Is this person really the Colonel of the headquarters...

Maud's self-reported identity makes Nami suspicious.

She glanced at the dagger fragments on the table, and there seemed to be a shadow flashing in her eyes.

Flicking the dagger to pieces.

This kind of trick is nothing to that group of monsters.

Regardless of whether the person in front of her is a colonel of the headquarters or not, she does not think that the other party can kill all the murlocs.

Intuitively, there is nothing wrong with Nami's judgment.

Aaron and other fish people are very powerful, and it is no problem to smash daggers with one finger.

However, the murlocs couldn't bounce the dagger inch by inch like Maud.

The difference is in control.

Maud could feel Nami's distrust of herself.

He could understand this.

After all, it is impossible for a human who has lived under the hegemony of murlocs for a long time to believe in such a thing.

Looking at the pair of sisters who suddenly fell silent in front of him, Maud stretched out his right hand and gathered the table full of dagger fragments into his palm, and immediately got up.

Following Maud's move to get up, Nami stepped back like a conditioned reflex, and then got off the table.

Maud didn't care about Nami's actions, but raised his right hand holding dozens of dagger fragments.

After drawing the gazes of Nami and Nokigao, Maud controlled the color of the armament and covered his palm.

Immediately, give a firm grip.

Accompanied by a harsh sound, the dagger fragments in the palm suddenly turned into powder.

Then, Maud released his right hand and let the iron powder fall on the table in front of him.

Watching Maud crush the sharp dagger fragments into powder with his bare hands, Nami and Nuoqigao narrowed their eyes.

no injuries...

Nami and Nokigo couldn't believe their eyes.

Maud ignored the sister flower's reaction,

Indifferently said: "I bet on my wolf rat's life and vow to slaughter the Evil Dragon Pirates. If they lose, they will not retreat."


Nami looked at Maud with wide eyes.

At this moment, the seed called hope sprouted quietly.

Maybe this person can really...

Nuoqigao also stared at Maud closely, and a hope rose in his heart.

"Then, do you agree or reject this deal?"

Maud looked at Nami with a complicated expression.

Nami took a deep breath.

She had seen the power of Maud, and had expectations for it.


In another two years or so, it may be possible to buy 100 million Baileys in Cocosia Village.

Stability, or adventure?

Nami thought.

Even if Maud has a strong power, she can't hold all the chips, it is related to the entire Cocosia village...

"I agree, but the money can only be given to you after it's done!"

In the end, Nami made a decision.

"It's natural."

Maud nodded.

Money is nothing.

What he wanted was information from the Dragon Pirates.

If it weren't for this, he wouldn't be here to show off his skills many times.

But as long as you can get results, it doesn't matter how many times you show off.

"Nuoqigao, go get the pen and paper."

Maud glanced at Noqigao.

"Eh? Oh!"

Nuoqi was stunned for a moment, and after reacting, she walked towards the desk subconsciously.

No, this is my home...

Noqigao looked back at Maud.

I saw Maud pointed to the chair and motioned for Nami to sit down, which was the attitude of the head of the family.

Nuo Qi Gao felt helpless, picked up the pen and paper from the desk, and then came to the dining table.


Maud took the pen and paper.

Hearing this thank you, Nuo Qigao looked at Maud in surprise.

What kind of person is this guy?

Nuoqigao was in a complicated mood.

Maud put the pen and paper in front of Nami and smiled: "Please use intelligence to write the names and strengths of all the murlocs of the Dragon Pirates on the paper. As long as I have this information, my chances of winning will be even greater. a little."

Nami did not hesitate, and following Maud's request, she picked up the pen and wrote it on the paper.

The first name she wrote down was, unsurprisingly, Aaron, the leader of the Dragon Pirates that she hated the most.


The house fell silent, only Nami's writing voice remained.

Half an hour later, Nami stopped writing and pushed the written paper in front of Maud.

Good guy, it's actually five pages full.

Maud picked up the paper full of writing and looked at it seriously.

The first to bear the brunt is Aaron, the most valuable experience baby.

"There are quite a lot of moves, eh? Chewing gum???"

Maud couldn't help looking up at Nami.

Regarding the Evil Dragon Pirates, Maud probably only remembers the names of several major murlocs such as Aaron.

Therefore, he needs Nami to provide more information, such as the various moves of the fish people.

Is chewing gum serious?

Faced with Maud's questioning, Nami said solemnly: "I won't joke about this kind of thing."


Maud nodded and continued to look.

The next information is back to normal style.

Looking over the detailed information of several cadres, Maud's mouth twitched.

Nami really did her best, and she was right.

Thinking of this, Maud continued to look down.

"Salt, Pissarro, Canehiro..."

"It's all trashy fish, but the moves are gimmicky."

Maud picked up the pen and crossed out some useless information on the paper.

Only a cadre-level fisherman is worthy of his detailed information.

As for other trash fish, one name is enough.

"A whole group of murlocs should bring a lot of benefits to the physique."

Maud thought silently, and couldn't help but start to look forward to it.

After making the last stroke, Maud put down the pen and put the paper away.

Find a place to copy this information into the hunter's notebook, and then harvest the experience.

"Pleasant to work with."

Maud smiled slightly at Sister Hua, then got up and walked towards the door.

Is this the end?

While Nami and Nuoqi were stunned, Maud had already walked to the door.

"Wait a moment!"

Nami couldn't help but speak.

Maud pushed open the door and walked out without looking back.

The information has been obtained, so there is no need to continue wasting time here.

Inside the house, Nami stared blankly at the open door and murmured, "This person... what the hell is going on?"

Nuoqigao was silent.

Nami's words are also a reflection of her heart.

At first, she thought Maud was trying to trouble Nami as a victim.

However, Maud actually mentioned the money buried in the orange grove, which was the secret they kept deep in their hearts.

Surprised, he thought that Maud was a criminal who came for money, but turned out to be a colonel of the Navy Headquarters.

In the end, after Maud got the information, he left without talking about money.

A series of operations, really made Nuo Qi Gao stunned.

So, what is this guy thinking?

"By the way, today is the day to pay the fee."

Nuoqigao suddenly looked at Nami.

Hearing Nuoqigao's words, Nami suddenly stood up and ran towards the open door.

"Nami, your injury..."

"It doesn't matter."

Nami ran out of the house and looked up, but couldn't see a half figure.

where have you been...

Nuoqi came out on high heels.

The two sisters involuntarily looked in the direction of the village.

at the same time.

A group of murlocs came to the village of Kokosia.

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