HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 13 Booty

A nautical chart can be said to be a guide for safe navigation on the sea.

On each chart, important information such as islands, wind direction, orientation, sea depth and currents will be marked as detailed as possible by drawing.

A powerful navigator can quickly understand all the current sea conditions by looking at the nautical chart.

Of course, the premise is that the chart is accurate and professional.

In the world of One Piece, where the related equipment is relatively backward, it is not easy to draw a detailed sea chart stroke by stroke.

And in this seemingly ordinary survey room, there are so many charts piled up.

While interested, Lafayette was very surprised.

"There is such a talent in the Evil Dragon Pirates? It's a pity."

Lafayette's mind flashed the murloc corpses outside.

Even if he regards life as a must, he can't help but regret at this time.

Lafayette came to the table where the charts were drawn.

When I saw the pen barrel stained with blood in the pen holder, the strange color flashed in my eyes.

"It doesn't look like it was drawn by a murloc."

With only a blood-stained pen, Lafayette has a corresponding judgment.

Without thinking much, Lafayette picked up a chart and looked at it.

After a few seconds, he put down the chart and picked up another chart to look at.

After a while, he looked at the charts he had recently drawn.

"It's amazing."

Lafayette put down the chart silently, and turned to look at the stacks of charts stacked against the wall, almost touching the ceiling.

It is difficult to estimate how many charts there are.

Assuming that's the amount of work done by one person, that's unimaginable.

Lafayette walked to one of the high stacks of charts and pulled one out.

The countless charts in the survey room caught his attention and made him forget about the search for the vault.


All that was left was the sound of flipping charts.

While not staying in the East China Sea for long, these charts clearly offer some substantial help.


at this time.

Nami walked into the territory through a gap in the wall.

After seeing the corpses of the murlocs who died tragically, Nami paused for a while, then walked over with her expression unchanged, and came to the open door.

Without any hesitation, Nami walked in.

The lobby on the first floor was so quiet that no one could be seen.

Nami glanced at the stairs, hesitated for a moment, and decided to stay where she was.

As long as you wait a while, Maud will always go downstairs.

At this time, Bailey came to the lobby with a pile of food.

After putting the food down, Bailey immediately noticed Nami.

"Wow, who are you?"

Bailey's mouth was stuffed full, and he said vaguely.

Nami was slightly startled when she saw Bailey spit out the words, but she didn't react much.

Even the murlocs have them, let alone animals that can speak human language.

"I'm here to find the wolf..."

The words stopped suddenly.

Nami doesn't know Maud's real name.

Bailey swallowed the food in his mouth, and immediately looked at Nami with a suspicious look, while protecting the food behind him without a trace.

"Woman, this place is already our territory. No matter who you are or what purpose you have, leave here for me immediately, otherwise, wait for my boss to come downstairs... hum."

"What's your boss' name?"

Nami was not frightened and asked.

Bailey raised his head and said, "My boss yelled... eh?"

Stop talking in time,

Bailey's eyes at Nami suddenly became sharp: "You are a very bad woman, and you want to lie to me!"


Nami was helpless.


Fourth floor.

Maud came floor by floor, and finally found the room where the Dragon Pirates kept their assets.

This is a room without any anti-theft measures.

A large number of banknotes are piled up into hills, and they are placed in the room aboveboard.

"Tsk tsk, if Sonny was here..."

Looking at the pile of banknotes, Maud smacked his tongue and showed a smile.

After a few steps, he took out a thick stack of Baileys from the money pile.

It was a stack of Baileys in a thousand denominations.

Maud put down the stack of Baileys and took out stacks of Baileys from the money pile one after another.

Looking at them one by one, they are basically banknotes with a denomination of one thousand or two thousand, and rarely see five thousand and ten thousand banknotes.

This also shows that there are not as many Baileys in the room as he imagined, but there are definitely not many.

If it is conservatively estimated, at least 5.6 billion to start, not to mention building a ship, it can also be used as a start-up capital to do many things.

"It's hard to carry so much money."

Maud touched his chin, feeling a little worried for a while.

Compared with things like paper money, people who have to run around the sea for many years prefer to bring gold and jewelry.

Pirates with big hearts, if they feel that they have too much money, they will also entrust a hider to keep the money.

Anyway, with the specifications of Maud's little sailboat, it really couldn't hold that many banknotes.

Even picking out the larger denomination banknotes from the money pile is a big project.

By the way, I didn't even see the Dragon Pirates' ship.

"Let's discuss it with Lafayette first."

To a certain extent, Maud's knowledge of the pirate world is far less than that of Lafayette.

Before turning to leave the room, Maud glanced back at the rich loot.

It's not unreasonable that the Age of the Great Pirates made many parts of the world chaotic and disorderly.

Maud walked down the stairs to the first floor.

In the lobby, Nami knelt on the floor and massaged Bailey.

This is her procrastination tactic.

In terms of results, it was clearly very successful.

While Bailey was enjoying Nami's massage, he picked up the food next to him and stuffed them into his mouth one by one, like an uncle.

Maud, who went downstairs, was stunned when he saw this scene.

Nami and Bailey also see Maud.

Bailey was about to get up, but Nami was one step ahead of him.

That quick and hasty act of getting up directly knocked Bailey out a few meters away.

Nami didn't care so much, and looked at Maud silently.

Maud met Nami's gaze and asked, "Is something wrong?"

"You defeated the Evil Dragon Pirates. According to the agreement, I will pay you 70 million Bailey buried in the orange forest, but..."

Nami hesitated.

She hoped that Maud would not touch the assets left by the Dragon Pirates.

However, when the words came into his mouth, he couldn't say anything.

Maud looked at Nami, shook his head and said:

"According to the content of the transaction, what I said was to help you kill all the murlocs, but I didn't kill Xiaoba. As a result, it was because I failed to complete the transaction content, and naturally it was impossible to ask you for compensation."

"Also, at a time like this..."

Having said that, Maud glanced at Nami's subconsciously clenched fingers, as if she could guess Nami's thoughts.

"Don't try to ask me anything in vain. As I said before, there is no free lunch in the world. Similarly, the pie will not fall in vain."

"We are the ones who killed the Dragon Pirates, and it is only natural to take away the spoils.

After listening to Maud's words, Nami fell silent.

This is also the fundamental reason why it is difficult for her to speak.

However, she was soon relieved.

Money is important, but it's not as important as freedom.

thought here.

Nami gave Maud a big smile.

"Thank you."

"It's me who should say thank you."

Maud thanked him in reverse, and directly stunned Nami again.

If it weren't for the detailed information provided by Nami, he wouldn't have gotten so many benefits.

However, Maud did not mean to explain.

He has several reasons to crusade against the Dragon Pirates, but there is no word for salvation.

blah blah.

A sound of footsteps came from the stairs.

Hearing the footsteps, Maud and Nami couldn't help but look over.

I saw Lafayette walking down the stairs with a stack of charts and came to the lobby.

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