HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 47 The weak have no choice

The motive for borrowing the pirate flag is, of course, to seek shelter.

But this is the island of the beginning, and every once in a while, there are bound to be pirates visiting this place.

This alone is enough to turn Bach's expectations into fantasy.

Under this premise, if Maud lent the flag to the young man in front of him, not only would it not have any protective effect, it might even harm the residents of Haruko Island.

However, this is the first time that Maud has been asked to plant a flag for shelter, which makes him feel very novel.

It is a pity that he, the newly established pirate group, simply does not have the ability to protect the residents of Haruko Island.

Otherwise, he wouldn't mind planting the pirate flag here, and then forming a mutually beneficial relationship with the residents of Haruko Island.

Facing Bach's hopeful gaze, Maud shook his head.

No words were spoken, but the meaning of rejection was obvious.

Bach couldn't hide his disappointment.

In his limited cognition, as long as the flag of a powerful pirate group flutters in the wind here, it can deter those vicious pirates, so that Haruko Island can return to the peaceful life of the past.

Even if they can't keep all the pirates out, they don't have to go to Dongzi Island to survive.

It is because of so little knowledge that Bach makes this unrealistic request.

Seeing Maud's refusal, Bach was disappointed and suddenly realized that he was too abrupt.

If the corpses on the ground and the fire in the town were all from the hands of the two people in front of them.

So, these two people must be extremely brutal pirates, otherwise how could they do such a thing?

And if you come over to talk abruptly, if you make the other party unhappy, then it will definitely be a miserable end, right?

Bach, who was thinking about it in a short time, suddenly paled and said weakly: "You...will you kill me?"

This inexplicable remark made Maud a little surprised.

After a moment, Maud burst out laughing.

Bach looked suspiciously at Maud who was laughing.

At this moment, the fear flooding in his heart slowly faded away.

There is no basis.

He felt that the man in front of him would not hurt him.

Maud's laughter drew Jaya and Jim from the mast boat.

"Maud, are you alright?"

Jaya looked slightly nervous as he looked at Maud's blood.

"It's okay, all this blood belongs to someone else."

Maud smiled at Jaya.

Jaya was relieved, and turned to look at Bach in a hooded padded jacket.

"he is?"

"My name is Bach, and I'm a resident of the island."

Before Maud spoke, Bach took the initiative to reveal his identity.

Jaya looked at Bach after hearing the words.


At this time, Bach heard bowel sounds in his abdomen.


Bach subconsciously covered his stomach, a little embarrassed.

Jaya smiled slightly and looked at Maud with an inquiring look.

Modi intends to come to Jaya,

Just nodded.

Seeing this, Jaya immediately started to prepare food.

after an hour.

The fire in the town was getting stronger and stronger, and the billowing black smoke went toward the sky, as if to merge with the dark clouds that had gathered quietly.

After a few minutes.

After a few thunders, it rained heavily in an instant.

In front of this sudden rain, the fire in the town gradually weakened.

More than ten minutes later, the fire was doused by heavy rain.

On the central avenue of the town, a group of people in padded jackets or animal clothes walked in the rain.

In front of the crowd, Bach was leading the charge.

After learning about the situation of Chunzi Island, he returned to Dongzi Island for the first time, mobilizing all residents to return to the long-lost Chunzi Island.

At this time, their destination in the rain was a restaurant in the town that was not affected by the fire.

There, Jaya had already prepared their hot, warming and nourishing Sanxian porridge.

There were about five or six hundred people in the crowd, and there was a loud noise as they walked, which even drowned out the sound of rain.

The big movement made silhouettes vaguely appear in front of the windows of the houses on both sides of the street.

The owners of these figures were not pirates, so they were not killed by Maud and Lafayette.

At this time, these figures stood in front of the window, silently watching the crowd walking in the rain.

Under these gazes, a crowd of people walking in the rain arrived at the restaurant.

After they entered the door one after another, they only saw bowls of steaming three-fresh porridge on round tables, and the air was filled with an attractive aroma.

Under the orderly guidance of Bach, the residents who returned to Haruko Island after many years sat tremblingly on their chairs.

Everyone's face was full of indescribable excitement.

And when they picked up the bowl and spoon and took a mouthful of hot porridge, the warm current flowing from their bodies made them burst into tears.

In the entire restaurant, no one spoke, only the sound of bowls and spoons and the sound of swallowing hot porridge.

Jaya stood at the entrance of the back kitchen, silently watching the residents of Chunzi Island who were eating porridge and crying silently in the restaurant.

Mo De came to Jaya and said calmly: "In a few days, the pointer will be full of records, and after we leave, Haruko Island will not usher in any changes."

"I know."

Jaya nodded slightly.

Even if Maud and Lafayette kill all the pirates in the town, even if they provide this group of residents with hot food.

That's all it can do.

After they leave, after a while, there will still be pirates coming to Chunko Island one after another.

By that time, even if the residents of Haruko Island began to resist, they would not be able to defeat the endless stream of pirates.

This is the harsh reality that Haruko Island cannot usher in any change because of its location.

Maud did not speak any more, but calmly looked at the residents of Haruko Island in the restaurant.

The Sanxian porridge is Jaya's characteristic warming food, and the effect is immediate, making the faces of this group of people appear rosy.

in the next few days.

Jaya did his best to prepare warm and nourishing food for the residents of Chunzi Island, and wanted to help the residents of Chunzi Island to restore their bodies as soon as possible within a limited time.

Dada, who was seriously injured, recovered well after a few days of recuperation and was able to get out of bed.

On the fifth day.

The pointer was full of records, and it was time for Maud and the others to leave.

Before setting sail, Dada and the residents of Chunzi Island came to the shore to say goodbye to Maud and his party.

Dada reluctantly looked at Maud, who was standing at the side of the ship, with tears and snot.

In the past few days, Dada had the idea of ​​begging Maud to let him on board.

But at Dell's sincere invitation, Dada finally decided to become a rookie reporter, looking forward to writing reports on Maud himself in the future.

As Dell said, if you want to gather fame in a short period of time, it is absolutely necessary for them to be behind the scenes.

And Tadada is going to be the driving force behind Maud!

Before he really gets the right to speak, he has to work hard.

With the wave of goodbye from everyone, the mast boat sailed forward along the ocean current.

After a while, the mast boat disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Even so, the residents of Haruko Island were still reluctant to leave for a long time.

They looked at the direction in which the mast ship was leaving, and silently thanked the Maud Pirates for their help in their hearts.

"I want to be stronger……!"

The young Bach clenched his fists and swore in his heart.

The weak can't even choose how to die. Only by finding ways to become stronger can they break free from this sad status quo.

This is what Maud said to Bach before he parted.

And this sentence deeply penetrated into Bach's heart.

The weak... have no choice.

For this reason, you can only get stronger!


Mast on the deck of the ship.

Jaya is flipping through a yellowed ancient book.

This ancient book was a gift to Jaya from an old man among the residents of Haruko Island.

Maud glanced at the ancient book in Jaya's hand and asked curiously, "What is written in the book?"

Jaya gently turned to the next page and said, "It's the history of Gemini Island, it's very interesting to watch."


Maud muttered, but was not interested.

Jaya looked up at Maud, who lacked interest, and turned the pages of the ancient book toward Maud, while pointing his slender index finger to one of the lines.

"look here."


Maud looked at the words Jaya pointed to, and his eyes gradually showed surprise.

"The twin islands are divided into two because the giant is holding an axe and slashing?"

"Interesting, right?"

Jaya smiled.

Maud scratched his forehead and said, "It's quite interesting...but I think the content is not like history, but more like a story."

"Just be interesting."

Jaya's eyes curved into crescents.

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