HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 9 Reference

In order to get important information before, Maud used the identity of the Navy with his gloves.

The intention was to add some persuasion, and Maud didn't think much about using the name of the wolf rat.

It's nothing at all, at least Maud won't care about these little things.

However, after personally feeling the expectations and excitement from the villagers.

Maud did not hesitate to take off the vest named Navy.

To say why...

A mere dragon pirate group can do evil here for more than six years.

If it weren't for him, Morde, came here to harvest a wave of experience.

The reign of the Dragon Pirates will last until the arrival of the Straw Hat Pirates two years later.

That is to say, a fish-man pirate group that treats humans as animals in captivity has ruled here for a full eight years.

In this regard, the Navy did nothing.

Not to mention the 16-branch navy colonel mouse who was in trouble with the Dragon Pirates.

Moreover, the East China Sea is the weakest sea, and there are only a few pirates with relatively high bounties.

From high to low, that is, Aaron, Crick, and Bucky the Clown.

Even if Aaron is the pirate with the highest bounty, it's only 20 million.

Is it difficult to solve?

For naval heroes who occasionally return to the East China Sea on vacation, isn't it just a punch?

But the Evil Dragon Pirates have stood here for six years, or more precisely, eight years.

Therefore, whether it is the expectation from the villagers or the gratitude after the Evil Dragon Pirates were successfully eliminated.

Maud is impossible to accept as a navy.


Is it navy?

Not worthy.

That's why Maud took off his vest.

Ignoring Nuoqigao's question,

Maud strode toward the dragon's territory.

He didn't even want to waste time answering Nokigao's questions after the intelligence problem was resolved.

All he wanted was to hurry up and get the experience of Aaron and other murlocs.

Because, with the reference of eight months of hard training, the benefits obtained from killing the murlocs on the village road just now made Maud deeply aware of the importance of hunting.

Eight months of hard training is not as high as a murloc dungeon.

This is the status quo.

If you want to stand in an unshakable position in the fastest time, you can only keep hunting.

In this world of the weak, the most important thing is suitable prey.

During the journey from Cocosia Village to the Evil Dragon Territory, Maud's thoughts were tumbling.

High-pressure rule by the Dragon Pirates.

The villagers who were powerless to resist.

The dominant side of the strong over the weak once again made Maud deeply understand.

Soon, Maud came to a wall in the dragon's territory.

The gate of the dragon's territory faces the sea, and the rest of the area is surrounded by tall walls, leaving only one waterway that allows the murlocs to pass normally.

This design not only refers to the amusement park in the Chambord Islands, but also reflects Aaron's psychology.

Maud naturally wouldn't take the long way to the main gate, and jumped lightly to the top of the fence.

Beneath the tower-shaped building, Aaron, a tall man with a nose like a saw, was sitting on a chair.

Directly in front of Aaron is a sea pond connecting to the outer sea, and beyond that is the main gate of the dragon's territory.

About sixty murlocs were sitting or standing on the ground around the sea pool.

Some of them were drinking, some were eating, and they seemed very comfortable.

The arrival of Maud quickly attracted the attention of the fish people in the territory.

Aaron naturally noticed it too.

He glanced sideways at Maud who was standing on the fence, his eyes filled with coldness.

In his eyes, humans are a lowly race.

Therefore, Aaron was very upset when Maud stepped on the wall of his house.

He would rather Maud break the wall and walk in than see Maud stand on the wall and look down from above.

Aaron's eyes gleamed with anger.

Without asking about the intention, he raised the wine bottle and poured the wine in the bottle onto his palm.

Immediately, with a force of his arm, he threw the wine in his palm towards Maud on the fence.

With the support of a powerful force, the liquor that should have been scattered, condensed into a few small groups, and flew towards Maud like a shot.

The speed of the water bomb was so fast that it even made a sound of breaking through the air.

But Maud avoided it with ease.

The power of this water bomb cannot be underestimated.

In this way, Aaron's level is obviously not comparable to other murlocs.

If we say that ordinary murlocs are white ordinary monsters, and murloc cadres are blue ordinary monsters.

Well, Aaron is the purple boss.

Not a normal monster, but a Boss.

Thinking of this, Maud's eyes became hot, and he looked at Aaron's eyes, as if he was looking at a huge fat fish on the cutting board.

The water bomb was dodged, and Aaron didn't care much. Anyway, there were many ways to kill Maud.

However, Maud's undisguised aggressive gaze made Aaron instantly angry.

Since he came to the East China Sea, he has always looked at human beings with this kind of eyes, and where would it be the turn of human beings to look at him like this.

"My compatriots, kill me this ignorant inferior human being."

Aaron's words full of killing intent spread throughout the territory.

Hearing Aaron's order, the fish people in the field all rushed towards Morde with killing intent.

Most of them were bare-handed, and a few murlocs were armed with knives and guns.


A murloc shot at Maud three times in a row.

It was a three-shot flintlock gun, and its power was a little weaker.

When Maud saw the news, he caught the trajectory of the lead bullet.

Immediately, his right hand full of armed domineering swayed up and down, accurately catching three lead bullets.

"Hey, one actually succeeded."

Maud spread his right hand, revealing a good buckshot and the remains of two broken buckshots.

He just used Zhou's skills in a flash of inspiration, but he didn't expect to actually pick up the lead bullet.

The so-called Zhou, if explained according to the domineering principle, is to attach domineering to the weapon to increase the hardness and power of the weapon.

Just now, Maud was domineering on his right hand in advance, and then caught the lead bullet with his bare hands.

In that case, when the lead bullet hits the palm covered with the color of arms, it will be like hitting steel, and then it will shatter in an instant.

The reason why there is no fragmentation now is that after Maud canceled the impact of the lead bullet with his hands, he immediately separated a ray of armed color and wrapped it on the lead bullet, thus preventing the fragmentation of the lead bullet.

This operation is extremely time-consuming.

Not a little faster, not a little slower.

Only just right.

Maud just wanted to try it, but unexpectedly succeeded in one.

Such a move is unusual in the eyes of the murlocs.

"How did you do it?"

The fish people were puzzled.

Maud didn't care so much, and shot out the intact lead bullet with his fingers.

The buckshot that flew out directly killed a murloc.

Later, Maud pulled out Chidori and rushed into the murlocs to kill.

Every time a knife was cut, a murloc fell.

In less than ten seconds, more than a dozen murloc corpses appeared on the ground.

Then, Maud suddenly laughed.

"Haha, it's finally here..."

The fourth star frame of physique finally condensed.

His happy and contented laughter made the surrounding murlocs chill.

Maud slowly restrained his laughter and looked at the remaining murlocs.

It was like looking at the fish meat, making the fish people feel like they were facing a formidable enemy.

Was it considered food...?

For a moment, such thoughts popped up in the fish people's minds.

Invisibly, a chill eroded their hearts.

Aaron had already stood up, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes when he looked at Maud.

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