HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 102 Old Man

If it weren't for this guy called Stupid Spear, Mad Hatter Island would have suffered.

The pirates, who should have stayed out of the matter, cursed their mothers, and could only think about how to safely escape from Mad Hatter Island.

Garp didn't look at the group of passers-by pirates at all. His target was always Sol, who fled on the moonwalk.

As for these pirates in the town, Gion and the others will cook.

Sol stepped on the moon step and volleyed.

He directly ignored what Karp said and ran away.

Garp watched Sol unmoved from a distance, so he stopped talking nonsense, ran wildly on the block, and slowly reduced the distance between him and Sol.

When the distance was almost close, Garp ran wild and grabbed a pirate he encountered on the way.

Immediately, he jumped forward and jumped into the sky, his arm drummed up power, and he threw the pirate in his hand towards Sol.

The pirate who was caught by Garp didn't even have time to scream, and was shocked to death by a powerful force, and then turned into a corpse that flew towards Sol.

Hearing the sound of breaking air coming from behind, Sol scolded secretly, turned the angle of the moon step, and avoided the corpse attacking from behind.

After Karp made the posture of throwing the corpse, his body flipped forward in a circle, and then he stepped on the air and used the moon step.

That sturdy body suddenly shot obliquely to the ground like an arrow.

After landing, he continued to run wildly on the ground with unabated speed.

Unimaginable physical fitness and coordination are revealed at this moment.

Afterwards, Garp repeated his old tricks and kept picking up the pirates and throwing them towards Sol.

Thor was in pain, but he could only passively dodge the flying corpse.

How could he let Garp be so unscrupulous if he didn't have his hands free?

And Garp also saw this shot, so he had nothing to fear.

Under Garp's efficient involvement, Thor's escape speed was substantially affected.

The distance between the two sides is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But Wall Mountain is ahead.

Just go over Wall Mountain and leave Mad Hatter Island from the cliff beyond the pig factory.

After that, the sky is high and the birds fly.

At Garp's monthly pace, he could never catch up with Thor on the outlying island.


"It's too late."

Sol's heart sank.

"The other direction..."

Sol glanced at the escape routes to the left and right.

A lot of information was collected into Sol's head in an instant, and a judgment was made.


A sudden turn would only give Garp a chance to get closer.

But if it continues like this, let alone escape to the edge of the cliff on the other side of the wall.

I am afraid that just after climbing over the wall, it is possible to be stopped by Garp.

Unless you can free your hand, then use the flintlock pistol to interfere with Garp's pursuit.

But it's just because you can't do it that things get so tricky.


Sol snorted.

When a person gets old, various functions of the body begin to decline.

But the mad dog Garp behind him was different from ordinary people.

Even though he is in his seventies, he seems to be in his prime.

Sol gritted his teeth.

When the urgency is imminent, a decision must be made as soon as possible.

If you want to retreat, leaving Maud and Sunny directly is the simplest and most rude choice.

But Saul would never do such a thing.

Because, Maud has a [bright future] that he wants to witness with his own eyes.

Because, Sunny has the same [blood] flowing in his body.

Therefore, how could he let these two young shoots that had just emerged from the ground be destroyed.

After making a judgment based on rich experience, Sol made a choice in just a few seconds.

He turned over,

When the body is above the feet and the head, suddenly force the feet to step on the air.

With the sound of a burst of gas, Sol carried the two little guys straight down to the residential area below.

Before landing, Sol turned over lightly and landed steadily.

Then, Sol let go of Maud and Sunny, and said with a blank face: "Listen, I want you two to run to the cliff over Wall Mountain as quickly as possible."

"how about you?"

Sonny asked eagerly.

"When you get there, I will naturally find you. If you understand it, leave quickly."

Sol turned to look in the direction where Garp was, and his tone was so calm that he couldn't hear the slightest turbulence.


Sunny frowned, and when she wanted to say something, she was interrupted by Maud.

"Saul, we'll be waiting for you there."


Sol did not speak, and at the same time set up the rifled gun and aimed the muzzle at the wall in front.

With the help of Jian Wen Se, he aimed at Garp, who was rushing towards him, through the wall.

Maud and Sunny turned around silently and ran towards the wall.

Even if Sol didn't say anything, they knew that they had dragged Sol down.

Right now, in order not to increase the burden on Sol, we can only do what Sol said.

Run as fast as you can to the other side of Mad Hatter Island!

Sol felt the breath of the two people leaving, and then he settled down, and a cold light appeared in the old eyes looking at the wall in front.

He released the armed color, which was passed from the palm to the rifled gun, and instantly dyed the entire gun black.

Aim, shoot.

Thor pulled the trigger decisively.

With a gunshot after the gunpowder was fired.

The lead bullets, which were tightly wrapped in armed color, flew out from the muzzle.

The moment the buckshot flew out of the muzzle.

The smoke that has not yet spread out, under the influence of the armed color gushing out from the body, actually condenses a circle of smoke circles from small to large at a faster speed.

The lead bullet passed through the heavy smoke ring and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


The wall that was originally blocking the front had a regular round hole the size of a basin.

Carrying the lead bullets wrapped in terrifying power, they blasted holes one by one along the way, and came to Garp's eyes in an instant.

Garp was not wrong at all, waving a huge fist covered with top-level armament colors, and hit hard on the buckshot that came flying.


The two forces collided, making a violent explosion.

The shockingly powerful lead bullet was directly smashed into dozens of fine particles by Garp's punch.

Immediately, the fine particles blasted dozens of potholes of different sizes on the ground in front of Garp like a shotgun.

After the sound, the smoke filled the air.

The pirates who were fleeing around heard the terrifying movement, and when they looked towards Garp, they had no idea what was going on.

And the pirates who were fortunate enough to witness this scene couldn't see it clearly.

From their perspective, they just saw Garp suddenly punch forward, and then dozens of potholes were blown out of the ground.

No matter how the exaggerated gas explosion and the pothole came from, they only knew that this place should not stay for a long time, and they turned around and fled.

In the path between the buildings, Sol "watched" as Garp smashed the shot he had hit with his fist, and a gloomy color flashed in the old eyes.

"So, what I hate most is your type..."

Sol did not fire a second lead shot, but jumped to the top of the building with the gun closed, and looked coldly at Garp who was standing on the street.

There is no second marine within range.

After all, Karp is not a fool. After dealing with him so many times, how could it be possible to send redundant people to his muzzle.

Garp raised his head, met Sol's gaze, and when he grinned, his face was filled with awe-inspiring fighting intent.

The eyes of the two old-timers just collided in mid-air.

The invisible sparks enveloped the surrounding blocks in a heavy aura.

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