566 (Six Kings Spear)

After regaining some stamina, Allan looked at the small town that had become a battlefield.

The two figures are fighting each other fiercely.

Within a radius of two kilometers, numerous deep pits of various sizes appeared on the ground. These were all the damage caused by Jack’s battle with the Yellow Ape.

By this time, Jack had been injured in many places and looked very embarrassed.

On the other hand, Huang Yuan did not suffer any harm except for some excessive physical exertion.

In fact, Huang Yuan’s ability can be said to be an opponent of this type.

In the terms of the game, Huang Yuan is equivalent to a mage and an assassin, with both close combat capabilities and powerful long-range output capabilities.

On the other hand, Jack, due to the limitation of the fruit ability, does not have the power of long-range output, he is only good at close combat, and the speed is not as good as the yellow ape.

In front of the yellow ape with a flash of speed, Jack is like a heavy tank. Sora has a body of power, but can’t fully exert it.

When encountering an opponent of this type Huang Yuan, he can be said to be restricted everywhere.

Huang Yuan can continuously use long-range attacks to consume Jack and force Jack into passiveness.

When Jack was busy defensively, Huang Yuan appeared in front of him by surprise and initiated a close output to him, making it difficult for Jack to parry.

Therefore, after the battle, Jack Leng didn’t hurt Huang Yuan at all.

Seeing Jack being so passive, Allan said, “Hey, Jack, do you want to join forces?”

“My uncle won’t work with you. After I kill Huang Yuan, I will come to clean up you.”

Seeing Jack refused to cooperate and was so arrogant, Allan shrugged. He wanted to see what Jack could do to kill Huang Yuan. ”

Seeing Huang Yuan couldn’t get Jack for a long time, Allan said, “Huang Yuan, let’s make a deal.

“Oh? What’s the deal?” Huang Yuan was a little curious.

“I’ll defeat Jack, and then I will give Jack to you, how about it? Isn’t it a good deal for you?”

Hearing Allan’s offer, Huang Yuan thought for a while and asked, “Why are you doing this?

Allan smiled and said, “I just don’t want to be the enemy of the navy, so I will defeat Jack and sell you a favor. I opened my eyes and closed one eye in return and didn’t meet me on this island. By then, you You can take Drought Jack back for business, as for nothing

Hearing this, Huang Yuan understood Allan’s meaning and smiled: “So you want me to let you go.

“It’s understandable.” Allan didn’t deny it either.

In fact, Allan’s real purpose is not to let Huang Yuan let him go.

He knew very well in his heart that Huang Yuan would never let him go. His purpose was to keep Huang Yuan from taking action for the time being.

Because after he kills Jack, he can get the supreme big knife rewarded by the system.

By then, he who holds the supreme sharp knife in his hand, even Huang Yuan would not dare to mess around.

Huang Yuan, who didn’t know this, only thought that Allan really wanted to deal with him sincerely, so he agreed.

As the confidant of Kaido, Jack is a real big thief with a bounty of one billion.

If it can be captured back, it will definitely be a great achievement for Huang Yuan.

Therefore, Huang Yuan agreed to Allan’s deal.

However, it depends on his mood whether or not to really let Allan go.

Of course, Huang Yuan does not know whether Allan can really defeat Jack, so he can only watch the changes temporarily.

Soon, Huang Yuan temporarily evacuated the battlefield and handed over the dealing with Jack to Allan.

Allan had a fight with Jack before, so it can be said that Jack’s strength is very clear.

0…seeking flowers…

If it is Jack in his heyday, Allan really has no absolute certainty to take it down.

But now, Jack, who has experienced two consecutive battles, is not only physically exhausted at this time, but also injured in many places on his body, and his overall condition is quite poor.

And Allan had taken a break just now, his physical strength had recovered, and his overall condition was much better than Jack.

Therefore, Allan is 100% confident that he can be defeated and beheaded.

For a moment, Allan appeared in front of Jack.

Jack is injured now, his reaction power is not as good as before, and he can’t keep up with Allan’s speed.


Allan covered his arms with his arms and was domineering, and he kept hitting Jack’s body with continuous blows and fierce attacks.

Jack was like a meat target. He couldn’t avoid Allan’s attack at all, and he was beaten back and forth.

Afterwards, Allan pointed his hands at Jack’s body, gathered the power of his whole body on his fists, and then burst out this power instantly.

This move is the Profound meaning of Six Types of Physical Skills, Six Kings Spear.

The impact it produces is very terrifying.

With a boom, an invisible energy shock wave blasted on Jack’s body.

Jack’s huge body was shot out dozens of meters away.

Allan spread the sight and color, relying on the domineering sight and color, he sensed that Jack still had a breath, and was not bombarded by the Six Kings Spear.

I have to say that Jack’s physical resistance to fight is indeed terrifying, and his vitality is quite amazing.

If you change someone else, I’m afraid it’s already dead.

However, by seeing and hearing the domineering, Allan found that Jack’s breath had weakened a lot.

This shows that Jack has almost reached the end of his way.

Just give Jack a heavy blow to kill him. Death,

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