HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 18 The bloody case caused by a bear child

On the eve of the World Conference, the Navy Headquarters mobilized all the navies that could be sent out.

In addition to the generals, almost all the navies that can act between the colonel of the headquarters and the lieutenant general of the headquarters are traveling to all parts of the world on warships.

Their duty is to escort the royal family of the alliance country, so as to ensure that the royal family of the alliance can reach the Holy Land Mary Joa safely.

The two warships that Maud encountered were the navy that came from the headquarters and was responsible for escorting the Carnet royal family.

The grand ship protected by two warships in the middle is the king ship of the Kanette Kingdom in the East South Sea.

As a special ship of the South German Canet royal family, it perfectly reflects an adjective in terms of function, volume, appearance and other aspects.

The smell of money!

At the bow of King Carnett's ship, a green-haired boy about eleven or twelve years old in luxurious clothes was standing on a fixed table.

This boy is the second prince of the South Canet Kingdom - Canette Lyle.

Lyle held a gilded spear with a smoking muzzle in his hand.

He fired the shots just now.

The reason is also very simple, that is, the idle time is painful.

For Lyle, although there are many slaves on the king ship that can be used for entertainment, they will get tired of playing for a long time, so it is better to take the initiative to find some fun.

However, before reaching land, sailing is an extremely boring thing.

It's obviously not an easy task to have fun on the open ocean.

Fortunately, Lyle saw a merchant ship as soon as he stepped out of the cabin.

Without any hesitation, Lyle asked the dogleg to fetch the gilded spear, and then aimed several shots at the figure on the mast.

"Look to see if you hit!"

After the shooting, the second prince of the Canet Kingdom danced with excitement on the table.

Beside the table, a soldier in armor immediately picked up the binoculars and pretended to look in the direction of the mast ship a few times.

That bad marksmanship, naturally impossible to hit the target, but...

The soldier commander, who was already used to this kind of "job", put down his binoculars and said respectfully, "On the spot, Prince Lyle's marksmanship is as good as ever!"

Lyle smiled complacently and threw the gilded spear to another soldier beside him.

"Hurry up and reload, it's rare to find a piece of fun, this prince should have fun!"

That still immature face, only can not wait excited look.

In the heart of the prince of the Kingdom of Carnet, shooting civilians for no reason seems to be a trivial matter.

On the deck of one of the warships sailing alongside the king ship.

Hearing the gunshots, a navy man in a coat with protruding teeth and premature aging frowned.

"Is that the mighty prince again?"

Buck Tooth Commodore thought to himself.

He is the person in charge of escorting the Carnet royal family this time, and he had a brief contact with the so-called Second Prince of Lyle before setting sail from the port of the South German Canet Kingdom.

The feeling given to him is that it is extremely bad.

At this time, the sound of gunshots was heard again, and although he could guess what was going on, Brigadier General Bucktooth, known for his cautiousness, ordered his deputy to confirm the matter.

Buck-toothed Brigadier General is just too cautious to age prematurely in his prime.

Soon, the deputy returned to Brigadier General Bucktooth and said in a low voice, "It was the gun fired by Second Prince Carnet, and the target was the merchant ship at two o'clock."

Brigadier General Buck-tooth frowned upon hearing this.

At such times, the best approach is to slowly stagger the course from that merchant ship.

As long as the target is lost,

That Prince Lyle will naturally lose interest.

However, the Carnet royal family who escorted this time was one of the few members of the 170 allied countries who did not like to ride on warships.

That's why there is such a king ship protected by a warship in the middle.

Although the Canet Kingdom soldiers on the king ship can increase the escort force of this escort, it also makes Brigadier General Bucktooth unable to directly control the route.

If you want to change lanes, you have to notify the people on King Carnett's ship in advance.

It can be said that the more troublesome it is, the more troublesome it is.

"never mind."

Brigadier General Bucktooth shook his head slightly.

In his opinion, even if his side did not change his way, the merchant ship that Lyle regarded as a pleasure should also slip away.

Just when he thought so, there were several gunshots from Wang Chuan's side.

Brigadier General Buck-tooth frowned again involuntarily.

This damn royal son...

Brigadier General Buck-tooth was helpless and still decided to turn a deaf ear.

At this time, the lookout above gave him a big announcement head on.

Above the sea in the distance.

Maud left the mast ship and stepped on the moon to the warship and kingship.

Lafayette had wings on his back and followed behind Maud.

Originally, Maud was still considering whether to attack these two warships.

As a result, the bear child on the king ship fired several shots at them for no reason, as if saying: Come and play with me.

Maud, who was already inclined to attack warships, made an immediate decision.

Risk and benefit coexist!

Furthermore, he and Lafayette are both capable of airborne, so there is no need to drive a ship to face the shelling power of those two warships.

Sometimes fewer people can be an advantage.

In a conventional naval battle, their armed merchant ship, which was only equipped with two artillery pieces, would not be able to withstand several rounds of shelling from the two warships.

Now, Maud and Lafayette can take the initiative and let Bailey drive the merchant ship farther.

In this way, even if Maud and Lafayette couldn't eat the two warships, they could rely on the airborne ability to get out of the battle in time and return to the merchant ship.

Maud and Lafayette's sortie move immediately put the two warships into combat readiness.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, the navy would never have imagined that these two figures would emerge from a mediocre merchant ship.

Especially that Bacardi Maud...

It was born eight months ago, and the first reward was 68 million.

But in the time that followed, this guy was like a comet, disappearing without a trace as soon as it appeared.

After eight months, I didn't expect to appear here!

"It's actually Bacardi Maud and Devil Sheriff Lafayette!"

On the deck, Brigadier General Buck-tooth stared at the two figures that were rapidly approaching.

Normally, these two warships alone are enough to form a sufficient deterrent to pirates.

Moreover, pirates generally do not take the initiative to attack warships unless necessary.

But Maud and Lafayette took the initiative.

For no reason, Brigadier General Buck-tooth found a motive for this unreasonable behavior in an instant.

Damn Second Prince Canet, what are you shooting at the merchant ships! ! !

This is good, a few shots were fired directly in the past, and two guys who were not easy to mess with.

Brigadier General Buck-tooth shook his head sharply, throwing these useless thoughts out of his head, ready to fight.

Soon, Brigadier General Buck-tooth noticed the moon-step technique used by Maud, and his face suddenly showed an incredible look.

"That's... Moonstep!!! How is that possible?!!"

Brigadier General Bucktooth was startled.

King Canet aboard.

The second prince, Lyle, saw Maud and Lafayette coming from the sky, but he was not at all afraid, but even more excited.

He raised the muzzle, aimed directly at Maud and Lafayette in the air and pulled the trigger.

A few shots in the past with no accuracy at all are naturally fruitless.

Seeing that the bear boy fired a few more shots, Maud's eyes turned cold, he canceled the moon step, and let his body fall.

Then, Maud quickly took out his flintlock gun and fired a shot at Lyle.

The buckshot flew out, making a dazzling blood hole directly on Lyle's forehead.

It happened too suddenly.

Seeing Lyle's face slumped onto the deck with a stiff face, the soldiers around him came to their senses.

"Second Prince Lyle!!"

There was chaos on the deck.

The royal family... was actually shot!

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