564 (yellow ape appeared]

At Allan with Jack on the island played fierce on the occasion, ten kilometers away from the island of Ai Laze sea, there have been three Navy warships.

Every warship, there are at least hundreds of sailors, as well as a number of senior generals wearing a coat of justice.

Where the warship, standing master several naval headquarters.

As will be ghost spiders will Huoshaoshan et al.

Indeed, even the smoker Simo Ge was among them.

And the lead, consternation, that 波鲁萨利诺 one of the admiral, yellow ape.

Just the day before, the yellow ape got the message from the CPU Allan intelligence officers there.

Ai Laze in the southern island of New World, discovered traces of Allan.

Huang received the news of the ape, they immediately convener hand toward Ai Laze Island departure.

Subsequently, rush on the road of yellow ape also received another report CPO intelligence officers.

People beasts of pirates, also appears in the Yi Laze island.

Beasts pirates is one of the largest forces in the New World, yellow ape not underestimate this, immediately mobilized a number of support staff from headquarters to come.

Among them, there will be two headquarters, spiders and ghosts are Huoshaoshan.

There are also two headquarters colonel, were smoker and 斯摩格提娜.

This team can be quite powerful.

In this case, the warship has become increasingly close Ai Laze Island.

Even without binoculars, we can also see the shadow of the distant islands.

Boat, yellow ape on a public Navy said: “ready for battle, pirates beasts groups handed to you deal with, the old lady on the first step to beating the actual situation of the island.”

After the account is completed, a yellow ape hands condensed light microscope side, this lens called “eight Zhi mirror” can emit light refraction bounces around the object, thereby forming a light track, the speed of light and can be realized through its orbit move.

That time, the body is yellow ape element into the state, the body into numerous light particles, reflecting the light in front of the mirror through the track, the speed of light like speed away toward the island.

Less than a kung fu, yellow ape figure will appear in the dock.

By this time, the yellow ape noticed docked at the pier not far from a pirate ship, and it was recognized Jack’s mammoth number of pirate ship.

“Now see, that you can not let go ah.” I saw the yellow ape raised his hand, the fingers condensed out light particles, and instantly send a note of the wave energy beam gold.

With the boom “is heard, Jack docked at the shore of the mammoth number of pirate ship suddenly been bombed out of a hole.

Jack aboard a public men who have been affected.

Yellow ape no longer ignores these messenger effort, but left to deal with warships came back.

Subsequently, the yellow ape figure flash, then away toward the town on the island.

Although still some distance away from the town, but he has felt two powerful flavor.

And these two strong flavor, naturally Allan with Jack.

At this point, the two warring still do not know, ape generals Huang has quietly come, and where they do not appear in the distance, are watching their fighting.

Yes, at this time the yellow ape, seeing in Allan with Jack after the fight drought, and there is no hurry to sell, but is intended to show from the sidelines, until after two to fight a lose-lose, again a beneficiary of Lee, the two men also won.


Color domineering full knowledge of Allan, Jack in the fighting in and suddenly felt an unusual place in the atmosphere appear not far.

This atmosphere is very strong, the strength will not come to explain in general.

Think of this, Allan decisive and Jack apart.

Jack did not know he was fighting with Allan has attracted Admiral yellow ape audience, see Allan in the back, Allan thought it was finally starting to hate the heart, immediately seized the opportunity to pursue, in the hands of Schotter like sickle constantly crossing again and again cut off.

At this time, the distance a golden energy beam with lightning speed toward the lasing, it is back Allan’s target.

With knowledge color domineering, Allan keen perception of the danger from behind.

Seeing got hit, Allan a punch in front of Jack Zhentui first, and then a very rapid response speed rotation behind, waving hands when rain Tough issued a blue slash, hit the golden energy beam Dangxia.

“” Is indeed the man to beat teacher Ze law, really powerful ah, had been able to react justice in that case. ”

(Li Zhao) as the voice sounded, a figure appeared in Allan is not far away.

Allan one recognized this man, three shocking Navy headquarters will be one of 波鲁萨利诺 yellow ape.

“Oh, this really is a very, very big man came ah! See the” yellow apes actually appear here, Allan was a bit surprised, but soon calm down, he and Jack were fighting the whole island into a crisis, and how the Navy might not be aware of it.

But, Allan did not think the Navy will send yellow ape over, which erupted developments beyond his control, he was even more unfavorable for them.

However, Allan has not been panic.

As a Warrior, he fear from danger.

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