HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 109 Usopp is actually...

Robbie is one of the few people who knows Maud's identity.

And this information was learned by Robbie through Gion.

Originally, it was just a son of a wealthy family from a businessman. Robbie would have forgotten it for a few days at most.

But what really caught Robbie's attention was that Gion saw Maud as a dangerous person.

At first, Robbie was inexplicable.

But when he saw Maud slashing Lan's feet with a knife, Robbie suddenly understood why Gion regarded Maud as a dangerous person.

But that's about it.

After that, after being beaten a bit by Maud's combo, Robbie deeply realized the horror of Maud.

Not because of strength, but growth rate.

Only a few months, physical fitness, speed, reaction...

Even the combat experience is so rich?

After knowing the bottom line, Robbie couldn't help but feel a sense of jealousy in his heart.

He has always been proud.

Proud of your own talent.

Proud of what has been achieved.

Pride is unmatched among peers.

But even so, it took him many years to have his current strength.

But this guy in front of him only took a few months.

Is this true talent?

It is precisely because of enough understanding that Robbie suddenly felt a kind of unwillingness to sit deep in the bottom of the well after referring himself to Maud.

Maud's previous compliments were like ironic slaps, hitting his complacent and arrogant face.

Moreover, if the growth rate like this is left unchecked...

Robbie's eyes suddenly filled with murderous intent.

He suddenly felt that Gion was being polite just to see Maud as a danger.

In exchange for the current him, he would definitely add the word "extreme" in front of danger.

Maud looked at Robbie's murderous intent in vain, thinking that it was just the joke that made Robbie angry.

I wanted to reload [Usopp] and the ammunition of the two pistols while Robbie took the initiative to distance himself, but seeing Robbie attacking with murderous intent, he had no choice but to give up.

Carrying [Usopp] back behind him, Maud stared at Robbie who was coming with murderous intent.

Perhaps it was because of the domineering arrogance of seeing and hearing. In the confrontation just now, instead of feeling any pressure from Robbie, Maud had a sense of pleasure like doing whatever he wanted.

It's no wonder that in every world, there are more or less a bunch of monsters who are keen to become stronger in battle.

"Seeing and seeing color is really a good thing."

Maud smiled slightly.

Seeing the smile on Maud's face, Robbie's killing intent was even stronger.


Robbie dodged and came behind Maud, and just when he raised his hand to use the finger gun, a sword light came quickly.

"Have you been seen through..."

Robbie was startled, didn't care to stop, he just shave again, and retreated back ten meters in an instant.

Maud then fell flat.

Robbie stopped his body, and some beads of sweat appeared on his forehead at some point.

The knife just now was almost cut when he appeared.

If the response is so slow, the consequences will be disastrous.

Just when Robbie was terrified, Maud came after him.

Seeing this, Robbie kicked a few hurricanes towards Morde, in an attempt to disintegrate Morder's charge.

The red light in Maud's eyes flashed away, and he flickered and moved, avoiding a few stray feet that came.

After stepping into the attack range, Maud quickly slashed five knives at Robbie.

【Paper painting】

Robbie's body was suddenly like a piece of paper drifting in the wind, swaying left and right to avoid every knife that came.

Maud's eyes flashed, but he didn't stop there.

The driving knife once again intertwined a large blade of light, covering Robbie's suddenly dexterous body.

His original intention was to stick to Robbie with a fast-attack knife, so as to prevent Robbie from using [Shave] to open up the distance, and then wasting meaningless time.

Now seeing Robbie use [Paper Painting] to parry the sword, it just fits his heart.

Robbie was caught in the sky, and although he had [Paper Painting] to deal with it, he had a bad feeling.

After dodging hundreds of knives, Robbie finally realized Maud's plan.

"Do you want a quick battle... I'm really underestimated."

Robbie was outraged.

After realizing Maud's plan, how could he sit still.

However, after several attempts, Robbie was stunned to find that he was trapped in a quagmire, and it was difficult to get rid of the knife that came one after another.

He realized that if he removed [Paper Painting] rashly, he would most likely be hit directly to the point.

But if you don't get rid of [Paper Painting], you can only be forced to dodge all the time, and you can't make any effective counterattacks.

"how so……"

After seeing the situation clearly, Robbie's face became very ugly.

He did not give up easily, but tried again and again.

Yet it still failed.


The first wound appeared on Luo's paper-soft body.

Not deep, even shallow.

But for Robbie, it was a wake-up call.

Afterwards, more than a dozen fleeting knife beams passed, and a second wound appeared on Robbie's body.

Still not deep.

But this also means that Robbie's [Paper Painting] begins to show weakness.

If it continues like this, it is also a matter of time before being hacked to death by Maud.

Unless, Robbie is willing to bet that Maud's physical strength can't support that moment.

But how could Robbie bet?

In order to get rid of the current situation, when the third wound appeared on his body, Robbie was heartbroken, and he looked for the opportunity to lift [Paper Painting].

This choice directly pushed him into the abyss.

With the help of the domineering and domineering, Maud's knife came first.

When Robbie was able to use [Shave], he was still slashed in the chest.

After the figure disappeared, there was a large pool of blood on the ground.

The next moment, Robbie appeared more than a dozen meters away, clutching his bleeding chest, his face slightly pale.

Just as he stood firm, Maud was already following him.

In desperation, Robbie could only use [Shave] again to get rid of Maud's pursuit.

However, because of the injuries on his body, this time's [shaving] is obviously not satisfactory, neither the speed nor the distance can be compared with the previous one.

This caused Maud to stick at a faster rate.

Between life and death, Robbie felt a chill deep into his bones.

His fighting spirit was defeated by Maud.

Robbie, who was thinking of quitting, tried to use shaving to open the distance again, but his right leg suddenly softened, but he failed.


Robbie's heart twitched and he looked up suddenly.

I saw Maud stabbed.

Robbie's face changed drastically, and in a hurry, he could only turn to iron in an attempt to prevent Maud's knife.



The domineering Chidori was entwined, and it easily pierced Robbie's iron block.

The tip of the knife came out directly from Robbie's back waist, bringing out a lot of blood.

Being pierced by a knife, the expression on Robbie's face suddenly solidified, staring at Maud who was close at hand.

Maud withdrew the knife expressionlessly, and once again brought a lot of blood from Robbie's body.

Robbie groaned and collapsed to the ground.

Not far away, Sunny saw this scene and silently pressed down the muzzle.

At the same moment, the fleeing pirates also saw this scene.

After a brief silence, a tidal wave of applause erupted in vain from the pirates.

Among them, there are many whistles full of pleasure.

Maud ignored the cheers coming from the direction of the wall, and put Chidori on the ground with his backhand, and then called out the hunter's note in front of everyone's eyes.

In such a situation, collecting Robbie's experience is more important than hiding the existence of the Hunter's Note.

What's more, as long as he takes the initiative to disclose it, it is impossible for others to know the true effect of the hunter's notes.

After seeing Maud conjured a black notebook out of thin air, the cheers from the pirate pile slowly descended.

"Usopp is actually a devil fruit person..."

A pirate said in a daze.

Watch the fight.

As if, as if...

I don't see what ability it uses?

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