HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 104 I'm just here for vacation

No matter how fast he escaped, he couldn't be faster than the speed of Aokiji.

A cold gust of wind came up later, in front of Maud and Sunny.


Without warning, the cold wind suddenly turned into a wall of ice, blocking Maud and Sunny's way.

The sudden appearance of the ice wall made Maud and Sunny brake in haste.

In front of the ice wall, a cold air gathered into a group, again condensing the figure of Aokiji.

It seems that because the lazy attitude was thrown away, this time, Aokiji quickly turned from elemental to entity.

The three-meter-tall figure turned into a large shadow covering the faces of Maud and Sunny.

It came ruthlessly with the oppressive force of the chill, as if freezing the surrounding air, giving people an obvious sense of suffocation.

Maud's right hand quickly attached to the hilt of the chidori, while Sunny quickly raised the gun to aim at the green pheasant, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


The lead bullet that came out of the chamber just passed through Aokiji's body and did nothing.

In Aokiji's eyes, Maud and Sunny's overreaction was like two little beasts that had encountered danger and exploded their fur.

He looked at the two young men helplessly.

"If you have something to say, why do you move the gun..."

As a result, before the words were finished, Maud suddenly pulled out Chidori, surrounded it with domineering, and slashed across it.


With a neat knife, the belly of the green pheasant was directly cut open.

At least in Sunny's eyes, that's how it is.

But in fact, the gap that appeared on the belly of the green pheasant was not cut by Morde, but the green pheasant made the body elemental one step ahead, and freed up space for the long knife to pass through.

This is also a conventional method used by natural fruit ability users to evade armed attacks.

After Maud slashed the air, he pulled Sunny back without hesitation.

Looking at this scene, Aokiji scratched the back of his head.

A burst of cold air visible to the naked eye spread forward from the soles of Aokiji's feet, and spread over the soles of Maud and Sunny's feet in an instant, condensing a layer of ice on the ground exuding white smoke and cold air.

The soles of their shoes suddenly froze, and Maud and Sunny lost their balance as they dashed backwards.

It wasn't injured.

However, Aokiji kept his hands over and over again, making them realize that the chances of escaping were extremely slim.

Maud quickly got up from the ice, and looked solemnly at the green pheasant, who seemed to be unable to lift himself up.

With their current strength, trying to escape from the Admiral's nose is nothing short of a fantasy.

And Maud also roughly guessed the reason why Aokiji kept his hand.

"Do you want to use us to threaten Sol..."

Maud flashed such a possibility in his mind, and immediately gritted his teeth, thinking about the feasibility of getting out.

Even if the chances are slim, he can't sit still.

Aokiji looked at the two young people and seemed to have given up their escape, and held back the cold air that continued to spread around.

"Don't be so excited, I have nothing to do to you."

Aokiji really didn't plan to shoot.

It's just that he doesn't seem to have the slightest self-awareness of his own identity.

In this situation, a naval admiral suddenly came to him in an elemental manner, and then he did not intend to do anything.

Who believes?

Different locations have different senses.

Not to mention the sense of oppression brought about by the status of the general.

Maud did not believe what Aokiji said at all.

After being silent, he suddenly untied the rope that bound Bailey, and Bailey had already shrunk into a ball at this time.

After undoing the rope, Maud carried Bailey, who had shrunk into a fat ball, to his eyes and whispered: "Run away, you are a pet, no one will embarrass you."


Maud's arm exerted force and threw Bailey out of the freezing area.

Bailey rolled to the ground several times.

After stopping his body, he raised his head and looked at Maud and Sunny who were standing on the ice, speechless.

run away...

It seemed like the only thing he could do right now.

Bailey gritted his teeth, turned around and ran away.

On the ice, Aokiji glanced at the ferret who was running away.

Shouldn't that sentence be said to me just now?

Well, forget it.

Aokiji turned to Maud and Sunny.

"How should I say it, um... I'm just here for vacation, and by the way, I'll see a big scene that I haven't seen in a long time."

Having said that, Aokiji put his hands in his pockets and turned his head to look in the direction of Garp and Sol.

"I didn't have a shot at it originally, but if you run around, Mr. Karp will have a headache, so please cooperate with the two of you, and don't make me embarrassed, especially you."

Aokiji glanced at Maud who was ready to go.

"That knife just now wasn't a joke."


Maud tensed suddenly.

Aokiji didn't care, raised his finger and scratched his cheek, and continued to look at the place where Garp and Thor were fighting.

There is no picture at all from here, only the movement caused by the battle can be heard.

That would be so boring.

Or take these two little devils to the tallest building just now?

If you do that, will you be shot down?

Sure enough, let's hurry up and replace it with someone.

Aokiji thought a little in annoyance.

Rather than guarding the two little ghosts, he wanted to see the era-crossing battle between Garp and Strange Gun.

Aokiji's inattentiveness surprised Maud.

This is not what was expected.

Maud also thought that Aokiji wanted to use him and Sunny to threaten Sol, so that Sol could be captured obediently.

As a result, they just stay here and don't move around.

In order to keep Thor alive?

If so, wouldn't it be better to directly threaten Sol with their lives?

Could it be that this is the so-called justice of the Navy?

But no matter what, there is no way to escape, and there is no chance to do it.

Having listened to Qingzhi's unsavory warning, Maud knew that if he did it again, it is estimated that Qingzhi would not keep his hand.

After thinking about it, Maud had a headache.

It wasn't too bad, but it wasn't much better either.

It can only be said that fortunately, the person who came to block the road was Aokiji, not Akainu.


Sonny filled her ammunition and looked at Maud inquiringly.

I don't know since when, she has become more reliant on Maud's opinions and decisions in a subtle way.

Maud shook his head at Sunny, signaling her not to act rashly.

Sunny nodded lightly, then began to worry about Sol and Bailey.

"Maud, do you think Bailey is so fat, can he run fast? The pirates in the town are all looking out for the wind. Will Bailey be trampled to death?"


Maud's eyelids jumped.

Ma'am, what time is this...

Maud was quite helpless, but he could see that Sunny was seriously considering this potentially risky guess that sounded a bit ridiculous, so he could only whisper a word of relief.

"Probably not, after all, Bailey insists on doing a hundred bench presses and push-ups every day."


Sonny answered in a low voice.

At this time, Qingzhi suddenly looked over.

His eyes became very serious, his arms ooze white smoke and cold air, and a thin layer of frost condensed silently.

"I thought about it, and sure enough..."

Aokiji's sudden transformation surprises Maud and Sunny.

"Let you all come with me."

Aokiji continued, then strode towards Maud and Sunny.

He really decided to go back to the tallest building just now.

Only there, the field of vision is more open.

And right now.

A buckshot came from afar, and it could be said to arrive in an instant.

"Ah la la."

The green pheasant's eyes changed, and the body turned into elements in time to disperse around.

The buckshot landed on the ice.


The power contained in just one buckshot shattered the ice surface that spread to a hundred meters away.

A few meters away, the green pheasant, who had re-condensed her figure, looked in the direction of the lead bullets with fear.

"I said it all, I'm just here for vacation."

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