561 (Allan’s Terrorist Power)

“I’m Holdem, the beast group. Is there a pirate called Allan? Just stand up for me if you have one.

However, no one answered.

When the guests heard that Holdem and the others were members of the Beast Pirate Group, they all showed fearful expressions.

In the New World, the Hundred Beasts and Pirates can be described as “a representative of the evil. Just to say their names is enough to be frightening.”

At this time, in the corner of the tavern, when someone heard someone looking for him, Allan also glanced at them.

Allan quickly thought of the previous conflict with Sipshead of the Beasts, and realized that these people were here for revenge.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that the Hundred Beasts would search for himself so quickly, which made him a little surprised by the opponent’s speed of action.

However, these people in the beasts group didn’t know what he looked like, so as long as he didn’t stand up, he was still safe for the time being.

Seeing the people in the tavern, Holdham didn’t respond. Obviously, there was no one he was looking for. He slapped the table angrily, and said angrily: “All those who don’t want to die, get out of here. The uncle here is here.”

Holdem, who couldn’t find Allan, was in a very bad mood at the moment, so he wanted to have a drink in this tavern to ease his impatient mentality.

The guests of the tavern fled in panic, afraid to stay here for a while.

After all, the prestige of the Hundred Beast Group is unknown to everyone in the new world.

However, in front of a table in the corner of the tavern, Allan was indifferent, still drinking a little wine on his own, completely ignoring the sea cities of the beasts.

After all the other guests walked away like a smoke, in a tavern in Nuo Da, apart from the members of the Beast Group, he was the only decent guest left.

All the members of the Hundred Beasts group noticed Allan, and Holmes, the leader, walked over, first looked at Allan, and then angrily said: “Boy, didn’t you hear what I said just now? If you don’t want to die, just follow me. Go out, today this tavern is reserved by our beasts group.

Allan put down his wine glass and looked up at these people. The number of people was hundreds of people. It was a big scene.

If you were to be an ordinary person, I would have been scared away long ago, but Allan was not afraid at all, with an extremely indifferent look on his face, and did not put them in his eyes.

Seeing Allan’s contemptuous attitude, all the pirates, including the group of beasts, who have always been domineering and proud, felt that they were greatly insulted.

Mercury directly smashed the wine table in front of Allan with a punch, smashed the cocktail he was tasting, and said angrily: “Smelly boy, no matter who you are, you can’t get out of this door today.”

Allan looked at the smashed wine, his face instantly pulled down, without any nonsense, he directly raised his hand and hit Holdham’s mandible with a punch, knocking him into the air on the spot, and fell heavily. On the wine table at the back, the huge body smashed the wine table and fell embarrassedly to the cold floor.

Holdem’s men were dumbfounded and did not react

“Master Holdham, are you okay?” A subordinate hurriedly stepped forward and asked with concern.

Holdem only felt a sharp pain in his jawbone. He wanted to open his mouth and couldn’t tell. It turned out that his jawbone had been dislocated.

If you want to talk, you have to take the chin back first.

“Aren’t you looking for me? I’m standing in front of you now, come on, let me see how capable Kaido’s beast group is.”

When Holdham and others heard Allan’s words, they were shocked. Unexpectedly, the person I was looking for was met by them in this tavern.

Holdem reluctantly took the dislocated mandible back with his hand so that he could speak again.

He glared at Allan and shouted: “Damn it, you are the pirate from the East China Sea who attacked Sipshead. You dare to offend our beasts and pirate group. Today you are dead.

Allan said blankly, “I want to return these words to you intact. Today, only one of you members of the Beast Group can leave, and that is the one who goes back to report the letter. The rest will die. Stay here.”

Now that he had offended the Hundred Beasts, Allan didn’t plan to show mercy anymore.


Anyone who encounters the beasts group, he will cut the roots of the grass and put an end to future troubles.

Pulling out the Sabre at his waist, Togure, Allan turned on the killing mode.

The pirates of these beasts were just a group of women. In less than a minute, all of them were killed by Allan’s sword.

At this moment, Holdem was the only one left in the tavern that had not been killed.

Holdham watched his men were all killed in a blink of an eye, and finally realized what kind of monster he had provoked.

Although he is now afraid, as the pillar of the beasts, his dignity does not allow him to beg Allan for mercy.

With a flash of cold light, Allan slashed Holdham’s right hand directly, and snorted disdainfully: “Today I will spare your life and let you go back and report the letter. Tell your boss, if you want to deal with me, It’s best to let him come in person. Otherwise, it doesn’t matter how many small characters like you come.”

“Well, you wait for me. I will definitely let Master Jack come and meet you in person. Don’t leave on this island if you have a seed.

After speaking, Holdem wrapped his wounds and left the tavern in embarrassment. Death,


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