HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 42 Let me remember what? (2 in 1 chapter)

Those who dare to make such demonstrations will obviously not be cats and dogs.

And there are only three pirate groups in the town.

They are the Pirates led by Blood Shadow Pike, Intestine Hunter Atari, and Black Hand Hobson.

As for who the murderer was, Maud wouldn't waste his energy trying to figure it out.

Because, since he is going to make a move, he has no reason to let go of any pirate group.

Even killing all the pirates in the town was not a big deal to him.

Jaya looked at Mo De's back in silence, and could clearly feel the cold killing intent emanating from Mo De.

This feeling, when she was in town yesterday, also felt once from Maud.

The difference is that this time the killing intent is more obvious.

"Killing all is..."

If the target is a pirate, she doesn't feel anything.

It's just that it was hard for her to imagine that such words would come out of the mouth of Maud, who always had a gentle smile on her face.

Perhaps only in the face of enemies or outsiders, this young man who is younger than himself will show his ruthless side.

Jaya looked away from Maud's back and turned to look at the heads gathered on the ground.

There is no Dada in there.

Jaya said: "Dada may still be alive."

"If he is still alive, then he should try his best to come to us, but if he didn't come, I'm afraid it's bad luck."

When Maud spoke, he kicked the man's body into the canal with one foot, then walked more than ten meters away, squatted down and dug a hole with his bare hands. 【*~ Love Qi Literature! ~The novel is better and updated faster]

When Jaya heard the words and sighed softly, he got off the boat to help and carried the heads of the turkey group brothers to Morde.

Soon, Maud dug a pit, then placed the heads into the pit one by one, and finally filled in the soil to make a small earthbag.

After that, Jaya looked at Maud and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Maud said without hesitation: "When Lafayette comes back, let's do it directly.


After a pause, he looked back at Jaya.

"Sister Ya, I'll trouble you to stay and watch the boat."

"it is good."

Jaya nodded.

She knew Maud's considerations.

If you want to go to town, you must leave her or Lafayette to guard the ship's funds.

As for killing the pirates, Maud obviously prefers to bring Lafayette.

into the night.

The destruction of the turkey group did not cause any waves, and the town was still brightly lit.

Lafayette walked out of a building and immediately went to the stone avenue in the center of the town.

Coming to the avenue, the soft lights on both sides illuminated the blood on Lafayette's face.

A few minutes ago, Lafayette slaughtered everyone in that building.

Because the other party actually hit his mind on him.

In such a dark place, although it is normal to be black and black, it can only be said that these people have no eyesight, and they actually regard Lafayette as their prey, and it is a natural end to be killed.


Lafayette whispered to himself and walked out of the town.

I thought it would take at least two days to collect sufficient intelligence, but it took only one day.

All I can say is, money is easy.

And what they need most is money.


Lafayette, who was walking on the stone road, suddenly stopped and stared at the stone sculpture standing in the middle of the road ahead.

It was a stone sculpture imitating a tree bridge. It was a landmark of the town. It was placed in the most central place in the town, and this position was in the center of the stone road that ran through the whole town.

Lafayette stopped because a man who was tortured to the point of being almost humanoid hung from the stone sculpture of the tree bridge.

With the lights on both sides, Lafayette could see the face of the figure clearly, and it was Dada who helped Maud a lot yesterday.

Lafayette's eyes flashed slightly, and he quickly retracted his gaze, then bypassed the tree bridge stone sculpture and left the town on another road.

Ten minutes later, he was back on the mast boat.

Maud, who sensed Lafayette's breath, was waiting on the deck ahead of time.

"went well?"

Maud glanced at the blood on Lafayette's face.

Rafael nodded and said, "I live up to my trust."

"Come in."

Maud smiled, opened the hatch and walked in.

Lafayette followed, while Jim was watching outside.

After entering the cabin, Maud and Lafayette took their seats.

"On the way back, I saw Dada being hanged from the tree bridge stone carving, and he was seriously injured."

After taking the seat, Lafayette did not immediately talk about the intelligence, but instead mentioned the matter of Dada being hung on the stone sculpture of the tree bridge.


Maud's eyes narrowed slightly and asked, "Is he still alive?"

Rafael head.

Maud then tells Lafayette what happened at noon.

After Lafayette heard it, a dangerous light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Sending the heads of the turkey brothers to the door, and the fact that Dada was hanged on the tree bridge stone sculpture, is undoubtedly provoking the face of the Maud pirates.

This behavior makes Lafayette very unhappy.

"Kill in?"

His blood-stained face was full of murderous intent, and he had the same thoughts as Maud.

"Sure, but you need to rest now."

Maud saw that Lafayette had not rested until now in order to gather intelligence.

Before you start, recharging your energy is the most important thing.

When Lafayette heard the words, the killing intent on his face gradually faded, and he took out the collected intelligence and reward orders instead.

From 80 million to 10 million, pirate intelligence and bounty orders are all here.

Lafayette initially picked about 300 targets, but then carefully selected them, resulting in only 83 remaining.

Maud picked up the intelligence and looked at it, never expecting Lafayette to collect so much intelligence in such a short period of time.

As for the large amount of Bailey he spent, he didn't care much.


After reading the information, Maud gave Lafayette a thumbs up.

Lafayette just smiled at this.

Maud immediately summoned a notebook, corresponding to the photos and sketched portraits on the reward order, and wrote the information into the notebook one by one.

After writing, Maud closed the notebook, his eyes shining brightly.

"If you kill them all, you will definitely be able to take a big step forward."


Lafayette is looking forward to it.

He needs Maude to become stronger as soon as possible, so that he can officially start the plan to plunder the position of Qiwuhai with Maude as the center point.


The next day, the sky was clear.

In the center of the stone road in the town, many people noticed Dada, who was tortured into a human form while hanging from the stone sculpture of the tree bridge.

"That's Turkey Dada..."

Someone barely recognized Dada's identity.

The turkey mass collapse last night made no waves.

However, many people witnessed Pike beheading the members of the turkey group in the tavern.

At this time, coupled with the phenomenon that Dada, the boss of the turkey group, was hung on the stone sculpture...

"Blood Shadow Pirates want to attack Morde Pirates?"

A small group of people noticed something, and their eyes flickered to look at Dada, who was hanging on the tree bridge statue.

Suddenly, there was a noise in the distance.

The people who were paying attention to Dada looked towards the source of the sound, but saw an incredible scene.

I saw the Blood Shadow Pirates, the Intestinal Hunter Pirates, and the Black Hand Pirates come together.

The astonishing and mighty team immediately attracted many amazed eyes.

"Joining forces? This is really..."

Many people couldn't hide their surprise.

The three pirate groups that were usually at odds with each other actually joined forces.

The reason for them to do this is... to deal with the Maud Pirates?

Thinking of this possibility, many pirates who had been out of the way, as well as the bounty hunters who were hiding deeply, all became active.

If there is a suitable opportunity to step in, they will not miss it.

Whether it is Blood Shadow Parker with a bounty of up to 80 million, or Maud, who has been a hot topic recently, they are all targets that can make them hot.

When the crowd was amazed at the alliance of the three big pirate groups in the town, on the other side of the stone road, Maud strode forward.

Lafayette and Jim followed behind him, flanking him.

Bailey squatted on his shoulders.

When Maud and the others first entered the town, they were seen by Pike's eyeliner placed at the entrance.

Therefore, the three pirate groups that had been prepared for a long time arrived in advance.

A huge team of up to 600 people stood on the other side of the tree bridge statue, watching Maud and a few people coming.

Seeing that the three big pirates who joined together and the Mord pirates who arrived at Chunko Island the day before yesterday formed a confrontation in the air, many bystanders who were aware of the bad things were all rationally staying away from this place of right and wrong.

Only those who left some thoughts, chose to stay.

However, they are also withdrawing from the battle circle, and on the premise of ensuring their own safety, they will wait and watch this upcoming battle.

"How long has it been since it was lively?"

Some good people couldn't help feeling excited.

In front of the Pirate Alliance team, Hobson, who was as strong as a bear, took the lead to leave the team, and his eyes moved towards Maud.

"I'll go meet him first."

The "he" in the mouth naturally refers to Maud.

Blood Shadow Parker looked blankly at the back of Hobson, the daring artist.

And the sausage hunter Atali laughed a few times, as if to cheer for Hobson.

However, in her eyes under the thick eye shadow, there is a coldness.

As the leader, Pike and Yatalie did not stop Hobson.

Among the three of them, only the rough-skinned Hobson is the most suitable to explore the depth of Maud.

Hobson strode toward Maud.

What this fight means today.

He was clear.

As long as you can get the head of Maud's item...

Fame will swarm.

At that time, it was also the time when he officially set off towards the second island.

However, he was not naive enough to think that he could solve Maud by himself, but he also did not think that Maud could easily solve him.

The reason for taking the lead is only to get the reputation of being the first to attack.

Under the gaze of many eyes, Hobson crossed the tree bridge statue, then stopped, and looked coldly at Maud, who was walking step by step from dozens of meters away.

"Bacardi Maud, I... Black Hand Hobson!"

Hobson raised a fist the size of a casserole, his fingertips exerted force, and the leather glove on his hand stretched out a smooth surface.

"Today, let your body remember my name well."


Maud looked coldly at the confident Hobson.

Silent step!

The toes quickly tapped on the slate, and the figure suddenly disappeared in the wind, heading towards Hobson.

Seeing that Maud suddenly disappeared out of thin air, Hobson's eyes narrowed, and he saw slight dust ripples splashing from the stone road.

Suddenly, a strong sense of crisis came over him.

With experience, Hobson punched the air in front of him with all his strength without thinking, and immediately brought out a series of dull air explosions.

Where the fist landed, a figure appeared out of thin air.

Haha, this is the strength of Lao Tzu!

Seeing Maud hitting his fist, Hobson was ecstatic, as if he had seen Maud being knocked away by his own punch.


However, Maud raised his left hand in time, spread his five fingers, and steadily caught the full-strength punch from Hobson.

When the fists and palms collided, they suddenly squeezed out one after another of qi energy, blowing the clothes of the two to a screeching sound.


Hobson couldn't help being surprised when Maud didn't move after receiving his punch in the front.

Without thinking about it, Hobson's arm suddenly exerted force, wanting to retract his arm first, and then launch a close-range furious attack on Maud.


The fist could not be retracted.

For, Maud's open palm clenched Hobson's fist.

Maud didn't give Hobson a chance to react, and put an armed color on his left hand, and then crushed Hobson's fist.


Not the sound of bones breaking, but more like the harsh sound of steel being squeezed.

Iron hand?

No wonder it feels so weird.

Maud was expressionless.

Hobson's face changed drastically.

"What a powerful force..."

In addition to being shocked, Hobson was not affected at all, and decisively raised his other hand and hit Maud in the face.

Maud sneered, and the left hand holding Hobson's fist yanked down, with a stronger force than that, which directly caused Hobson to lose his balance.

Hobson's heartbeat suddenly increased, and his whole body felt cold.

The figure in front of him that made his heart beat wildly disappeared again.


Before he could react, his vision suddenly turned around.

Then, when the vision stabilized, Hobson saw his own headless body.

what happened?

The confusion in Hobson's eyes slowly solidified.

Maud held Hobson's head, and behind him was Hobson's headless corpse, who was only a step away.

"What do you want me to remember?"


At the last moment before consciousness dissipated, Hobson heard Maud's contemptuous words.

Everyone in the Pirate Alliance, as well as the bystanders who were trying to benefit from this battle, all silently looked at Maud who held Hobson's head.

Just now, they witnessed the terrifying strength of Maud and Hobson passing by, and then taking off Hobson's head with his bare hands.

"The black hand Hobson with a bounty of 48 million... was solved like this?"

"This is the strength of a reward of over 100 million."

Many pirates looked shocked, and couldn't help but look at Pike and Yatalie in front of the team.

At this moment, Pike and Yatalie's eyes were full of fear.

Stepping on your peers' high reputation is often relative.

If you step on it successfully, your reputation will naturally rise.

If you fail to step on it, it will become a stepping stone to the other's reputation.

Pike took a few steps forward with the dark red machete.

I thought that after joining forces, it would be a sure bet, but now it seems...

Maud looked at Pike, who was walking with a knife, and slowly drew out Chidori, again using silent steps.

His figure suddenly disappeared.

The slate road floated up like dust ripples when a jellyfish stretched its body.


Veins appeared on Parker's knife-holding arm.


The ripples that came swiftly from the stone road passed directly over him.

Immediately afterwards, screams came from behind.

Pike turned sharply.

The scene presented in front of him is full of eerie meaning.

Neither saw the light of the sword, nor heard the sound, and there was no sign of Maud.

However, the companions who came with him fell to the ground inexplicably.

Along with the screams, dazzling blood arrows spewed out in the air.

On top of a building not far away.

Dale, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, was stunned, and even forgot to press the camera's shutter.

Beside him, a pirate man who was in charge of guarding him was also stunned to see the bizarre scene happening below.

:. :

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