s talent and potential. Having mastered this level of domineering at a young age, it is hard to imagine how high his future achievements will be.

At the same time, Zefa also realized one thing, that is, if he cannot get rid of Allan today, if he meets again in the future, Allan will become stronger than he is now.

At that time, it will be even more difficult to kill Allan.

Thinking of this, Zefa didn’t hesitate anymore, covering his wrists with his armed color, and rushing towards Allan with all his might.

Allan saw that Zefa really wanted to get rid of him, and he didn’t have any reservations at the moment, and used the moves and skills he had learned one by one.

The detailed process of the battle need not be described too much, because the battle lasted three days and three nights.

The two of them played dimly, the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking. The entire island couldn’t withstand the collision of the forces of both sides and was shaking.

On the sea one kilometer away from the island, a group of soldiers brought by Zefa could only stay on the warship and watch them from a distance, and could not interfere with the battle on the island.

They didn’t even dare to get too close to the island, because the sound from the island made them feel frightened, and they didn’t even have the courage to approach it.

Although they wanted to help, they were also powerless.

With their strength, I am afraid that they will be affected by the aftermath of the battle before they get close.

Therefore, they can only wait patiently for the end of the battle on the island.

Finally, in the evening of the fourth day.

The battle between Allan and Zefa finally ended, and the island fell into silence.

At this time, the center of the small island of Nuo Da has been battered and there is no flat ground.

Looking around, the center of the island is full of pits, large and small, and the trees are completely destroyed.

One can imagine how fierce this battle was, and the entire island was destroyed by one-third of its area.

On the island, Zefa fell into a pit of more than ten meters.

Zefa at this time has long lost the prestige and domineering of the past.

There were many injuries on his body, including visible scars on his forehead, face and arms.

Then the navy justice coat has become tattered, and the word justice is no longer visible on it.

Not far away, Allan was eating and standing with difficulty, and did not fall down like Zefa.

Although he had almost exhausted all his stamina and wounded himself at this time, his tenacious spirit and willpower supported him not to fall to the ground.

In this tug-of-war, he finally defeated the elderly Zefa with a young body.

Allan knows very well that if it is replaced by Zefa when he was young, it will be difficult to win this battle.

Dan Zefa is now in his early sixties, and his strength is not as good as before.

After a long battle of three days and three nights, Zefa finally took the lead and fell down first.

The fall of Zefa means that Allan won the battle.

Dragging his wounded body to the pit, Allan stood on it condescendingly and saw the translation of what he had fallen into the pit.

At this time, Zefa had lost consciousness and fell into a coma, but there was still a breath, and there was no life-threatening danger.

Allan jumped into the pit, hit Zefa on his shoulder, and walked all the way to the shore of the island, beckoning to the warship on the sea in the distance.

The warship slowly approached, and the soldiers on the ship saw Men Zefa being held on his shoulder by Allan.

They couldn’t imagine that the former admiral, who was invincible as a mountain in their eyes, was actually defeated.

Allan hit Zefa, jumped up and came to the deck of the warship.

The soldiers were immediately frightened and at a loss. In their eyes, Allan was now an extremely dangerous person.

But soon, under the command of a colonel-level officer on the ship, the soldiers surrounded Allan with guns one after another.

As long as the trigger is pulled, there will be hundreds of bullets that will knock Allan into a hornet’s nest within a second.

Of course, that kind of situation is impossible.

Allan sneered: “Don’t waste your effort. Even your general Zefa has been defeated by me. With your people and firepower, I can clean up in a few seconds.”

The soldiers were shocked when Allan said this.

The colonel realized that Allan is not in a good state, and said, “Although Teacher Zefa was defeated by you, you were also injured. You are surrounded by us now. I advise you to treat Teacher Zefa put down and surrendered.”

Hearing this, Allan sneered:

“I am indeed injured now, but it’s easy to get rid of you. If you don’t believe me, just try it.”

In the next second, a powerful aura appeared on Allan, who was absolutely domineering.

In an instant, more than a dozen soldiers who were closer to Allan turned their eyes white, lost consciousness, and fainted due to the frontal impact.

The soldiers who were farther away were also unable to stand up, and even the guns in their hands could not be held securely.

In the audience, only a few college-level military personnel maintained a sober consciousness and remained unaffected.

But they were also very shocked by Allan’s domineering release, and they were very afraid.

Allan was able to release his domineering stunned soldiers on the ship, which made them realize that Allan was indeed capable of cleaning them up.

Therefore, for a while, they dare not mess around again.

Seeing that they didn’t dare to act rashly anymore, Allan chuckled lightly: “Don’t be nervous, in fact, I am not here to trouble you, I just want to return your general to you.”

“You…you fellow, did you kill Zefa?”

“If I kill him, why send him back?”

“Don’t worry, he just fainted temporarily, but after all, he is already old. If he doesn’t take him back for treatment, I’m afraid something will really happen.”

“What do you want now?”

“If Zefa wakes up, tell him that I won this battle, so that he won’t trouble me anymore, because next time, I won’t show mercy anymore.

After saying this, Allan turned around and jumped off the warship and returned to the island.

Afterwards, the warship left soon.

And shortly after, Allan also took the Black Cat Pirate Ship and left.

0……Look for flowers

His next destination is to go to the new world.

The news of Zefa’s defeat quickly spread from the East China Sea to the New World. Even the Four Emperors knew that Zefa had lost to a supernova pirate who offered a 200 million bounty in the weakest East China Sea.

As for this supernova who can defeat Zefa, the pirates of the New World are very curious, and even the Four Emperors team are quite concerned.

For a time, Allan’s fame was very loud in the new world, and the limelight was unparalleled.

Located in the Naval Hospital of Marine Vandor Naval Headquarters, Zefa finally woke up the next day after undergoing treatment.

His body and head are covered with white bandages, these are proofs of his injuries.

A subordinate brought a report, which contained news about his defeat in the East China Sea.

Seeing this news about himself, Zefa was a little unhappy, but more helpless.

Because he was indeed defeated in the battle.

The former general was actually defeated by an unknown newcomer pirate, which is really incredible.

On the other side, in the highest office of the Navy Headquarters.


The three generals, the red dog, the green pheasant, and the yellow ape, once again gathered together for a long time.

And they were all invited by the Marshal Warring States.

The Warring States period looked at the three generals and said, “Have you all heard of it? About Zefa.”

“What’s the matter, Marshal of the Warring States?” Huang Yuan put on a puzzled expression.

The Warring States period was not very angry: “Don’t pretend to be confused by Huang Yuan, I am referring to the defeat of Zefa in the East China Sea. Zefa is your teacher, don’t you have anything to say?”

Huang Yuan spread his hands together: “That’s right, Teacher Zefa is obviously such a powerful person, but this time he was defeated by an unknown newcomer pirate. It was really an upset and surprised the whole navy. Woolen cloth.

The Aka Dog sitting on the side chair snorted coldly, holding his arms to express his opinion: “In my opinion, it must be the old man Zefa who is getting old and his strength has declined.”

The general Qing Pheasant took the words: “This is indeed possible. After all, once a person gets old, all aspects of physical function will decline. Teacher Zefa was indeed very strong when he was young, but now he is old after all, and his strength is definitely not as good as before. “Speaking of this, the green pheasant paused and said: “However, not everyone will be weakened because of age. Like Lieutenant General Karp, he is still alive and well, and his strength is not reduced back then.”

Warring States Road: “Zefa will be defeated. This is indeed a result that I did not expect. Now, the reputation of our navy can be said to have been seriously affected. We must act as soon as possible, while the matter has not fully expanded. Before, this bad influence should be resolved as soon as possible.”

“Marshal, what are you going to do?” Green Pheasant asked.

Warring States said in a deep voice: “I am looking for the three of you to come here, mainly to solve the Allan matter.

He defeated Zefa in the East China Sea, and now he has not only become the most famous pirate in the East China Sea, but also has become famous in the New World.

If he continues to let him go, with his potential and strength, I am afraid that within a few years, he will be able to grow up to the point of being shoulder-to-shoulder with the Four Emperors.

At that time, it will be difficult to deal with him again. ”

The three generals, the red dog, the yellow ape, and the green pheasant, did not express their opinions for the first time, but were silent with each other, not knowing what they were thinking about. Death,

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