HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 36 The Way of Survival

In order to get a chance for life, Turkey's loud voice spread to the town.

The pirates, who were mentally prepared for Maud's arrival, all looked towards the source of the sound.

"Bacardi Maud..."

Almost all the pirates who heard the voice chanted Maud's name in their hearts.

Not as fascinating as the turkey said, that kind of statement is really exaggerated.

But hearing it is worse than seeing it.

The pirates have heard a lot of topics about Maud recently, and they also want to see with their own eyes the style of the rookie pirates with a reward of over 100 million.

Among these people, some malice is fermenting.

One million heads.

No one will ignore it lightly.

Because this is not the four seas, but a great channel that is unreasonably chaotic.

The [Pirate Code], which has a certain binding force in the four seas, is the unspoken rule among pirates, but it does not work here in the great waterway.

For example, peers will not exchange each other's heads for bounties.

This is one of the unspoken rules.

But in the great waterway, how could these vicious pirates manage so much?

If you have money, you can go to work.

This is the purest motive and their way of survival.

Once the malice spawned by the high bounty was fermented, it was out of control.

Those pirates who took a fancy to Maud's bounty mobilized one after another.

In order to increase the success rate, it is also a matter of time to join forces.

The shore of Haruko Island.

As for the changes in the town, Dada, who was the initiator, knew nothing about it.

Even if he knew, he would pluck himself out of it at the speed of light, and he had to pluck it clean.

To be fair, that group of idiots wanting to kill him has nothing to do with him.

Dada stood slightly behind Maud's side,

The probe looked at the mast boat coming towards the shore.

Silently complained about the broken ship in his heart, and then carefully looked at the several figures on the ship.

Dada knows all the famous pirates in the world by heart, and recognizes Lafayette's identity at a glance.

Devil Sheriff!

It is said to be a ruthless man who likes to abuse violence, often killing people for no reason.

However, the people who died in Lafayette's hands were basically pirates with high bounties.

As for the other two, they were not impressed.

People who can follow Maud shouldn't be nameless people anyway?

Dada was puzzled and didn't show it on his face.

It doesn't matter if they are nameless or not, just lick it and it's over.

"Idol, this is your brother, he is not an ordinary person at first glance, wow, isn't that the legendary Devil Sheriff Lafayette? He is so heroic!"

"And the strong man next to me, it's the first time I've seen such a strong man!"

"Oh my God, that beauty is so beautiful, look at those eyes... ahem, she is not inferior to the Empress of the Seven Martial Seas!"

Dada was not stingy with his praise, but he was secretive and dangerous. He didn't notice that the beauty was squinting and almost overturned.

Hearing these words, Maud couldn't help but glance up at Dada.

He is not stupid, he can see that Dada's dog-licking behavior stems from the desire to survive.

To be able to lick to this extent is considered a talent.

However, Dada's low stance does not make people uncomfortable, and it is quite comfortable to get along with.

Is this the so-called dog leg?

It's no wonder that before going out, in addition to bodyguards, those nobles also bring a few dog legs.

The mast boat is still some distance away from the shore, but Lafayette Jaya and the others are not weak and can hear Dada's words of praise.

this person……

Jaya and the others don't know how to describe their mood at the moment.

It can only be said that it is a long experience.


Bailey was furious and said, "That turkey head ignores me, unforgivable!"

Amid Bailey's resentful swearing, the mast boat leaned towards the shore.

The brothers of the turkey regiment immediately threw the rope, and with the cooperation of Lafayette, the mast boat was fixed.

In this canal that runs straight through the two islands, ships cannot moor with anchors alone. They can only rely on the assistance of external forces such as ropes to prevent them from being washed out into the open sea by the ocean currents.

After fixing the mast boat, Lafayette and a few people boarded the shore.

Dada watched several bigwigs come ashore, his face full of flattery, even with his dozen or so brothers.

Full of resentment, Bailey came to Dada.

Dada lowered his head and looked at Bailey suspiciously.

Oh, this must be the pet of the Maud Pirates.

One person and one Itachi looked at each other for a few seconds.

Bailey's eyes widened, thinking that Ben Itachi is standing in front of you, why don't you hurry up and lick it?

"What's the matter with this pet?"

Being stared at by Bailey like this, Dada was even more puzzled.

Afraid of snubbing the big guys, he didn't think much about it, so he looked away at Jaya and the others, nodding and bowing, throwing out all kinds of greetings as if he didn't want money, and soon learned about Jaya their names.

Bailey grinned when he saw Dada ignoring himself again.

"Rocket Headbutt!"

Bailey slammed into Dada's lower back.


Dada screamed and was knocked out a few meters away.


The turkey group brothers were surprised.

Bailey snorted coldly: "What the hell are you calling me, I just used a little bit of my strength, at most I just gave that turkey a headache."

What he said was true.

If he used a lot of force, with his strength, this sneak attack would be enough to make Dada drink his hatred on the spot.

"Eh? Tanuki can talk!"

The turkey brothers stared at Bailey in amazement.

Bailey shuddered.

"Rocket Headbutt!" x10.

"Boom!" x10.

The brothers of the turkey group lay on the ground and whined.

After a few seconds.

"It's really okay!"

After the pain, more than a dozen men led by Dada stood up on the spot.

Bailey ignored them, but looked curiously at a book on the ground.

This book was what he had just dropped after hitting Fei Dada.

Jaya picked up the book one step before Bailey.

She has lived on Mengmeng Island for many years. When she has nothing to do, she can only understand the outside world by reading the books on Mengmeng Island.

Over time, she developed the habit of reading.

"The way of living?"

Jaya looked curiously at the crooked handwriting on the cover of the book. The title of the book was obviously written.

Dada saw Jaya holding the book that he accidentally dropped, his face changed slightly, he walked quickly, looked at Jaya and said:

"Sister Jaya, that, that... can you give it back to me?"

Before he finished speaking, Jaya had already opened the book.

Just a few glances, Jia Ya was stunned, and turned a few pages, even more surprised.


Then, she looked at Dada with a strange look.

The content in the book is written, and it's full of nasty words of praise, as well as the experience of how to use the attitude and body movements when facing various people.

Is this the way to survive?

Being looked at by Jaya like this, Dada looked embarrassed.

"What's wrong with this book?"

Maud leaned in, he saw the name of the book.

The way of living.

It's not easy to hear.

Jaya silently handed the book to Maud.

Maud took it and glanced at it.

"Tsk, awesome."

After a cursory glance at the first few pages, Maud looked at Dada in surprise.

"Very, very powerful?"

"Of course, you wrote this yourself?"


Dada nodded sharply, and immediately looked at the man in front of him with an inexplicable gaze.

He could see that Maud was serious, not making fun of him.

"Dada, this kind of masterpiece can't be buried, so let's publish a book!"


Dada was stunned.

Publish a book?

He didn't even think about it.

Maud bowed his head and flipped through the way of survival, and it really became more and more unusual.

However, there are many shortcomings in the content of the book, but the flaws do not hide the flaws.

Maud closed the book and said seriously: "Dada, this is an absolutely good book. Promise me that this book must be published."


Seeing Maude's approval so much, Dada was moved, and felt quite as if he had met a confidant.

Jaya looked at Maud and Dada with a question mark.

She couldn't understand.

Far away, on top of a building.

A man with a camera held up a telescope with one hand and looked at Maud and the others on the shore, while the other hand held a pen and wrote on paper.

"The way of living?"

"Absolutely good book?"

"Publish a book?"

The man lip-reads the general content, then writes key words on a piece of paper.

When he heard the word "book", the man's eyes flickered slightly.

To be praised like that by Bacardi Maud, it must not be far behind.

And the serial page of the newspaper just happens to be empty...

Want to take the plunge and get your hands on a turkey Dada?

If it is really a good book, the president will definitely be very happy!

:. :

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