HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 16 Some people are born extraordinary

To give up, or to continue?

Maud clenched the handle of the gun, frowning deeply.

He didn't want to give up the opportunity he had been waiting for for days, and at the same time he didn't want to risk doing something he wasn't sure about.

At the time of the battle between heaven and man, Reid and his companions had already walked within a range of 80 meters.

In just a few seconds, Maud tried to find a reason to convince himself.

He looked up at the sky, and in vain, there was a little bit of luck in his heart.

It's fine to leave one alive, as long as you don't get caught.

With the night and the jagged buildings around, there is a great possibility of leaving in time.

At this point, Maud has made a decision.

Even if the timing is not right, it is too early to give up.

He took a deep breath and stared at the two figures walking step by step.

seventy meters.

Maud's index finger was on the trigger.

sixty meters.

Maud's index finger pressed slightly.

fifty meters.

Maud held his breath.

Just as he was about to shoot, Reid suddenly stepped up and walked towards the side of the wall.

Maud's eyelids jumped and he almost shot directly.

After seeing the next scene, Maud's suddenly accelerated heart rate slowly decreased again, and his index finger slowly moved away from the trigger.

In the alley, Reid was leaning against the wall, bent over and vomited filth at the base of the wall.

His companion patted Red on the back, and turned to Red and said something.

The dark clouds in the night sky suddenly dissipated a little, and the moonlight passed through the gap, projecting into the roadway like lights.

Maud looked at the two figures that came together, and a bold idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

"This angle... No, it's still a little bit worse."

Maud got up slowly and moved to another sniper point a few meters away.

Immediately, he half-squatted down and held his breath to aim the muzzle at the two figures in front of the alley wall.

An envisaged gun line went straight through Reid's side neck from top to bottom, and finally stopped on the eyebrows of Reid's companion.

"It works!"

The killing intent in Maud's eyes flashed away, and the index finger then pulled the trigger hard.


Deafening gunshots resounded suddenly over the alley.

The next second, the sound of two heavy objects falling to the ground was heard in the roadway.

Reid fell to the ground, his eyes were wide open, and his mouth was like an oxygen-deprived goldfish, struggling to agitate.

A blood hole was punched in his side neck, and a blood line was thrown from it, forming a small arc and falling to the ground.

As for his ferocious-looking companion, he lay there silently.

The bullet that passed through Reid's side neck, after the remaining momentum weakened, accurately drilled into his eyebrows, and then killed him on the spot.

After a while, people woken up by the sound of gunfire looked out the window.

For a while, many noises rang out in the night.

And Maud had already left the sniper spot, and went downstairs like a monkey, heading towards the weapon store.

Dozens of meters away from the sniper spot, Sol stood in the shadow of a building.

His breath seems to be integrated with the night, and even if you look closely, it is very likely to see him as a sculpture.

Looking at the two corpses in the alley from a distance, Sol suddenly said, "What do you think after reading it?"

"I don't understand, and...I don't want to believe it."

Just in time, Sunny's suspicious voice came from another shadow a few meters away.

She walked out of the shadows, different from Sol looking at the corpse in the alley, but looked at the sniper spot where people were already empty with an unbelievable look.

The face that was traversed by the knife marks was full of indescribable shock at this time.

"When Maud took the musket from Jesus cloth, I saw him fiddling with the gun in a strange way.

And he turned the gun over and over again, and that kind of performance was like the first time he came into contact with this type of gun. "

"So I'd rather believe that he fired that shot with a pistol than a musket. How...how did he do it?"

Sol glanced at Sunny who seemed to be hit.

He could understand how Sonny felt.

Because he has experienced this too.

Some things, even if you are unwilling, you can't change anything.

People have been classified from the moment they quack to the ground.

Some are born poor, some are born rich.

Some people are born gifted, some people are born unremarkable.

"Sunny, there is always a shortage of monsters in this world. Some monsters are born with knives, and some monsters are born with guns."

"Then do I still... continue to learn guns?"


Sol frowned slightly, as if he saw his own shadow in Sonny.

Seeing Sol's silence, Sunny looked negative.

"I have no talent for learning swords, and my poor physique is not suitable for specializing in physical skills. In the end, I can only learn guns."

"When Jesus bragged about my talent, I thought I was on the right track."

"But it turns out that the me in Jesus Bu's eyes at that time was different from the Maud in my eyes now."

Sonny denies herself, and the dejection can't be concealed by the night.

Saul sighed: "Maud's aptitude is indeed beyond my expectations, but in terms of gun use, I don't think you will be worse than him, although he is walking faster than you now..."

"Is this consolation?"

"I'm not going to do this thankless thing even if I'm full."

"It's really comforting."


Sol shook his head and looked at the lights in the night, meaning something.

"Sunny, this road is longer than you think. It will even be so long that you can feel what it means to be hopeless, and you and Maud have only just walked through a trivial section."

"You have to know that when I was young, I wanted to be a world-famous great swordsman, but I am the same as you in terms of using a knife... eh, don't you go? My memoirs of a hero have just started. Head, you come back to me!"

Watching Sunny walk away without looking back, Sol's wrinkled cheeks trembled several times.

"This little girl...I don't know if she has listened to her words."

Sol raised his head to look at the night sky, and the memories of the past brought out by Sunny became clearer.

He had been thwarted by talent problems, and he had thought that there was no way for him to go.


In his mind, the captain's smiling face slowly emerged.

Sol couldn't help showing a smile and continued to immerse himself in the past memories.

But soon, some bad memories came out one after another.

A man who was wielding a huge iron fist and his whole body was painted black with a domineering armament color rushed out, and then pushed the captain's smiling face aside.

Sol shook his head sharply, gnashing his teeth.

"Damn, why do you think of him at this time?"

At this time, Sol felt sick as if he had eaten a hundred flies.


weapon shop.

Maud returned to the room and put away the [Usopp] who had just made a contribution.


With a light breath, Maud summoned the Hunter's Notes.

Above the black cover, there is a slightly larger star point.

Maud lay down on the bed and felt the changes brought about by his body.

This time, there was Sunny's intelligence support, so the benefits were much better than the first time.

If it is said that the previous physical fitness is equivalent to 5 times that of ordinary people, it should be about 15 times now.

In terms of physique alone, if we understand it in terms of Dao power, that is... 150!

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